The Deadline Approaches

Not sure I understand your stance on the debt ceiling. Yes, it has been raised almost routinely in the past. But my friend, we are getting into heady areas of massive debt. If the Republicans do it right I think a discussion on the debt ceiling is what we need. It points out our dependency on the very unpatriotic Chinese credit card and the differences between the two parties. Yes, the Republicans have not been champions of the balance budget but when they nominate nothing but border line liberals what can be expected? I Think Romney would have made a difference, maybe not, but at least it would have been something else. Something else is what people usually do when things are not going right, in this case we did the insane and kept the status quo.

I think you might need to attend one of [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] 's lectures. Don't want to put gas on that flame willy-nilly.

The problem is the Republicans have not shown the ability to do it right in regards to the debt ceiling I would love to see them put out a honest fact based no B.S. presentation on the danger of continuing to raise the debt ceiling so far they have failed to do so.

That might be because failing to do so.....failing to actually pay for what has already been kind of stupid.
Not sure I understand your stance on the debt ceiling. Yes, it has been raised almost routinely in the past. But my friend, we are getting into heady areas of massive debt. If the Republicans do it right I think a discussion on the debt ceiling is what we need. It points out our dependency on the very unpatriotic Chinese credit card and the differences between the two parties. Yes, the Republicans have not been champions of the balance budget but when they nominate nothing but border line liberals what can be expected? I Think Romney would have made a difference, maybe not, but at least it would have been something else. Something else is what people usually do when things are not going right, in this case we did the insane and kept the status quo.

I think you might need to attend one of [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] 's lectures. Don't want to put gas on that flame willy-nilly.

The problem is the Republicans have not shown the ability to do it right in regards to the debt ceiling I would love to see them put out a honest fact based no B.S. presentation on the danger of continuing to raise the debt ceiling so far they have failed to do so.

The people are not behind them either. Actually shutting down the government is widely unpopular and costing them voters. More importantly, that allows the democrats to hold out indefinitely as they are the benefactors of those lost voters. It makes the republican position is untenable as far as not raising the debt ceiling.
The people are not behind them either. Actually shutting down the government is widely unpopular and costing them voters. More importantly, that allows the democrats to hold out indefinitely as they are the benefactors of those lost voters. It makes the republican position is untenable as far as not raising the debt ceiling.

Republicans are leaving to become Democrats because we won't borrow more from China ?
The people are not behind them either. Actually shutting down the government is widely unpopular and costing them voters. More importantly, that allows the democrats to hold out indefinitely as they are the benefactors of those lost voters. It makes the republican position is untenable as far as not raising the debt ceiling.

Republicans are leaving to become Democrats because we won't borrow more from China ?

Yes. That is exactly what he said. You focus in on the point like a laser!
The people are not behind them either. Actually shutting down the government is widely unpopular and costing them voters. More importantly, that allows the democrats to hold out indefinitely as they are the benefactors of those lost voters. It makes the republican position is untenable as far as not raising the debt ceiling.

Republicans are leaving to become Democrats because we won't borrow more from China ?

Yes. That is exactly what he said. You focus in on the point like a laser!

I am not certain repubs are becoming dems in any meaningful number due to lack of repub capitulation on the debt ceiling
I think you might need to attend one of [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] 's lectures. Don't want to put gas on that flame willy-nilly.

The problem is the Republicans have not shown the ability to do it right in regards to the debt ceiling I would love to see them put out a honest fact based no B.S. presentation on the danger of continuing to raise the debt ceiling so far they have failed to do so.

That might be because failing to do so.....failing to actually pay for what has already been kind of stupid.

So is continuing purchasing more than you can afford yet our government seems to have no problem doing that which leads to 17 trillion dollar debt and having to constantly raise the debt ceiling. You have to stop doing the first or you will never be able to stop with the second.
The problem is the Republicans have not shown the ability to do it right in regards to the debt ceiling I would love to see them put out a honest fact based no B.S. presentation on the danger of continuing to raise the debt ceiling so far they have failed to do so.

That might be because failing to do so.....failing to actually pay for what has already been kind of stupid.

So is continuing purchasing more than you can afford yet our government seems to have no problem doing that which leads to 17 trillion dollar debt and having to constantly raise the debt ceiling. You have to stop doing the first or you will never be able to stop with the second.

Congress spends the money.
That might be because failing to do so.....failing to actually pay for what has already been kind of stupid.

So is continuing purchasing more than you can afford yet our government seems to have no problem doing that which leads to 17 trillion dollar debt and having to constantly raise the debt ceiling. You have to stop doing the first or you will never be able to stop with the second.

Congress spends the money.

Did I imply or state they didn't? Whenever anyone in Congress suggest spending less they are portrayed as a monster and villain no matter how sound their reasoning might be. So given this how do we get out of this moronic cycle of spend more raise the debt ceiling spend more raise the debt ceiling?
So is continuing purchasing more than you can afford yet our government seems to have no problem doing that which leads to 17 trillion dollar debt and having to constantly raise the debt ceiling. You have to stop doing the first or you will never be able to stop with the second.

Congress spends the money.

Did I imply or state they didn't? Whenever anyone in Congress suggest spending less they are portrayed as a monster and villain no matter how sound their reasoning might be. So given this how do we get out of this moronic cycle of spend more raise the debt ceiling spend more raise the debt ceiling?

What if we were not broke?

Would that blow your mind?

The rest of the free world is very confident in our ability to pay our bills. Why?
Obama will lie and say the website is working fine. The mainstream media will cover for him until it becomes painfully obvious it still sucks.

The real problem happens when 80 million or folks with employer sponsored insurance start getting cancellation letters next year. Then all hell breaks loose.

That's not the only hardship people will face.

