The Deadline Approaches

The interesting discussion here is whether ObamaCare will be well received by the time of the election next November.

I don't think the disastrous handling of the website by the Obama Administration will be much of a factor by then. By then, it will be the merits of the law itself....and under this present cynical and Machiavellian Administration and its lap dog media, the test of success is going to be:

Did a majority of the people get free stuff?

I think it is going to be a near run thing.

You see, the law was supposed to be revenue neutral, Obama assured us of that, over and over, but that was just to get the law passed. It was a Lie of course, at least it restricted the amount he could get. You have to hide the fraud and to do that you have to hide the money (that is, the borrowing of the money)...and there is only so much you can hide. (This ain't quite Venezuela yet.)

Thus restricted, he had to drop a good deal of the burden of this new Utopian Gift to the citizens...on the Middle Class. They had to pay. He hid that well long as he could...with Lie after Lie after Lie about how you could keep you policy if you wanted too. No American President has told so many lies to so many for so long...and been caught red-handed.

But, in ObamaWorld, what does it matter if 5 million people (likely mostly Republicans) lose their insurance and then have to pay more for stuff they don't need....if 8 million people will accept Medicaid or Subsidies from Big Brother then go home and wait to be told when to vote for Democrats?

Socialism (or Liberalism if they want to pretend for now) is at war with the Self-reliant and next November we will see if they have been able to buy off a majority with free stuff.

Its going to be close because they have drawn a lot of people onto the Federal Plantation.
It will depend on the candidates.
It will depend on the media.
If the republicans again run a poor candidate they are doomed.
The media will push the democrat candidate knowing full
well the low information voters will vote based on who the media pushes.
It will depend on the candidates.
It will depend on the media.
If the republicans again run a poor candidate they are doomed.
The media will push the democrat candidate knowing full
well the low information voters will vote based on who the media pushes.

Absolutely! Us low info voters.....we don't know better. All we know is how to pick winners. Such a useless skill.
For the last four almost five years people liked the idea of Obamacare then it was rolled and people got to see the reality of Obamacare and I'm not talking about simply the website that was a disaster and a embarrassment but one that will be fixed what can't be fixed are the loss of policies and doctors people were told they could keep which we will likely see more of when the employer mandate kicks in which the administration must know as it pushed part of that back past the 2014 midterms nor will it fix the high deductibles and premiums that have come with the roll out. One of the few constant in politics is that nothing gets and keeps the voters attention like a shot in their wallet.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

democrat Senators have given obama until Nov 30 to get his act together on the website.

It's pretty well known now that is not going to happen.

What do you think will happen? Will democrat Senators stick with obama? Will they bolt and start criticizing him? Bad?

This is a bigger deal than you think. A very big deal won't be perfect on Dec. 1, administration says | TheHill

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare - Alex Isenstadt -

What happens?

I think there will be a 'grace period' and then democrat Senators desert obama like rats on a sinking ship.

This thing only gets worse and democrats take a beating in next year's Midterms.

Could get ugly, people

The deadline is here. The yahoo headlines say they aren't sure if the revamped site will function or not, but we'll know in the next week.

I fear that the revamping may have included removing needed security and putting out a basic website that might work, but won't function as it should. They had serious security issues that affected anyone who went to the site and that should have been a much bigger concern than handling high volumes of traffic. The Dems are more worried about getting lots of people signed up than they are about the safety of people going to the site. Considering how easy it was for hackers to gain access, it may be months before we realize the extent of the damage done to people. Even those who were able to complete their enrollment put their info at risk and were locked into plans they don't like. Those who suffered sticker shock and tried to back out were asked, maybe by the navigators, how they intended to pay their fines. Of course, they suggest that you can choose weekly or bi-weekly and they will automatically take it from your account, which they have real time access to once you typed in your information. Nothing like doing the check out process before people shop, but then this isn't optional and you don't get a choice.

The navigators have been caught on tape cheating and helping people scam the system. Other navigators have been caught on tape offering to sell people's information. This is what happens when there is no screening process to determine who will be trusted with your most vital information.

Obamacare will collapse on it's own if things continue the way they have. Before we get this repealed and get back on track, there will be lots of problems.

Of course the Dems aren't concerned with the suffering of people since they got what they wanted, which was control over our lives and the economy. Even though more people will be uninsured than before they started, they aren't sounding the alarms now. Before, it was a crisis that so many (in reality, under 10 million) were uninsured, but now that nearly 100 million could lose their insurance and not be able to afford to get it, the Dems don't call it a crisis, they call it a glitch.

