The Deadline Approaches

Because of all the mandates in Obamacare--pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye health--dental--the premiums are outrageous--and you really have no choices to eliminate these mandates to save you in premiums.

if you had looked on site there are many policies available that do not cover the above categories.

* that's why there are: Bronx - Silver - Gold and Platinum ....

i am looking forward to those boneheads on fox who will try to spin this all over again.they sure are convinced that members of the GOP are working on the website.

They already started. Siberlius said she wasnt getting a lot of help from the GOP. Obama, who regularly apes his female cabinet members, said the same thing.

There wasn't one single Republican that voted for Obamacare--they were even blocked from attending committee meetings on it. Why on earth would they jump in here to pull democrats chestnuts out of the fire--:cuckoo:

IN FACT--a bill that would have actually let Americans keep their policies if they liked them-was introduced into the Senate back in 2010 by a Republican and every democrat in the Senate voted AGAINST it, including all the senate Democrats that are running for reelection in 2014.
Flashback: Senate Democrats Killed 'Keep Your Plan' Enforcement Bill in 2010 - Guy Benson

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Because of all the mandates in Obamacare--pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye health--dental--the premiums are outrageous--and you really have no choices to eliminate these mandates to save you in premiums.

if you had looked on site there are many policies available that do not cover the above categories.

* that's why there are: Bronx - Silver - Gold and Platinum ....


The only choices under Obamacare--are how much you want in a deductible and or co-pays--that's it. That's what the Gold--Bronze and Silver plans indicate. Silver being the $6000.00 dollar deductible.

The premiums are still too high because it is mandated under Obamacare that everyone pays for pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye--and dental coverage. Where in the heck did you think Obama was going to get the money to cover another 40 million uninsured--if he wasn't going to overcharge everyone else for coverage they'll never use or need?

My state Obamacare exchange is working just fine. Here it is if you want to browse around. If you can find anything that looks affordable to you let me know.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
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Obama clearly said about 3 weeks ago the web site would be fully functioning on the 30th. About a week ago Sibelius said the web site would offer a "significantly better experience." They have been backing off their promise for weeks already.
The web site is not fixed. It is not going to be fixed. It will need to be scrapped and another one built. That might work. As long as the same numbskulls arent in charge.
Really this should have been the easiest part of Obamacare. The US has about 15 years' good experience building big websites like this. That we had to sub it to Canada should have been the first indication it would not go well.

Michelle's college friend apparently didn't major in computer programming. Over a billion dollars has been spent on building and attempting to fix the site. I want to see an itemized bill. We clearly aren't paying professionals. They had 3 fucking years and this is the best they could do. Pitiful, isn't it?

Overspending on a website shows how irresponsible this regime is with our money.
Why are you guys making stuff up? Obama clearly said today that the Nov 30th date was never meant to be taken literally.

Just like if you like your plan you can keep it.
If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor....period.
It's our fault we believed the stuff that came out of his mouth.

And they took the web site down for maintenance tonight and is supposed to launch
tomorrow morning.

You know Amazon takes their web site down for hours when they are doing maintenance too. Right? Don't they? Uh oh. took on 7.5 million on Black Friday alone. They handle millions every day of the week--while your fantastic federal government spent 650 million tax payer dollars and 3 years to build a web-site that doesn't work.

Also, there are several IT security experts that have given testimony to congress that are giving very dire warnings of even using the Federal Government Obamacare web-site--because of security issues.
78% Fear ObamaCare Website Security, Could Deter Exchange Signups -


its Dec.1st and the ACA is still the law of the land ... not many have mentioned the multitude of policies available and the associated variable rates or that health care costs have slowed to a craw in the last three years.

the naysayers will soon be seen looking for that something to hide behind ... good luck.


I'm only concerned with the people who couldn't afford healthcare before, still can't now and will be paying the freight for others.

its Dec.1st and the ACA is still the law of the land ... not many have mentioned the multitude of policies available and the associated variable rates or that health care costs have slowed to a craw in the last three years.

the naysayers will soon be seen looking for that something to hide behind ... good luck.


I'm only concerned with the people who couldn't afford healthcare before, still can't now and will be paying the freight for others.

That sounds horrible! Good thing that isn't 't the case, huh?
Yeah except it is Leftytonn.

Nah. Not really.

But....let's say it was. Do you think that is what I want to see happen? Are you one of the real crazies.......who think half of the country is trying to destroy America?

If this law had some unintended consequences that produce a burden on those who can least afford health care prior to the law, don't you think that people like me would advocate changes to it? Or...are you one of those nuts who thinks that this was done to us......and our input is not of consequence?

