The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

That isn't precisely the word I was looking for, TBH. It was just the best when I could come up with. I am getting old, a lot of times, I have brain farts, and can't think of the precise word I want to use. . . it is there, in my noggin somewhere.

I am sure, I have seen his website, or have heard him talk about this concept before.

I admit to not having read his latest book. Mea culpa.
There is supposed to be another one coming: The Wuhan Cover-Up.
If possible, the precise Antwerp lymphoma is necessary to know. Mary Gray McCoy said this of Jack Ruby: "He didn't have cancer, they poisoned him."
For the Antwerp mouse case, there is a link to Jack Ruby. First, the David Crosby's HCV link found in RFK Jr.:
Post #243
'....HCV....The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 90....'

Tracking the markers for B-LBL of the Antwerp mouse:

Pubmed search: B-LBL lung, yields
'....CD19 and CD79a were the most frequent markers for B-LBL....'

CD79a yields
'....7p15.2 locus....'

7p15.2 yields Jack Ruby DNA:

Genomewide Linkage Scan for Schizophrenia / Ashkenazi Jewish
'....Our strongest signal was achieved at chromosome 10q22.3....NPL of 3.35....six other regions gave NPL of >2....7p15.2....'

The Antwerp mouse B-LBL links to Ruby's 7p15.2 for B-LBL.
I do believe, you are both right.

I do think, in the long run, we will see, an uptick in chronic illness. It will take some time to manifest though.

The number of vaccines that are required for kids in school today, is nearly three times, what is was when I was in school. Now, of course, it would be a correlation fallacy, to say, vaccines are the only, or the primary cause of chronic illness.

I had a PHP that did a lot of reading and study in his own time on this topic, and he was definitely not anti-vax, but what it has to do with, as he was telling me, and RJKjr. has written about, is, a scientific concept known as "co-factors."

It is when two or more elements in a system, which are safe and inert, by themselves, have not been studied for safety in trials and experiment, and then, in the real world, start to have negative, and unintended reactions, when they are introduced, and mixed together in the real world.

For instance, the additives, pesticides, preservatives and fertilizers we put on GMO food, the chemicals we use in indoor environmental living spaces and the products we use, the many various pharmaceuticals & vaccines, of which there are thousands, all of which have not been thoroughly tested and researched, along with their interactions with EMF radiation with surrounds all of us in our everyday lives.

None of these elements are, or were natural to biological living systems as they evolved, and are thus, are more than likely, the primary suspects and culprits to our exploding numbers of chronic illness and out of control, increasing cancer rates. . . . most likely.

. . . but increasing chronic illnesses and cancers are good for big pharma and the industrial medical complex, there really is no incentive to find a reason behind that specter haunting society. . . .
I already stated earlier that I believe there are certainly some cases where people were adversely affected. But that actually happens with most vaccines. It's just that people want to call to attention to this one because this pandemic and the related vaccine were more politicized that just about any other in the past hundred years.
You really believe the same media that lied about the vax, promoted it ad nauseam, scared the shit out of the feeble minded, promoted crooks like Fauci and Wallensky will tell you anything that is accurate? Are you so clueless that you don’t know of the lack of autopsies on many who died after vaxxed? Are you unaware of the numerous cases of myocarditis?
Again, show me where I said anything taken from mainstream media. Stop lying.
Natalie Boyce case has Hunter Biden Metabiota links. Metabiota collects PEDV in Laos (2010-2013). The Chinese communists manipulate PEDV in the Huazhong lab, changing the spike protein from VQKR to RQKR thus creating a furin cleavage site (2015).

Taking the Natalie Boyce antiphospholipid syndrome to a Uniprot search yields 3 refs, one of which is this one:

H. sapiens Intermembrane Lipid Transfer Protein, VPS13B
'....1971-1974 RKQR....'

Links to the Cohen syndrome lead to another arginine (R):

Pubmed search 'antiphospholipid vps13b' yields one ref:

So the Cohen syndrome mutation is at position 2900, and it can be seen at the Uniprot page, above. Interestingly, there is an arginine (R) just prior to the major mutation @2900.
The data on the ineffectuality of the shots was not clear until after the election. Trump’s economy was the best in my lifetime. Trump was constructing a wall at the border and slowed illegal invasion.
It was the propagandizing by the democrats that led to shot fascism and undue deaths.
That's fine, as long as Trump admits he was suckered and conned.