The real story with Obamacare isn't a website that doesn't work or new people getting insured. It's about the little things throughout the bill that transfer power from the people to government.

Navigators and the panels who will decide life or death will know everything about you, including how you are registered to vote. Do you think your party affiliation will affect their decision on whether to grant you permission for the heart bypass surgery? Or will Dem supporters claim that they only discriminate against right leaning groups for denial of tax exempt status or pick them for audits? The cancer patient who went on TV to tell the public about how he lost his insurance because of Obamacare and can no longer afford it is now being audited. Hell of a coincidence, but we've come to expect as much from this regime.

So, liberals, why it is now better that more people are uninsured and those who still pay (without gubmint subsidies) will pay higher premiums? This will bring down middle class and any of you with a brain knows the endgame with Obama's agenda. Keep up the lies and be a good little comrade. You're all waiting for capitalism to come crashing down so we can become a dictatorship. The idiots in San Fran (Pelosi voters) are publicly telling Obama to declare himself a dictator and get things changed already.
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The administration wants to keep the number visiting the website at one time to 50,000 to make sure it does not crash on Thanksgiving day Walmart had nearly 400 million page views a interesting distinction between a private sector company running something and government.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

democrat Senators have given obama until Nov 30 to get his act together on the website.

It's pretty well known now that is not going to happen.

What do you think will happen? Will democrat Senators stick with obama? Will they bolt and start criticizing him? Bad?

This is a bigger deal than you think. A very big deal won't be perfect on Dec. 1, administration says | TheHill

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare - Alex Isenstadt -

What happens?

I think there will be a 'grace period' and then democrat Senators desert obama like rats on a sinking ship.

This thing only gets worse and democrats take a beating in next year's Midterms.

Could get ugly, people

Dems are going to do what it takes to keep their seats. Even if it means kicking Obama to the curb.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

democrat Senators have given obama until Nov 30 to get his act together on the website.

It's pretty well known now that is not going to happen.

What do you think will happen? Will democrat Senators stick with obama? Will they bolt and start criticizing him? Bad?

This is a bigger deal than you think. A very big deal won't be perfect on Dec. 1, administration says | TheHill

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare - Alex Isenstadt -

What happens?

I think there will be a 'grace period' and then democrat Senators desert obama like rats on a sinking ship.

This thing only gets worse and democrats take a beating in next year's Midterms.

Could get ugly, people
Both House and Senate will continue doing nothing for about two more weeks and then start their holiday break.
Hasn't the deadline been moved to Dec. 15th? And now one insurance carrier, I believe it is CMS can deal directly with consumers in Texas, Ohio and Florida. Now why didn't they do that originally with all insurance companies? Oh, that what we had before Obamacare and it worked very well.

The administration is changing this for one state and that for another... changing the deadline for two weeks, nothing is going to help. Grasping for straws in the dark is never a good idea.
A lot of people have asked that question. Insurers can handle the enrollments, mostly online. They've been doing it for years. All they need is the module for determining the subsidy.

The Exchange as first proposed in the Senate was to mirror the Medicare site where customers compare all supplemental plans then select the one they are interested in and be transferred to company's website. It's simple, fast and it's the way the exchange should work.
well, it actually worked today, 59 days latter - there are plans there better than the one I presently have and cheaper ... seriously, the (clusterfuck) could rewind itself and become the foundation for sane and rewarding health care for generations of Americans to come well into the foreseeable future.

what exactly is the Republican alternative ?
There is no realist Republican alternative because any alternative has to progress from where we are at this point in time, not 4 years ago.
The interesting discussion here is whether ObamaCare will be well received by the time of the election next November.

I don't think the disastrous handling of the website by the Obama Administration will be much of a factor by then. By then, it will be the merits of the law itself....and under this present cynical and Machiavellian Administration and its lap dog media, the test of success is going to be:

Did a majority of the people get free stuff?

Yeah, I think that's pretty much the bottom line.

I don't know how the GOP will be able to talk voters out of a policy that's being subsidized by "someone else". I'm sure the website will be fine by then, so the people on subsidies who will have been negatively effected by the ACA -- huge deductibles, doctor shortages, longer waits -- in that short time will be limited. The businesses and health care providers who are going to take huge hit? Fuck them, they're evil anyway.

Maybe the key will be the employer mandate and what happens in that space.

After that, the people who suffer from this law will simply be the inevitable collateral damage on the way to single payer. Too bad for them, but the government always knows what's best for us.