Try harder.

its Dec.1st and the ACA is still the law of the land ... not many have mentioned the multitude of policies available and the associated variable rates or that health care costs have slowed to a craw in the last three years.

the naysayers will soon be seen looking for that something to hide behind ... good luck.

There are four policies. Period. The rates are higher and the benefits lower. Period. Health care costs are lower because of the recession. Period.
Obamacare polls at increasingly lower approval levels. Every promise made for the program is being revealed as a cynical lie.
Yeah, let the Dems run on Obamacare in 2014. Please.
Obama-Care in a nutshell: Yo Crackerhead Rich Honky's gots to pay for all of them lazy,fat,smoking,fast food eating poor folks who are too stupid to figure dings out for demselves (sounds like how Al Sharpton would describe it).
Obama-Care in a nutshell: Yo Crackerhead Rich Honky's gots to pay for all of them lazy,fat,smoking,fast food eating poor folks who are too stupid to figure dings out for demselves (sounds like how Al Sharpton would describe it).

Did you spend some time on that, or was it the result of a flash of brilliance?
Because of all the mandates in Obamacare--pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye health--dental--the premiums are outrageous--and you really have no choices to eliminate these mandates to save you in premiums.

if you had looked on site there are many policies available that do not cover the above categories.

* that's why there are: Bronx - Silver - Gold and Platinum ....


The only choices under Obamacare--are how much you want in a deductible and or co-pays--that's it. That's what the Gold--Bronze and Silver plans indicate. Silver being the $6000.00 dollar deductible.

The premiums are still too high because it is mandated under Obamacare that everyone pays for pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye--and dental coverage. Where in the heck did you think Obama was going to get the money to cover another 40 million uninsured--if he wasn't going to overcharge everyone else for coverage they'll never use or need?

My state Obamacare exchange is working just fine. Here it is if you want to browse around. If you can find anything that looks affordable to you let me know.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
Indeed. Socialism on parade. The people are being bilked...and too many don't see it, but march in lock step.
did anyone catch that lady on Fox News Sunday trying to convince us that everything is going well? and wouldn't answer chris wallace regarding how the young will be forced to pay for the elderly?
did anyone catch that lady on Fox News Sunday trying to convince us that everything is going well? and wouldn't answer chris wallace regarding how the young will be forced to pay for the elderly?

I caught it.

She was in the process of answering him.......and he tried put words into her mouth.........and then she finally said that some young people, depending on income and circumstances....would see a better deal.

Then Wallace gave the lying fucktard sitting next to her the "last word".

Now...let's be honest. That woman was not as articulate as she could have been....which is why she was on the show in the first place, She is not an expert that anyone recognizes....I have never seen her before. She was intimidated......and Wallace pushed her around.....even as he was asking that question.

The "liberals" that FOX hires to do these panels are not the greatest among us. Par for the course. But you ate it up like a good little puppy, didn't you?
Because TV shows always look for the most inarticulate spokespeople to represent a side they usually take, right?
Wow, the desperation on the Left is palpable.
Because TV shows always look for the most inarticulate spokespeople to represent a side they usually take, right?
Wow, the desperation on the Left is palpable.

Are you trying to say something?

Dont worry about it. You wouldn't understand it even if I explained it to you.

Oh! OK. Good. I thought for a minute that you were going to try and make sense. That would be dangerous for you. You are getting old and frail.
Because of all the mandates in Obamacare--pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye health--dental--the premiums are outrageous--and you really have no choices to eliminate these mandates to save you in premiums.

if you had looked on site there are many policies available that do not cover the above categories.

* that's why there are: Bronx - Silver - Gold and Platinum ....


The only choices under Obamacare--are how much you want in a deductible and or co-pays--that's it. That's what the Gold--Bronze and Silver plans indicate. Silver being the $6000.00 dollar deductible.

The premiums are still too high because it is mandated under Obamacare that everyone pays for pre-natal--drug abuse--mental health--eye--and dental coverage. Where in the heck did you think Obama was going to get the money to cover another 40 million uninsured--if he wasn't going to overcharge everyone else for coverage they'll never use or need?

My state Obamacare exchange is working just fine. Here it is if you want to browse around. If you can find anything that looks affordable to you let me know.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
I check the Anthem Blue Cross site since it didn't require registration. The following plan is for a single 30 year old male in zip code 8002, Denver.
Premium: $109.98/mo without subsidy
Deductible and out of pocket maximum in $6350. This means you pay all medical cost of to $6350. After that all medical costs are paid, no co-pays or co-insurance.

Depending the amount of subsidy, premiums can drop to as low as $25/mo

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