The Dems kept lying and lying about what was in the bill and they constantly claimed that Republicans wanted to stop 30 million people from getting health insurance, even though the actual number of uninsured who wanted insurance was well under 10 million. The whole point, supposedly, was to insure the small percent of Americans, yet the result will be a large percent of Americans uninsured and the rest are either subsidized or will pay premiums up to three times higher.

No one is being helped. Obamacare is hurting far more people than it will help. Of course, the object was not really to help the people, but to help government inject itself further into our lives and usurp our control over our own lives. It's a massive redistribution where the middle class will be stomped down to poor and the wealthy will be attacked until they are no longer wealthy. Of course, once the money runs out, we will be a sad rerun of other failed countries. That is just how liberals roll.

Prepare yourselves for either losing your health insurance, paying up to three times as much for less and facing huge tax increases. It's going to be bad. This is the real plan. Socialists can't have any person living better than another, regardless of effort. They really think that if they take us all down, they can rule over their perfect little world. Their narcissism doesn't allow them to understand that other people have feelings, desires and ambitions, too. They think we are like mice in a lab and they can control us for their own amusement and sense of power. Their egos are so damn huge that they will enjoy choosing our food, controlling our actions, dictating what our habitats look like and they might even train us to do tricks. All the while, they eat what they want, enjoy privileges that we have no right to, live like royalty and enjoy total freedom. And the only people who could possibly go along with the liberal agenda are those who think they'll be the masters or those who think anything is better than having to take care of themselves.

This law is designed to kill the middle class and it is no accident.

The Hidden Obamacare Taxes That Will Crush The Middle Class

In fact, analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow.

Money Morning
Why are you guys making stuff up? Obama clearly said today that the Nov 30th date was never meant to be taken literally.

Just like if you like your plan you can keep it.
If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor....period.
It's our fault we believed the stuff that came out of his mouth.

And they took the web site down for maintenance tonight and is supposed to launch
tomorrow morning.

You know Amazon takes their web site down for hours when they are doing maintenance too. Right? Don't they? Uh oh.
Obama clearly said about 3 weeks ago the web site would be fully functioning on the 30th. About a week ago Sibelius said the web site would offer a "significantly better experience." They have been backing off their promise for weeks already.
The web site is not fixed. It is not going to be fixed. It will need to be scrapped and another one built. That might work. As long as the same numbskulls arent in charge.
Really this should have been the easiest part of Obamacare. The US has about 15 years' good experience building big websites like this. That we had to sub it to Canada should have been the first indication it would not go well.
Republicans will demand the deadline for the individual mandate be postponed as a condition for passing a CR budget before Christmas recess.
An if Democrats don't agree, Republicans will do what? They shutdown the government and public support dropped to lowest point in history. I don't think they'll try that again.

The crazy thing about this, is almost every insurance company will allow you to sign up for a grandfathered plan directly with them.

You’re kidding right? You must be kidding. If you think that it is beyond the republicans to make that same mistake again I don’t think that you have been watching the same Republican Party that I have.

How many times have we had the celling and debt argument in the government? How many have they won? What is one more time right before another election….
Anything is possible, but any gains they have made by the administration's fumble on rolling out Obamacare would be lost. I can't believe they would be that dumb.
Congress spends the money.

Did I imply or state they didn't? Whenever anyone in Congress suggest spending less they are portrayed as a monster and villain no matter how sound their reasoning might be. So given this how do we get out of this moronic cycle of spend more raise the debt ceiling spend more raise the debt ceiling?

What if we were not broke?

Would that blow your mind?

The rest of the free world is very confident in our ability to pay our bills. Why?

When you owe more than you earn your broke.
Since we are broke no.
Because we continue the same stupid cycle I have already pointed out how many other countries that have followed this pattern have had to be bailed out? When this house of cards we have built comes crashing down who will bail us out?
That might be because failing to do so.....failing to actually pay for what has already been kind of stupid.

So is continuing purchasing more than you can afford yet our government seems to have no problem doing that which leads to 17 trillion dollar debt and having to constantly raise the debt ceiling. You have to stop doing the first or you will never be able to stop with the second.

Congress spends the money.

No. The president proposes the budget. Try again?
i am looking forward to those boneheads on fox who will try to spin this all over again.they sure are convinced that members of the GOP are working on the website.

They already started. Siberlius said she wasnt getting a lot of help from the GOP. Obama, who regularly apes his female cabinet members, said the same thing.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

democrat Senators have given obama until Nov 30 to get his act together on the website.

It's pretty well known now that is not going to happen.

What do you think will happen? Will democrat Senators stick with obama? Will they bolt and start criticizing him? Bad?

This is a bigger deal than you think. A very big deal won't be perfect on Dec. 1, administration says | TheHill

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare - Alex Isenstadt -

What happens?

I think there will be a 'grace period' and then democrat Senators desert obama like rats on a sinking ship.

This thing only gets worse and democrats take a beating in next year's Midterms.

Could get ugly, people

It's going to get ugly. It's not only the web-site or whether or not it's working. Just wait until the American public gets a look at their new premiums. Because of all the mandates in Obamacare--pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye health--dental--the premiums are outrageous--and you really have no choices to eliminate these mandates to save you in premiums. IOW--under Obamacare regardless if you will never use these mandates--you are required to have them.

Now you take a family that has already had their kids--they don't need pre-natal--yet they are required to pay for that coverage. Regardless of age or gender it is a requirement.
Basically Obamacare is a national group insurance policy.

What does this do? Drive premiums through the roof which is Obamacare. It's not cheap--and it's certainly not lower as was promised by Obama.

And that will be the last straw that breaks the camels back on the mid-term election for Democrats. Democrats are going to get creamed in November 2014 because of that.

They continually lied to the public--and it's going to be pay-back time in November 2014.

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