He won't. He is still shilling for big pharma, and taking credit for the "incredible vaccine." He won't admit he was wrong about it all.

Until he does? Until he admits that the WEF, the WHO, and the UN, and all of those associated with that criminal plot, are a danger to the world's freedom and liberty? He ain't fit to be the leader of the free world.

And he is too stoopid to put this issue, front and center.

. . . . either that, or is really is one of them.

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That's fine, as long as Trump admits he was suckered and conned.

He won't. He is still shilling for big pharma, and taking credit for the "incredible vaccine." He won't admit he was wrong about it all.

Until he does? Until he admits that the WEF, the WHO, and the UN, and all of those associated with that criminal plot, are a danger to the world's freedom and liberty? He ain't fit to be the leader of the free world.

And he is too stoopid to put this issue, front and center.

. . . . either that, or is really is one of them.

I tend to think he’s both…one of them and too stoopid.
That's fine, as long as Trump admits he was suckered and conned.

He won't. He is still shilling for big pharma, and taking credit for the "incredible vaccine." He won't admit he was wrong about it all.

Until he does? Until he admits that the WEF, the WHO, and the UN, and all of those associated with that criminal plot, are a danger to the world's freedom and liberty? He ain't fit to be the leader of the free world.

And he is too stoopid to put this issue, front and center.

. . . . either that, or is really is one of them.

He wasn’t suckered or conned. He was between a rock and a hard place. Had he disputed fauci, he would have been trashed even more by media.
He proclaimed the threat of the virus in January and Pelosi shredded his speech. Later, Pelosi, et al, claimed he delayed acknowledging the virus. Hypocritical democrats. He stopped travel from China and was called xenophobic while democrats encouraged Chinese NY and Mardi gras celebrations.
He wasn’t potus by the time we realized the shots did not prevent transmission.
You’re being phony.
I tend to think he’s both…one of them and too stoopid.
Well, I don't think he cares. He is in it for the power, the money, and the adulation, IMO.
Sociopaths, and Psychopaths, say one thing to the public, and their behavior is dictated by another set of rules. They populate the highest levels of politics and business, and it matters not, which side of the political spectrum you observe.

Most demagogues don't give a shit about anything but themselves, and their own reality. . .

So, he will only pay attention to those things that reinforce his confirmation bias. He is a product of his social class.

I don't think for an instant though, that he is necessarily that dumb/ignorant. A lot of very intelligent folks, make the mistake of underestimating him, and that is why he always gets the best of them.

In fact, I am suspect about whether he got the same jab that the rest of the population got, much like the rest of the top levels of global government, finance, business and cultural propaganda makers.

I am now reading, that the Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca, all have significantly higher vaccine injury and death rates, than the Pfizer, and probably only that Pfizer variety that had been, "approved," which was this thing called, "COMIRNATY."

The thing about Comirnaty? Is it was never widely available to the public. You could not just go out and get that one, by choice. You had to just get the other Pfizer-BioNTech, which the FDA/establishment, told us was, "legally indistinguishable?" Huh? Why make the two of them then? Why are there even two different ones, and only one is approved?

I don't know much about these things, but it all seems rather suspicious to me. :eusa_think:

First Story Below;

Truckies Plan Australian Blockade – #NewWorldNextWeek

Corbett • 08/27/2021

(mirror video)

Story #1: FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine

Story #2: Health Researchers Report Funder Pressure to Suppress Results

Story #3: Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike
He wasn’t suckered or conned. He was between a rock and a hard place. Had he disputed fauci, he would have been trashed even more by media.
He proclaimed the threat of the virus in January and Pelosi shredded his speech. Later, Pelosi, et al, claimed he delayed acknowledging the virus. Hypocritical democrats. He stopped travel from China and was called xenophobic while democrats encouraged Chinese NY and Mardi gras celebrations.
He wasn’t potus by the time we realized the shots did not prevent transmission.
You’re being phony.
You need not attack me, just because I have a different opinion of someone, or that I have a dim view of, who IMO, you have put too much hope in.
Trump promised to, "drain the swamp," and then went on to hire, for the head of the CIA, a woman who supported, "extraordinary rendition" & torture. Things Americans on both sides of the political spectrum find to be against our core values, and were later found unconstitutional. He also got into bed with war monger John Bolton, and got folks to want to invade Iran, for no other reason, because. . . well, "we hate them."


"Drain the Swamp," huh.

"Hate the establishment." Huh.

It was all empty rhetoric in the end.

