The Deadline Approaches

This happened when I tried to log on to the site today...............true story.....

[ame=]Computer explodes - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone know what's going on? Deadlines moved, certain parts of the bill extended, this group getting waivers, website still not working, individual mandate moved, premiums going up instead of down, deductible higher? For someone who is supposed to be a community organizer, this is pretty pathetic.

i don't think anybody knows what is really going on and i don't think they really care either.....remember we are dealing with radical ideologues who believe the ends justify the means so even disasters are a 'good thing' because they shake up and change the old status the midst of this clusterfluck they're probably chanting together the Alinsky rule that says...."If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive"...
The implications of its success would be wonderful. But there is not a success. There is a colossal failure.

Maybe it is because of your anti-civilization party that is causing the failure? Ever wonder about that, moron!:evil:

Because the Republicans drafted and passed the bill? Uh, no. Your posts get stupider and stupider. Hard to imagine you came on here pretending to be a disaffected Republican.

I still think the GOP needs to tread carefully here.

They've put a huge amount of energy and political capital into talking down the website (not that they needed much help). So when it's running better and the Dems can point to relative success, any improvement will be amplified. The biggest problems with the ACA, and they're going to be significant, have nothing to do with the site, but the GOP has all its chips there.

I'm not placing my bets on this one.


I still think the GOP needs to tread carefully here.

They've put a huge amount of energy and political capital into talking down the website (not that they needed much help). So when it's running better and the Dems can point to relative success, any improvement will be amplified. The biggest problems with the ACA, and they're going to be significant, have nothing to do with the site, but the GOP has all its chips there.

I'm not placing my bets on this one.

You havent been watching. The push now is people having their policies cancelled. Stories every day about it, esp in feeds from GOP pols.
Obamacare is the political gift that keeps on giving. The worst program ever.
Obama will lie and say the website is working fine. The mainstream media will cover for him until it becomes painfully obvious it still sucks.

The real problem happens when 80 million or folks with employer sponsored insurance start getting cancellation letters next year. Then all hell breaks loose.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

democrat Senators have given obama until Nov 30 to get his act together on the website.

It's pretty well known now that is not going to happen.

What do you think will happen? Will democrat Senators stick with obama? Will they bolt and start criticizing him? Bad?

This is a bigger deal than you think. A very big deal won't be perfect on Dec. 1, administration says | TheHill

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare - Alex Isenstadt -

What happens?

I think there will be a 'grace period' and then democrat Senators desert obama like rats on a sinking ship.

This thing only gets worse and democrats take a beating in next year's Midterms.

Could get ugly, people
The real problem for the Democrats starts when the website actually does work and people can find out just how much their premiums and deductibles are going up.
No, this is not about the ACA. It's about the political ramifications of it.

and the blind republicans who are unable to grasp the implications for its success.
What success? Most applications are for Medicaid. And
if it is so successful? Why are lawmakers opting out for what they have now and up to a 75% subsidy that WE the taxpayers are paying for?

Sorry. This is a total disaster, and Democrats OWN it.
Does anyone know what's going on? Deadlines moved, certain parts of the bill extended, this group getting waivers, website still not working, individual mandate moved, premiums going up instead of down, deductible higher? For someone who is supposed to be a community organizer, this is pretty pathetic.

The reason we don't know is because the MSM has hunkered down behind Obama. Why they are doing so is anyone's guess. Those who do report the situation are marginalized by the Sal Alinski crowd.

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