The BS I Heard On TV The Other Day.

White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.
Agreed on white supremacists, disagreed on the Patriot Act. The Act shredded the Constitution by empowering the Federal government and weakening individual rights.

Individual rights for whom, the bad guys?

For every citizen of this nation.

I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

While I was not worried, I was pissed. I value my privacy, as everyone should. Thank you for explaining it to him. Saves me typing.
There was a show on the other day about terrorism. I didn't bother watching it. Because as a White American, I'm not a fan of BS and misdirection. But unfortunately, I did happen to catch about the last 30 seconds of it. They had some worthless sand negro on there saying that if we do something to muslims in general because of muslim terrorists, then the terrorists win.

Some choice. If we do nothing about them, they win. And if we do something positive about them, they supposedly win again. BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Any White person would have their "minds" swimming in a state of traitorous delusion to think that we need them around at all. I say we get rid of them all! "Good" or bad. That way, they won't be around to bother us. What would that mean? WE WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!

White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.

White "supremacists?" Nice to see you parroting jew scum propaganda. I myself am a White "separatist." White people just happen to be superior. So if you are going to use a label, use a truthful one. Also, do you know who doesn't like separatism? Parasites. Like the fleas on a dog don't want to be separate from the dog.

Do you know what the fleas would be in favor of? "Uniting and strengthening by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct flea powder."

Also, somebody brought up birds. In nature, every flock of birds that I ever saw were all the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I ever saw were the same species of fish. That is natures way. Do you know how else terrorists win? By getting their enemies to expend valuable resources in fighting against nature. Instead of keeping track of terrorists, just think how much better it would be if authorities used those resources to keep track of criminals instead.

Also, do you know who says the same thing you do? Brainwashed anti-White traitorous scum. A coincidence? But getting back to your "supremacist" thing, I have a couple pictures for you.
There was a show on the other day about terrorism. I didn't bother watching it. Because as a White American, I'm not a fan of BS and misdirection. But unfortunately, I did happen to catch about the last 30 seconds of it. They had some worthless sand negro on there saying that if we do something to muslims in general because of muslim terrorists, then the terrorists win.

Some choice. If we do nothing about them, they win. And if we do something positive about them, they supposedly win again. BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Any White person would have their "minds" swimming in a state of traitorous delusion to think that we need them around at all. I say we get rid of them all! "Good" or bad. That way, they won't be around to bother us. What would that mean? WE WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!

White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.
Agreed on white supremacists, disagreed on the Patriot Act. The Act shredded the Constitution by empowering the Federal government and weakening individual rights.

Individual rights for whom, the bad guys?

For every citizen of this nation.
Agreed. It goes back to Ben Franklin's famous comment:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I always liked Samuel Adams words on the topic:
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
There was a show on the other day about terrorism. I didn't bother watching it. Because as a White American, I'm not a fan of BS and misdirection. But unfortunately, I did happen to catch about the last 30 seconds of it. They had some worthless sand negro on there saying that if we do something to muslims in general because of muslim terrorists, then the terrorists win.

Some choice. If we do nothing about them, they win. And if we do something positive about them, they supposedly win again. BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Any White person would have their "minds" swimming in a state of traitorous delusion to think that we need them around at all. I say we get rid of them all! "Good" or bad. That way, they won't be around to bother us. What would that mean? WE WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!

White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.

White "supremacists?" Nice to see you parroting jew scum propaganda. I myself am a White "separatist." White people just happen to be superior. So if you are going to use a label, use a truthful one. Also, do you know who doesn't like separatism? Parasites. Like the fleas on a dog don't want to be separate from the dog.

Do you know what the fleas would be in favor of? "Uniting and strengthening by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct flea powder."

Also, somebody brought up birds. In nature, every flock of birds that I ever saw were all the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I ever saw were the same species of fish. That is natures way. Do you know how else terrorists win? By getting their enemies to expend valuable resources in fighting against nature. Instead of keeping track of terrorists, just think how much better it would be if authorities used those resources to keep track of criminals instead.

Also, do you know who says the same thing you do? Brainwashed anti-White traitorous scum. A coincidence? But getting back to your "supremacist" thing, I have a couple pictures for you.

Ok, for the last time. YOU brought up birds. And your statement was incorrect the first time. This time you qualified it with "...I ever saw...". I'd still be willing to bet you are incorrect.

Redwing blackbirds and grackles flock together. In fact, the males of both species migrate in one flock, and the females of both species migrate in another flock. So, if you have seen blackbirds flying south in the fall or north in the spring, you have seen different species flocking together. You just do not know what you are seeing.

And I posted a link to some experts in birds at Stanford. You might read that. They say it is not uncommon for different species to flock together.