We can have political disagreements, with out making things personal. I won't name call you, or accuse you of being the same. However, lets just say, Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. And if they work on you? And all of the good things you get in life, is worth selling your soul? Well good on you. . . .

I like my leaders with a little bit more integrity.

I don't think you are a terrorist, or an idiot, if you still like Trump. But don't go making accusations, just because others don't agree with your POV.

I saw things, from the very beginning, that indicated to me, that this was a plot by the global cabal. And if Trump didn't see it? He was either dumb, or a useful idiot.

Here is all the proof you need. I marked the minute for you. At minute mark, 1:11, just hit play. Trump KNEW, on March 20, 2020, when former CIA head, his Secretary of State, quoted, "we're in a live exercise here," and Trump whispered under his breath, "you should have let us know." He should have cleaned out his cabinet right then and there. He should have known they were going to replace him in the fall.

So did many other thinkers and intellectuals, they all saw it too. I could name them, one of them was RFKjr., he even offered his services to Trump, but Trump purposely rejected those services in favor of Fauci. I'm not the phoney, TRUMP IS!

Trump made so many bad mistakes, it is unreal. :rolleyes:

You either have a short memory, you are uninformed, or you have a severe case of hero worship gone mad.

I could call you names for not agreeing with me, but that gets us no where, and it is disrespectful. :sigh2:
That's fine, as long as Trump admits he was suckered and conned.

He won't. He is still shilling for big pharma, and taking credit for the "incredible vaccine." He won't admit he was wrong about it all.

Until he does? Until he admits that the WEF, the WHO, and the UN, and all of those associated with that criminal plot, are a danger to the world's freedom and liberty? He ain't fit to be the leader of the free world.

And he is too stoopid to put this issue, front and center.

. . . . either that, or is really is one of them.

He may have been CIA-flipped all along, and in the same pea-pod as the Chappaqua Blue Racer.
Would I have done it? No. But you're going to completely blame this on the mother and not, say the pharma cos or better yet, the agencies who are supposed to watch over these things? FDA? CDC?

The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.
Nine scariest words known to man--"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Trump can't be seen listening to RFK Jr. while the Jesuit Elf, Fau Chi, and Big Farmer Gates are controlling the narrative out of the starting gate. The furin cleavage site found in the virus triggered reactionary forces across the board to influence the media and suppress any American connections.
You need not attack me, just because I have a different opinion of someone, or that I have a dim view of, who IMO, you have put too much hope in.
Trump promised to, "drain the swamp," and then went on to hire, for the head of the CIA, a woman who supported, "extraordinary rendition" & torture. Things Americans on both sides of the political spectrum find to be against our core values, and were later found unconstitutional. He also got into bed with war monger John Bolton, and got folks to want to invade Iran, for no other reason, because. . . well, "we hate them."


"Drain the Swamp," huh.

"Hate the establishment." Huh.

It was all empty rhetoric in the end.

We can have political disagreements, with out making things personal. I won't name call you, or accuse you of being the same. However, lets just say, Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. And if they work on you? And all of the good things you get in life, is worth selling your soul? Well good on you. . . .

I like my leaders with a little bit more integrity.

I don't think you are a terrorist, or an idiot, if you still like Trump. But don't go making accusations, just because others don't agree with your POV.

I saw things, from the very beginning, that indicated to me, that this was a plot by the global cabal. And if Trump didn't see it? He was either dumb, or a useful idiot.

Here is all the proof you need. I marked the minute for you. At minute mark, 1:11, just hit play. Trump KNEW, on March 20, 2020, when former CIA head, his Secretary of State, quoted, "we're in a live exercise here," and Trump whispered under his breath, "you should have let us know." He should have cleaned out his cabinet right then and there. He should have known they were going to replace him in the fall.

So did many other thinkers and intellectuals, they all saw it too. I could name them, one of them was RFKjr., he even offered his services to Trump, but Trump purposely rejected those services in favor of Fauci. I'm not the phoney, TRUMP IS!

Trump made so many bad mistakes, it is unreal. :rolleyes:

You either have a short memory, you are uninformed, or you have a severe case of hero worship gone mad.

I could call you names for not agreeing with me, but that gets us no where, and it is disrespectful. :sigh2:

Trump was informed by March 15. Fauci went on the news circuit and said shut down. If trump disagreed, you and your ilk would have been livid.
He fired Bolton.
You cherry pick because you don’t like orange man bad.

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