The Chosen


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
"The Chosen is the first-ever-multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew him. No matter where you are at in your journey with Jesus Christ, this TV show is for you.

Astonishingly well done.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
I never watch any movie. I consider this will be a kinda documentary, which is my favorite kind of TV type stuff. The ONLY kind. Look up freedocumentaries com in goofle. Good stuff in there too. The vast majority of "chosen" I've had the displeasure of dealing with are "self chosen---claim to be but are not"
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Pretty sure I already know how it turns out. I have no problem remembering what Jesus told us to do.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Pretty sure I already know how it turns out. I have no problem remembering what Jesus told us to do.

In other words you just want to judge other folks who don't believe exactly like. Typical Prog hypocrite. It's an amazing portrayal your hypocritical judgmentalism is causing you to miss something extraordinary.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

You and I agree on this quite a bit. Personally? I liked the "Buddy Christ" version that was proposed in the movie "Dogma". Why in the hell do they want to keep talking about His death, when talking about His life would be a lot more beneficial. But, then that would mean that they would actually have to be like Jesus, not saying they were forgiven because He died.

Maybe that is why Christians like to crucify anyone who doesn't agree in lockstep with them.

As far as chosen or not? I personally believe that nobody can be the reincarnation of Jesus, because according to Christians and their book, He died but was resurrected. If He was resurrected, then why in the world would anyone claim to be Him reincarnated? He is still alive, so reincarnation isn't required. Tell that to anyone who tells you that they are the Second Coming.

Me personally? While I don't think of myself as the Second Coming, I do however consider myself to be Jesus' little brother. Why? Because in the Bible, it clearly states that Adam and Eve started the whole human race, of which Jesus became a part of later when He was born, which means that He and I are related, and since He's older, that makes Him my big brother. Interestingly enough, National Geographic did a human genome project and showed it as a documentary called "The Human Family Tree", and took DNA from a lot of people on every continent and sequenced it. Guess what they found? They found that there actually IS a genetic "Adam", and a genetic "Eve". So, even science shows that we are all related somehow.

I just wish that we would all realize that and start acting accordingly.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Pretty sure I already know how it turns out. I have no problem remembering what Jesus told us to do.

Yeah, it ain't that hard. When Jesus was asked what the greatest Commandment was, He said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".
The only contemporary document is the Book of James which says Paul was a liar and all 613 of God’s Commandments must be studied and practiced.
James states that his brother Yeshua never said the Commandments were nullified.
That’s why Constantine’s Canon put the first book at the end; it never gets read.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Pretty sure I already know how it turns out. I have no problem remembering what Jesus told us to do.

In other words you just want to judge other folks who don't believe exactly like. Typical Prog hypocrite. It's an amazing portrayal your hypocritical judgmentalism is causing you to miss something extraordinary.
In the beliefs of the Christian faith, Jesus instructed people to do various things. Re-read the Sermon on the Mount.
Is it good enough to make right wing Christians finally pay attention to anything he did other than die? He may have died for our sins but he lived as an example of how we should try to live. Sometimes it seems to me they nail him to the cross again every Sunday morning to once again shut up his message of love, charity, humility and grace.

Watch it. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Pretty sure I already know how it turns out. I have no problem remembering what Jesus told us to do.

In other words you just want to judge other folks who don't believe exactly like. Typical Prog hypocrite. It's an amazing portrayal your hypocritical judgmentalism is causing you to miss something extraordinary.
Sorry guy, republicans do not get exclusive rights to Jesus. All the hippy-dippy stuff you ignore is supposed to count.
The only contemporary document is the Book of James which says Paul was a liar and all 613 of God’s Commandments must be studied and practiced.
James states that his brother Yeshua never said the Commandments were nullified.
That’s why Constantine’s Canon put the first book at the end; it never gets read.

Actually, there is nobody who is required or even can, keep all 613 mitzvot. They are rules for keeping a community healthy and functioning. There are certain rules for priests, certain ones for butchers, for various groups of people, etc.

