The Deadline Approaches

Obama-Care in a nutshell: Yo Crackerhead Rich Honky's gots to pay for all of them lazy,fat,smoking,fast food eating poor folks who are too stupid to figure dings out for demselves (sounds like how Al Sharpton would describe it).

lol,i'm with you bro, even i wonder what al sharpton does while waiting for another white to attack a black man drinking ice tea. and i am still waiting for Obama to tell us that the young has to pay for the poor!
I went through the entire registration process yesterday. Except for about a 30 second delay when validating, it was as fast any web site. I had no problem at all. I don't think it's very well designed compared to most commercial web sites, but it does work and it's pretty fast.

In a press release today, today the White House:

"The bottom line is health on December first is night and day from where it was October first," said Jeffrey Zients, the president's appointee to fix the website's problems. "The site is now stable and operating at its intended capacity at greatly improved performance."

When the site — which allows people to compare private plan benefits and costs before buying an insurance policy — launched Oct. 1, millions of people were disappointed by slow or frozen pages, an inability to log in, and incorrect or missing information. The White House tapped Zients to lead a team to fix the site.

At the beginning of November, Zients said the site had an "up time" of just 43%. As of Nov. 30, the site's up time was 95%.

After hardware updates and bug fixes that continued through the weekend, the federal health exchange site now has the capacity to serve 50,000 people at a time, for a total of 800,000 people a day, according to a report issued Sunday by the Department of Health and Human Services.

White House claims success on repairs
Obama-Care in a nutshell: Yo Crackerhead Rich Honky's gots to pay for all of them lazy,fat,smoking,fast food eating poor folks who are too stupid to figure dings out for demselves (sounds like how Al Sharpton would describe it).

lol,i'm with you bro, even i wonder what al sharpton does while waiting for another white to attack a black man drinking ice tea. and i am still waiting for Obama to tell us that the young has to pay for the poor!

He's in the "shake-down" business. Just like Jesse Jackson and all the rest. Including Ralph Nader when he was active.

All of those 'community activists' and 'for cause' celebs who go on TV and hold protests and get in the papers and are always complaining about something or someone....??

Blackmailers or extortionists is an easier way to to describe them.

They all have charities. All of them. All.Of.Them.

And they go to Companies and say, "Would you please contribute millions of dollars to my charity, "We Be Helping Blacks"? Because, if you don't, you're going to have more trouble than you can handle."

Same thing with the women's groups and the abortion lobby and the gay rights crowd and so on, etc, ad nauseum.

And if they don't contribute to 'Butt Rangers R' Us' then, somehow or another, a bad article about them finds its way into the newspapers.

Funny how that happens, huh?

Usually, they get protested by dozens of 'protesters'. At which protest, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM shows up and, always looking for a 'cause', write a sympathetic article.

They're blackmailers. It's what they do. It's who they are.

It's how they get their money. In case you were wondering :dunno:

And they're ALL dimocraps. Every.Single.One.Of.Them.


Here is another one of the interesting Obamacare facts we don't hear much about that I caught on the way home there is a call center that has translators available in up to 150 languages to answer questions and help people understand some of the terminology. Outside of English and Spanish do we really need translators for the other 148 languages? Hell can you even guess what the other 148 might be?
The people who are paying attention to the website are the millions and millions of people who need insurance, many of whom live in red states which refuse to set up state web sites.

The federal website will get fixed, sooner or later, and those people will get insurance. And they won't forget who provided it, and who stood in the way. And they won't forget it was the federal government which solved their problems, and state government once again failed them.

So enjoy the monkey dance over the website problems while you can.

Where's that.....Oh never mind. BLAH BLAH BLAH..
When you libs keep making stuff up as you go along, your words become meaningless.
The only thing standing in the way of Obamacare is this administration's own ineptitude.
What your side's fail is it is the fact that you believe people cannot survive without health insurance. That is false. But it's your narrative. Your talking point.
The implications of its success would be wonderful. But there is not a success. There is a colossal failure.

Maybe it is because of your anti-civilization party that is causing the failure? Ever wonder about that, moron!:evil:

Oh that's right. Your pet project is a pile of crap so what do you do? Blame the GOP....In fact why don't you just blame Bush.
Fucking spectacular.
Obama couldn't make it happen.

