The Christian Theocracy is the only way to save western civilization from corrupted politicians

Installing a government run according to a particular faith is blatantly unconstitutional.

All geoverments of men have been failed, let God run humanity!

Ok, when God in person (not theough interpretations of any book or humans claiming they know God’s will), comes down to rule,let us know. Otherwise you’re just talking about sinful humans claiming to rule in God’s name.
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No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones

LMAO!! Which ones are the true ones? The televangelists embezzling millions? The catholics shuffling priests around so they can avoid prosecution for being pedophiles? Or the ones where the ministers are banging everyone but their wives?
If anyone on the Christian Right wants to know why America embraces the concept of the separation of church and state, they can be referred to this OP posted by this nut job. Everything then becomes crystal clear.
I still think that the OP wants to shove some shit like frankie graham, or jeffress, or focus on the family on all of us. Even if this were a totally Christian thing, which it's not, since we have a secular government and many other citizens do not practice any sort of Christian faith, these people would not be qualified to lead any government. They are just junk from their cults, not qualified leaders of anything.
You can do the same thing a hundred times more with straight sex.....who are you trying to fool?

My that none of it "should" be accessible by minors.
I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home....but taking it public in front of children is immoral and harmful.

The look on this kids face say s it all.
"Don't nobody want to see that shit"

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The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!

Oh, yea, they are so good at politics.
They picked Mr. Ronald (Iran Contra) Reagan
George W. (Mission Accomplished) Bush
Mr. Donald (I love Vlad) Trump.
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones

Please explain why a self-identified "southern baptist" went on our local TV station and bragged that his possession of a penis resolved disputes between him and his wife. Most of our Americans do not have any involvement in S&M, B&D. What's up with this guy? These S&M cults so far involved with S&M are far different than our Christian and non-Christian adherents and those who do not choose to practice a religion..
I can’t wait. I have always wanted to stone an unruly child at the city gate.
Christians are a lot more difficult to brainwash by Deep State and its 24/7 lying Media. You are just another example confirming that point.

A Putin dick rider gassing on about being brainwashed. Positively hilarious. Worry about your own shithole country. Cheers.
I'm not sure about that. But if you like that kind of terminology call yourself a Soros di*k. I'm sure it sounds sweet for you.

Sorry, next time I’ll use more politically correct words to you. The last thing I want is a random internet foreigner to be cross with me. :lol:
While your boss Soros is trying to build "Open Borders" world (which only suits him and his Deep State buddies' pockets), Jesus Christ has already built His Church without borders, where there are NO foreigners, but His loyal workers. We are talking about Christianity here and you seem to be an atheist, so you are a foreigner in this thread. Enjoy your "Happy Holidays" crap and we'll be enjoying Merry Christmas.

View attachment 236597

The guy is not an atheists, he is a satanist.
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

I have no doubt that there are pedophiles in pretty much every religion. The clergy has a position of authority, an assumption of innocence & trustworthiness, and boys are easier to get away from everyone.

The inherent danger is that with clergy in charge, this gets even worse. The claim that a gov't run by a religion would be free of corruption is laughably inaccurate.

And I notice you don't seem to have a problem throwing away the entire US Constitution.
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Love your display of cross, bible, rosary, candle. It really is soooo chic. However, even if your proposition for a Christian theocracy would be legal, which it never can be, just who would run it? Timmy dolan, frankie graham, a jeffress, a "focus on the family," pat robertson? Not qualified. In fact, there is no one alive who is qualified to run it. Whose ass do you want of us Americans all to kiss?
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!

The problem is, God doesn't actually show up. People come and claim he sent them. And no, most of the politicians we have had in office are not any good. But that is our fault for voting for them. It certainly beats having no say in who runs things. And far better for anyone who is not a Christian.
Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!

The problem is, God doesn't actually show up. People come and claim he sent them. And no, most of the politicians we have had in office are not any good. But that is our fault for voting for them. It certainly beats having no say in who runs things. And far better for anyone who is not a Christian.

I have no problem when Christian Churches run the Western World
It is better as Mosques, Freemason loges or Synagogues do the same.
No thank you. Not only is it unconstitutional, there is as much corruption in such a system as our current system.

Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!

Absolutely not. There is no one on earth qualified to represent the Creator. BTW: many of the people you mentioned are themselves Christians. And just who would you recommend? Some twat like graham or jeffress?

To which parts of the bible are you referring? Or are you one of those inerrancy/infallability nutjobs? Do you actually follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy? Good luck on that. I would protest your animal sacrifices, your requirements that women who give birth to children are to be "unclean" for a period depending on the gender of their child, and your ill-treatment of the disabled, for starters. Then there is the thing about banging your dead brother's childless wife. Do you people still go in for that sort of stuff?
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!

The problem is, God doesn't actually show up. People come and claim he sent them. And no, most of the politicians we have had in office are not any good. But that is our fault for voting for them. It certainly beats having no say in who runs things. And far better for anyone who is not a Christian.

I have no problem when Christian Churches run the Western World
It is better as Mosques, Freemason loges or Synagogues do the same.

I don't see things being run by mosques, freemasons or synagogues now. So we can just stick with our constitution.
Probably by fluffy-bunny communist churches, but not by the true ones
How'd that Catholic Church work out with young boys and girls?

How Jewish rabbis work with young boys and girls?
Where is outrage of presstitutes and condemnation of lying faggots-politicians?
Jewish rabbies are more pedophiles as catholic priests.

Not qualified.

Are Merkel, Freemasons, Devil, Obama, Commies, NWO & Co better qualified?

God and Holy Bible shall run countries!

Absolutely not. There is no one on earth qualified to represent the Creator. BTW: many of the people you mentioned are themselves Christians.

To which parts of the bible are you referring? Or are you one of those inerrancy/infallability nutjobs? Do you actually follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy? Good luck on that. I would protest your animal sacrifices, your requirements that women who give birth to children are to be "unclean" for a period depending on the gender of their child, and your ill-treatment of the disabled, for starters. Then there is the thing about banging your dead brother's childless wife. Do you people still go in for that sort of stuff?

Post of the day!!
The Religion societies like Amish, Mormons, Fundamental Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses and some other conservative protestant, catholic or orthodox ones can survive many thousand years, our 'modern' one will disappear in a couple of decades and replaced by caliphates.






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