Did you, at least, figure out that you posted the first comment about birds? The rest of the conversation about birds has been refuting your claim about them or explaining that you did, indeed, post a comment about birds.
Fight it like a War or get the hell out.

I take it you are talking about the war in the middle east. Screw that. Just send them back from the shitholes they came from and let them fight it out amongst themselves.
We are still there because of politicians with no back bone to fight it like a War......................Haven't fought it like a WAR since WWII..............Korea is a pain in our ass now because Truman played politcs.............and refused to fight it like a War..........We been doing the same damned thing since then.

You are wrong. The main reason we are there is because the world is sinking into an overpopulated shithole with ever decreasing resources. For most of them, they have no other option but war. We would be better off by not being involved in any way shape or form. Which includes not having their kind living amongst us. As for WW II and the rest, you really have no idea.
Prometheus Bound

We've barely scratched the surface of the world's resources. Artificial shortages are created to raise profit margins. The ruling parasites humiliate people with the most productive potential and even dumb them down so they can't see through the Anti-Intelligence Design of the hoarders.

Yeah. And human caused global warming isn't real either, right? Go tell your stupidity to those who might believe it.
When Treehuggers Meet Chainsaws, the Yellow Greens Will Give up Their Cretins' Creed

Sorry I offended your religion. You Gaians will be burning people at the stake next, not only for heresy but also to put thermometers next to them to add to your data about human-caused global warming.
Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish.

This all revolves around death. Have you ever heard of the military being involved in death?

Another one who slept thru biology class. Birds of different species do indeed flock together.

from: Mixed-Species Flocking
"It is not uncommon to find birds of several species flocking together."

And different races are not the same as different species. Labrador retrievers will live happily with bulldogs. Our Great Pyrenees do great with other dogs.

Seeing how you bring up something that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, I am assuming you think I am somebody else. If you want to debate whatever you are talking about, I suggest you debate the person who brought it up. Unless they are banned. If that is the case, just ask the mods to un-ban them.
He's actually challenging your theory of flocks with biological facts. The fact you don't like being refuted is your problem, not anyone elses.

I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.
White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.
Agreed on white supremacists, disagreed on the Patriot Act. The Act shredded the Constitution by empowering the Federal government and weakening individual rights.

Individual rights for whom, the bad guys?

For every citizen of this nation.

I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The things you mention are another example of how the terrorists won. But winning the occasional battle doesn't mean they won the war.
With the way the TSA ripped open my aunt's 30 year old Samsonite, silk lined dressing case, the terrorists have won.

By the way, we're crackers, and our family has been in the US since before it was a country. Utter bullshit.
We did it to ourselves. We've become a nation of spineless, fearful weaklings, mere shadows of our Founding Fathers who fought against an empire.

You are wrong. It was done TO us. That is one of the problems of loving lies. There are many who are willing to tell you lies. To your detriment. There are also many who are willing to be led and be slaves. And there will be many who will be willing to do that to you. Again, obviously, to your detriment. And no forum would allow anybody to tell you the real truth.
Bullshit, but believe as you wish. I was around for both before and after 9/11. People are cowards and screamed for Congress to do something and they did; the Patriot Act.

If "We, the People" hadn't asked for it, we wouldn't have gotten it. We truly do get the government we deserve.

First, people aren't cowards. They're sheep. Mostly because they want to be. But another large part of the reason is that no forum that I am aware of, including this one, will allow anything to be said against the shepherds. Even though it is undeniable FACT! Next, nobody, absolutely nobody wanted the Patriot Act. That is just what they were told was necessary and accepted it.

Another "master stroke" was not going to war with the country where the enemies were. Pakistan. But instead going to war with the country where they weren't. Iraq.
Nuke Till They Puke

The Saudi monarchy is the headquarters of terrorism; Pakistan is one of its dependencies. Since Saudi unofficial agents caused 9\11, Mecca and Medina should pay the same price Japan did for Pearl Harbor.
Another one who slept thru biology class. Birds of different species do indeed flock together.

from: Mixed-Species Flocking
"It is not uncommon to find birds of several species flocking together."

And different races are not the same as different species. Labrador retrievers will live happily with bulldogs. Our Great Pyrenees do great with other dogs.

Seeing how you bring up something that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, I am assuming you think I am somebody else. If you want to debate whatever you are talking about, I suggest you debate the person who brought it up. Unless they are banned. If that is the case, just ask the mods to un-ban them.
He's actually challenging your theory of flocks with biological facts. The fact you don't like being refuted is your problem, not anyone elses.

I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.

No, I will admit no such thing. Post #7 was the first time birds were mentioned. And it was in a post YOU made.

And the word "species" denotes a specific scientific classification. The different races are not different species.

