The coming purge of Congress.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.
We have never been told everything and never will be. And they can investigate all they want nothing will happen. The only way to change it is for Americans to violently remove them and that hasn't happened yet. If they get away with this latest attack on us Americans are done.
All They now need to do is to shut down transportation. Listening to some of the pundits and pols, they are definitely considering this move in order to "protect" Americans from this horrible, deadly virus. That fiction has been sold, wholesale, to an American public that has been conditioned for years to blindly accept what the propaganda arm of the political machine, the press, pumps into our "information" resources.
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It's very difficult to guess what people are seeing during this dilemma. But as a Baby Boomer that has seen how the damage of the Great Society has havocked our world, I am aware that those who bend the gears to produce idiosyncratic outcomes will not relent.

The pushers of the globalist worldview are so dedicated and absorbed into the righteousness of their thinking that nothing is off the table including mass death. The bringers of this new world order with their sycophantic press, their political machine and their allies in education see the virus as the enemy of their enemy and therefore, their friend.

The people here need to realize that the real enemy is their own leadership. Everything else is a distraction. Free markets cannot survive if they cannot operate. If no one sees this for what it is then we are done as a free country.
It's very difficult to guess what people are seeing during this dilemma. But as a Baby Boomer that has seen how the damage of the Great Society has havocked our world, I am aware that those who bend the gears to produce idiosyncratic outcomes will not relent.

The pushers of the globalist worldview are so dedicated and absorbed into the righteousness of their thinking that nothing is off the table including mass death. The bringers of this new world order with their sycophantic press, their political machine and their allies in education see the virus as the enemy of their enemy and therefore, their friend.

The people here need to realize that the real enemy is their own leadership. Everything else is a distraction. Free markets cannot survive if they cannot operate. If no one sees this for what it is then we are done as a free country.
That's a winner, Ray! I am far less frightened of some virus as I am of the government now in power and how they will use that virus to further enhance their power. Fortunately, humanity also has a history of violently overthrowing the tyrant. You and I may not live that long, but it will happen.
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You are a cracked pot idiot. Hollywood wouldn't even buy your fantasies. There is going to be no purge of Congress and no investigations as there is nothing to investigate.
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You're not wrong about this, except of course for the prediction that there will be a purge of Congress. Sadly, nothing will change before it gets much, much worse.
It's very difficult to guess what people are seeing during this dilemma. But as a Baby Boomer that has seen how the damage of the Great Society has havocked our world, I am aware that those who bend the gears to produce idiosyncratic outcomes will not relent.

The pushers of the globalist worldview are so dedicated and absorbed into the righteousness of their thinking that nothing is off the table including mass death. The bringers of this new world order with their sycophantic press, their political machine and their allies in education see the virus as the enemy of their enemy and therefore, their friend.

The people here need to realize that the real enemy is their own leadership. Everything else is a distraction. Free markets cannot survive if they cannot operate. If no one sees this for what it is then we are done as a free country.
Amen to that! I'm kinda pre-Boomer in a way.

You have witnessed the freedoms stripped from Americans over the years.
Blue state representatives have failed their constituents....both the governors of CA and NY are crying for things they should have been prepared for...their failings are in full color....Cuomo and Newsome/Moonbeam Brown...
I'm waiting for the Internet to shut down.
All the government has to do is claim that IT support personnel, who in reality have the skill-set of a kinder-gardener, have fallen to the virus.
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You're not wrong about this, except of course for the prediction that there will be a purge of Congress. Sadly, nothing will change before it gets much, much worse.
Yeah sadly that is correct,that’s wishful thinking there will be purge in Congress,Congress in both parties have shit on the constitution for decades now and put a lighter to it and sadly,the sheep never do anything about it ,the only thing that matters to them is. How well their favorite football team is doing sadly
It's very difficult to guess what people are seeing during this dilemma. But as a Baby Boomer that has seen how the damage of the Great Society has havocked our world, I am aware that those who bend the gears to produce idiosyncratic outcomes will not relent.

The pushers of the globalist worldview are so dedicated and absorbed into the righteousness of their thinking that nothing is off the table including mass death. The bringers of this new world order with their sycophantic press, their political machine and their allies in education see the virus as the enemy of their enemy and therefore, their friend.

The people here need to realize that the real enemy is their own leadership. Everything else is a distraction. Free markets cannot survive if they cannot operate. If no one sees this for what it is then we are done as a free country.
That's a winner, Ray! I am far less frightened of some virus as I am of the government now in power and how they will use that virus to further enhance their power. Fortunately, humanity also has a history of violently overthrowing the tyrant. You and I may not live that long, but it will happen.
Uh the tyrant has been here decades now since 1913 and Uh the tyrant has been here sine 1913 and still there has been no overthrow,Congress decade after decade takes a shit on the constitution and the sheople just sit there and let it happen decade after decade,cause all they care about is football.wishful thinking I am afraid
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You're not wrong about this, except of course for the prediction that there will be a purge of Congress. Sadly, nothing will change before it gets much, much worse.
Yeah sadly that is correct,that’s wishful thinking there will be purge in Congress,Congress in both parties have shit on the constitution for decades now and put a lighter to it and sadly,the sheep never do anything about it ,the only thing that matters to them is. How well their favorite football team is doing sadly
Both Parties my ass...we all know who the trouble makers are....the losers....make trouble....seditious treasonous trouble.....sad...
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.


Germ warfare was outlawed by mutual agreement many years ago by the international community. But when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Trump's election presented a threat to the globalization racket operated by the Chinese and US politicians.
It was time to bring out the big guns to collapse the US economy and show the rest of the world who was in charge. When this is over, if it's ever over, A lot of US politicians should face trials for war crimes.

Biological warfare - Wikipedia
Congressional retention is around 80+ percent. Idiotic thread.

We desperately need to codify in the US Constitution how House seats are apportioned by the states. Letting political parties (either red or blue or other) draw them is a terrible idea as we have seen in that statistic.
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses.

It's highly transmittable and a mortality rate on par with the 1918 version. I think global trade was pretty fucked up at that time too. Just sayin.

But for the record I support a term limit amendment and a balance budget amendment as well.
There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

A vindication of this quote is coming soon. Evidence is piling up. China will be charged with Crimes Against Humanity. Oh, and given the deaths in the US, some high profile politicians in America should be sweating about investigations into their ties with China. Staying ahead of the curve as usual. :cool:
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You are a crazy asshole who belongs in a asylum. This is a crazy conspiracy theory. Apparently you are suffering from dementia/.

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