Matter of fact, there was even talk among the original 12 disciples as to whether or not people would be required to convert to Judaism.
The only contemporary document is the Book of James which says Paul was a liar and all 613 of God’s Commandments must be studied and practiced.
James states that his brother Yeshua never said the Commandments were nullified.
That’s why Constantine’s Canon put the first book at the end; it never gets read.

Actually, there is nobody who is required or even can, keep all 613 mitzvot. They are rules for keeping a community healthy and functioning. There are certain rules for priests, certain ones for butchers, for various groups of people, etc.

Matter of fact, there was even talk among the original 12 disciples as to whether or not people would be required to convert to Judaism.
You are correct in that no one fits into the category of being able to do all 613 Commandments.
The real issue is to be a leader and be able to teach all 613 Commandments and help those who can fulfill their obligations accordingly.
Those who followed Yeshua were kissing Roman ass and wanted to legitimize their stance just as Jews and Christians today who don’t follow their religions want to legitimize their lifestyles.
The only contemporary document is the Book of James which says Paul was a liar and all 613 of God’s Commandments must be studied and practiced.
James states that his brother Yeshua never said the Commandments were nullified.
That’s why Constantine’s Canon put the first book at the end; it never gets read.

Actually, there is nobody who is required or even can, keep all 613 mitzvot. They are rules for keeping a community healthy and functioning. There are certain rules for priests, certain ones for butchers, for various groups of people, etc.

Matter of fact, there was even talk among the original 12 disciples as to whether or not people would be required to convert to Judaism.
You are correct in that no one fits into the category of being able to do all 613 Commandments.
The real issue is to be a leader and be able to teach all 613 Commandments and help those who can fulfill their obligations accordingly.
Those who followed Yeshua were kissing Roman ass and wanted to legitimize their stance just as Jews and Christians today who don’t follow their religions want to legitimize their lifestyles.

Actually, that is what the rabbi's and priests are supposed to do. And, the rabbis discuss in detail various aspects of each to get a full view of it. Sometimes they will disagree on the same subject. Look at the schools of Hilel and Shemai (dunno if their names are spelled right, because I learned about it from watching various religious shows on Judaism).
The only contemporary document is the Book of James which says Paul was a liar and all 613 of God’s Commandments must be studied and practiced.
James states that his brother Yeshua never said the Commandments were nullified.
That’s why Constantine’s Canon put the first book at the end; it never gets read.

Actually, there is nobody who is required or even can, keep all 613 mitzvot. They are rules for keeping a community healthy and functioning. There are certain rules for priests, certain ones for butchers, for various groups of people, etc.

Matter of fact, there was even talk among the original 12 disciples as to whether or not people would be required to convert to Judaism.
You are correct in that no one fits into the category of being able to do all 613 Commandments.
The real issue is to be a leader and be able to teach all 613 Commandments and help those who can fulfill their obligations accordingly.
Those who followed Yeshua were kissing Roman ass and wanted to legitimize their stance just as Jews and Christians today who don’t follow their religions want to legitimize their lifestyles.

Actually, that is what the rabbi's and priests are supposed to do. And, the rabbis discuss in detail various aspects of each to get a full view of it. Sometimes they will disagree on the same subject. Look at the schools of Hilel and Shemai (dunno if their names are spelled right, because I learned about it from watching various religious shows on Judaism).
Hillel and Shamei never abrogated the 613 Commandments.
In fact Hillel and Shamei, out of the 613 Commandments only disagreed on how 3 Commandments should be applied, never the fact that the 613 Commandments were nullified.
Their students, Bais (House Of) Hillel and Bais (House Of) Shamei disagreed on the implementations of many of the 613 Commandments, never abrogating one.
As an example, how much wine does is one required to drink over the blessing for Shabbos.
Bais (House Of) Shamei required more wine than Bais (House Of) Hillel for various reasons.
They never argued that observing Shabbos required reciting a blessing and actually drinking the wine.

Many Catholic and Protestant sites will say they disagreed on whether or not the Commandments were nullified.
This is pure Roman Catholic Church propaganda.

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