Republicans will demand the deadline for the individual mandate be postponed as a condition for passing a CR budget before Christmas recess.
An if Democrats don't agree, Republicans will do what? They shutdown the government and public support dropped to lowest point in history. I don't think they'll try that again.

The crazy thing about this, is almost every insurance company will allow you to sign up for a grandfathered plan directly with them.
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Republicans will demand the deadline for the individual mandate be postponed as a condition for passing a CR budget before Christmas recess.
An if Democrats don't agree, Republicans will do what? They shutdown the government and public support dropped to lowest point in history. I don't think they'll try that again.

The crazy thing about this, is almost every insurance company will allow you to sign up for a grandfathered plan directly with them.

You’re kidding right? You must be kidding. If you think that it is beyond the republicans to make that same mistake again I don’t think that you have been watching the same Republican Party that I have.

How many times have we had the celling and debt argument in the government? How many have they won? What is one more time right before another election….
Raise the debt ceiling and keep the focus on Obamacare if the Republicans go down this government shutdown road again then I'm pretty much done with both parties I don't support the liberal ideology of the Democrats and if the Republicans repeat the shutdown mistake again then they are truly to stupid to waste my time with. When we reach that point I will just sit back live the rest of my life and hope the big final flush that sends this country down the toilet happens after I'm already dead.
Raise the debt ceiling and keep the focus on Obamacare if the Republicans go down this government shutdown road again then I'm pretty much done with both parties I don't support the liberal ideology of the Democrats and if the Republicans repeat the shutdown mistake again then they are truly to stupid to waste my time with. When we reach that point I will just sit back live the rest of my life and hope the big final flush that sends this country down the toilet happens after I'm already dead.

Not sure I understand your stance on the debt ceiling. Yes, it has been raised almost routinely in the past. But my friend, we are getting into heady areas of massive debt. If the Republicans do it right I think a discussion on the debt ceiling is what we need. It points out our dependency on the very unpatriotic Chinese credit card and the differences between the two parties. Yes, the Republicans have not been champions of the balance budget but when they nominate nothing but border line liberals what can be expected? I Think Romney would have made a difference, maybe not, but at least it would have been something else. Something else is what people usually do when things are not going right, in this case we did the insane and kept the status quo.
Raise the debt ceiling and keep the focus on Obamacare if the Republicans go down this government shutdown road again then I'm pretty much done with both parties I don't support the liberal ideology of the Democrats and if the Republicans repeat the shutdown mistake again then they are truly to stupid to waste my time with. When we reach that point I will just sit back live the rest of my life and hope the big final flush that sends this country down the toilet happens after I'm already dead.

Not sure I understand your stance on the debt ceiling. Yes, it has been raised almost routinely in the past. But my friend, we are getting into heady areas of massive debt. If the Republicans do it right I think a discussion on the debt ceiling is what we need. It points out our dependency on the very unpatriotic Chinese credit card and the differences between the two parties. Yes, the Republicans have not been champions of the balance budget but when they nominate nothing but border line liberals what can be expected? I Think Romney would have made a difference, maybe not, but at least it would have been something else. Something else is what people usually do when things are not going right, in this case we did the insane and kept the status quo.

I think you might need to attend one of [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] 's lectures. Don't want to put gas on that flame willy-nilly.
Raise the debt ceiling and keep the focus on Obamacare if the Republicans go down this government shutdown road again then I'm pretty much done with both parties I don't support the liberal ideology of the Democrats and if the Republicans repeat the shutdown mistake again then they are truly to stupid to waste my time with. When we reach that point I will just sit back live the rest of my life and hope the big final flush that sends this country down the toilet happens after I'm already dead.

Not sure I understand your stance on the debt ceiling. Yes, it has been raised almost routinely in the past. But my friend, we are getting into heady areas of massive debt. If the Republicans do it right I think a discussion on the debt ceiling is what we need. It points out our dependency on the very unpatriotic Chinese credit card and the differences between the two parties. Yes, the Republicans have not been champions of the balance budget but when they nominate nothing but border line liberals what can be expected? I Think Romney would have made a difference, maybe not, but at least it would have been something else. Something else is what people usually do when things are not going right, in this case we did the insane and kept the status quo.

I think you might need to attend one of [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] 's lectures. Don't want to put gas on that flame willy-nilly.

The problem is the Republicans have not shown the ability to do it right in regards to the debt ceiling I would love to see them put out a honest fact based no B.S. presentation on the danger of continuing to raise the debt ceiling so far they have failed to do so.

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