Biological Aspects of Race
With the way the TSA ripped open my aunt's 30 year old Samsonite, silk lined dressing case, the terrorists have won.

By the way, we're crackers, and our family has been in the US since before it was a country. Utter bullshit.
We did it to ourselves. We've become a nation of spineless, fearful weaklings, mere shadows of our Founding Fathers who fought against an empire.

You are wrong. It was done TO us. That is one of the problems of loving lies. There are many who are willing to tell you lies. To your detriment. There are also many who are willing to be led and be slaves. And there will be many who will be willing to do that to you. Again, obviously, to your detriment. And no forum would allow anybody to tell you the real truth.
Bullshit, but believe as you wish. I was around for both before and after 9/11. People are cowards and screamed for Congress to do something and they did; the Patriot Act.

If "We, the People" hadn't asked for it, we wouldn't have gotten it. We truly do get the government we deserve.

First, people aren't cowards. They're sheep. Mostly because they want to be. But another large part of the reason is that no forum that I am aware of, including this one, will allow anything to be said against the shepherds. Even though it is undeniable FACT! Next, nobody, absolutely nobody wanted the Patriot Act. That is just what they were told was necessary and accepted it.

Another "master stroke" was not going to war with the country where the enemies were. Pakistan. But instead going to war with the country where they weren't. Iraq.
Nuke Till They Puke

The Saudi monarchy is the headquarters of terrorism; Pakistan is one of its dependencies. Since Saudi unofficial agents caused 9\11, Mecca and Medina should pay the same price Japan did for Pearl Harbor.

Anyone who shelters or funds terrorists should be treated as terrorists.
Agreed on white supremacists, disagreed on the Patriot Act. The Act shredded the Constitution by empowering the Federal government and weakening individual rights.

Individual rights for whom, the bad guys?

For every citizen of this nation.

I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The things you mention are another example of how the terrorists won. But winning the occasional battle doesn't mean they won the war.
Agreed. Most Americans learned that lesson a few years after the Patriot Act passed, but it seems every new generation needs to relearn that giving away freedoms to an all powerful government isn't wise.
There was a show on the other day about terrorism. I didn't bother watching it. Because as a White American, I'm not a fan of BS and misdirection. But unfortunately, I did happen to catch about the last 30 seconds of it. They had some worthless sand negro on there saying that if we do something to muslims in general because of muslim terrorists, then the terrorists win.

Some choice. If we do nothing about them, they win. And if we do something positive about them, they supposedly win again. BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Any White person would have their "minds" swimming in a state of traitorous delusion to think that we need them around at all. I say we get rid of them all! "Good" or bad. That way, they won't be around to bother us. What would that mean? WE WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!

White supremacists say the same thing. As a matter of fact, ALL terrorist groups say the same thing. We really need the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" reinstated.

White "supremacists?" Nice to see you parroting jew scum propaganda. I myself am a White "separatist." White people just happen to be superior. So if you are going to use a label, use a truthful one. Also, do you know who doesn't like separatism? Parasites. Like the fleas on a dog don't want to be separate from the dog.

Do you know what the fleas would be in favor of? "Uniting and strengthening by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct flea powder."

Also, somebody brought up birds. In nature, every flock of birds that I ever saw were all the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I ever saw were the same species of fish. That is natures way. Do you know how else terrorists win? By getting their enemies to expend valuable resources in fighting against nature. Instead of keeping track of terrorists, just think how much better it would be if authorities used those resources to keep track of criminals instead.

Also, do you know who says the same thing you do? Brainwashed anti-White traitorous scum. A coincidence? But getting back to your "supremacist" thing, I have a couple pictures for you.

Ok, for the last time. YOU brought up birds. And your statement was incorrect the first time. This time you qualified it with "...I ever saw...". I'd still be willing to bet you are incorrect.

Redwing blackbirds and grackles flock together. In fact, the males of both species migrate in one flock, and the females of both species migrate in another flock. So, if you have seen blackbirds flying south in the fall or north in the spring, you have seen different species flocking together. You just do not know what you are seeing.

And I posted a link to some experts in birds at Stanford. You might read that. They say it is not uncommon for different species to flock together.

Did you, at least, figure out that you posted the first comment about birds? The rest of the conversation about birds has been refuting your claim about them or explaining that you did, indeed, post a comment about birds.

At one time I used to live in a place where birds would fly over at dusk. Tens of thousands of them. So many that I never did see the entire flock pass over. They were all the same species of bird. In the winter, in various bushes or even shopping carts at stores, little gray birds will always be flocked together. I have also often seen crows flocking together.