Whoda thunk ?

Actually, the website is already working much better than it did... which is why you aren't hearing as much about problems.

Your ability to milk the "Website don't work" narrative is about to expire.

Do you not recognize a White House plant story when you see one?
It's been common practice for decades.
Well, you'll whine about it whether it works or not....

Complete bullshit as usual. Just more crap you pulled out of your ass. Go to google news. Query Read stories. Educate self.

Another libtard who spouts off with zero factual information. Sad :(

Yawn, guy, month old Google stories don't interest me.

Fact is, a year from now, ObamaCare will be loved and Repukes will deny they were ever against it.
Only fantasies of a Utopian socialist paradise interest you.
Oh, Cleetus, I'd still put my professional resume up against yours anyday. A guy who thinks that owning a pickup truck makes him "Succesfull" is kind of retarded.

No the new truck, albeit materialistic among other more meaningful gains from my employer, are the trappings of providing value to a corporation and being handsomely remunerated for it.

Yup, you and the boss be going 'possum hunting tomorrow.. Weee-haaaaa...

And you are such an elitist intellectual. I suppose you believe outdoor activities are somehow beneath you. And only "those people" do those barbaric things.
hey joey....have you ever wondered why you are always wrong?
Aside from being really pissed off, most Americans have written off obamacare. Go without and pay a small penalty. If you get seriously sick, sign up then.
Hey dumbo, stop showing your ignorance. Your statement makes as much sense as saying wait until you have a serious auto accident before buying auto insurance. Health insurance companies have SIGN UP PERIODS. If you miss the sign up period you are not allowed to sign up until next years sign up period.
If you could do that individual bankrupcies for medical reasons would not be the number one reason for bankrupcies.

Preexisting conditions. Obama says those are covered.
Ok, so now that statement was true but not accurate....Wonderful. Another lie from Dear Leader
Here is another one of the interesting Obamacare facts we don't hear much about that I caught on the way home there is a call center that has translators available in up to 150 languages to answer questions and help people understand some of the terminology. Outside of English and Spanish do we really need translators for the other 148 languages? Hell can you even guess what the other 148 might be?
Haven't heard about this. There is a company called Trustmark that offers translation services to healthcare providers and insurance companies. If an insurance company or healthcare provider needs help they can arrange a conference call with a translator. I think it's a good idea and it's not that expensive. It sounds like is using them or a similar service.
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Aside from being really pissed off, most Americans have written off obamacare. Go without and pay a small penalty. If you get seriously sick, sign up then.
Hey dumbo, stop showing your ignorance. Your statement makes as much sense as saying wait until you have a serious auto accident before buying auto insurance. Health insurance companies have SIGN UP PERIODS. If you miss the sign up period you are not allowed to sign up until next years sign up period.
If you could do that individual bankrupcies for medical reasons would not be the number one reason for bankrupcies.

Preexisting conditions. Obama says those are covered.
Ok, so now that statement was true but not accurate....Wonderful. Another lie from Dear Leader
Preexisting conditions are covered but you have to signup for the insurance which takes time. Once the exchanges close which will be Dec 31st beginning next year, you will have to wait a year. Even if you decide to buy a policy off the exchange, you'll be faced with a waiting period. If you get your insurance through your employer, you will have to wait for the yearly open enrollment. There are exceptions to the rule but refusing to carry insurance till you get ill is not one of them.
Here is another one of the interesting Obamacare facts we don't hear much about that I caught on the way home there is a call center that has translators available in up to 150 languages to answer questions and help people understand some of the terminology. Outside of English and Spanish do we really need translators for the other 148 languages? Hell can you even guess what the other 148 might be?
Haven't heard about this. There is a company called Trustmark that offers translation services to healthcare providers and insurance companies. If an insurance company or healthcare provider needs help they can arrange a conference call with a translator. I think it's a good idea and it's not that expensive. It sounds like is using them or a similar service.

Don't know just something I caught on the radio they didn't talk about expense it was the 150 languages that caught my attention overall it's not a big deal to me still it does seem a bit excessive and silly in my opinion.

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