Also, I am a veteran of decades of nature shows. I have seen massive flocks of blackbirds. I have seen many flocks of various kinds of parrots. I have seen massive flocks of flamingos. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. I KNOW that flocks of birds are most often the same species of bird. Does that straighten things out for you at all? Or do we need to delve into schooling fish. Or swarms of jelly fish. Or even swarms of plankton.
Seeing how you bring up something that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, I am assuming you think I am somebody else. If you want to debate whatever you are talking about, I suggest you debate the person who brought it up. Unless they are banned. If that is the case, just ask the mods to un-ban them.
He's actually challenging your theory of flocks with biological facts. The fact you don't like being refuted is your problem, not anyone elses.

I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.

No, I will admit no such thing. Post #7 was the first time birds were mentioned. And it was in a post YOU made.

And the word "species" denotes a specific scientific classification. The different races are not different species.

Biological Aspects of Race

Well look at my thread. Forget the posts. You will not see birds mentioned in my thread. Next, "race" IS just a politically correct way of saying "species." Deal with it.
We did it to ourselves. We've become a nation of spineless, fearful weaklings, mere shadows of our Founding Fathers who fought against an empire.

You are wrong. It was done TO us. That is one of the problems of loving lies. There are many who are willing to tell you lies. To your detriment. There are also many who are willing to be led and be slaves. And there will be many who will be willing to do that to you. Again, obviously, to your detriment. And no forum would allow anybody to tell you the real truth.
Bullshit, but believe as you wish. I was around for both before and after 9/11. People are cowards and screamed for Congress to do something and they did; the Patriot Act.

If "We, the People" hadn't asked for it, we wouldn't have gotten it. We truly do get the government we deserve.

First, people aren't cowards. They're sheep. Mostly because they want to be. But another large part of the reason is that no forum that I am aware of, including this one, will allow anything to be said against the shepherds. Even though it is undeniable FACT! Next, nobody, absolutely nobody wanted the Patriot Act. That is just what they were told was necessary and accepted it.

Another "master stroke" was not going to war with the country where the enemies were. Pakistan. But instead going to war with the country where they weren't. Iraq.
Nuke Till They Puke

The Saudi monarchy is the headquarters of terrorism; Pakistan is one of its dependencies. Since Saudi unofficial agents caused 9\11, Mecca and Medina should pay the same price Japan did for Pearl Harbor.

Anyone who shelters or funds terrorists should be treated as terrorists.

I guess that means you should be treated as a terrorist. Because in the U.S., we shelter terrorists. Because every muslim is a terrorist. Some just haven't committed overt terrorist acts. But the majority of them support terrorists. After all, that is what their religion is all about. And I bet you support us sheltering them.

And look at the Syrian rebels. We fund many of them. And they are terrorists. Though admittedly, mostly to the Syrian government. But nobody is forcing them to be rebels. To have peace, all they have to do is stop being rebels. Problem solved.
He's actually challenging your theory of flocks with biological facts. The fact you don't like being refuted is your problem, not anyone elses.

I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.

No, I will admit no such thing. Post #7 was the first time birds were mentioned. And it was in a post YOU made.

And the word "species" denotes a specific scientific classification. The different races are not different species.

Biological Aspects of Race

Well look at my thread. Forget the posts. You will not see birds mentioned in my thread. Next, "race" IS just a politically correct way of saying "species." Deal with it.
WTF? Are you lying to yourself? You mentioned birds here:
Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish.

This all revolves around death. Have you ever heard of the military being involved in death?
Individual rights for whom, the bad guys?

For every citizen of this nation.

I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The things you mention are another example of how the terrorists won. But winning the occasional battle doesn't mean they won the war.
Agreed. Most Americans learned that lesson a few years after the Patriot Act passed, but it seems every new generation needs to relearn that giving away freedoms to an all powerful government isn't wise.

But to the terrorists, another victory. Which is yet another reason why we should deport them all. "Good" or bad. We also need to deport their supporters.
For every citizen of this nation.

I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The things you mention are another example of how the terrorists won. But winning the occasional battle doesn't mean they won the war.
Agreed. Most Americans learned that lesson a few years after the Patriot Act passed, but it seems every new generation needs to relearn that giving away freedoms to an all powerful government isn't wise.

But to the terrorists, another victory. Which is yet another reason why we should deport them all. "Good" or bad. We also need to deport their supporters.
Deport all of whom? Immigrants and those who immigrant heritage? Good luck!
I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.

No, I will admit no such thing. Post #7 was the first time birds were mentioned. And it was in a post YOU made.

And the word "species" denotes a specific scientific classification. The different races are not different species.

Biological Aspects of Race

Well look at my thread. Forget the posts. You will not see birds mentioned in my thread. Next, "race" IS just a politically correct way of saying "species." Deal with it.
WTF? Are you lying to yourself? You mentioned birds here:
Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish.

This all revolves around death. Have you ever heard of the military being involved in death?
I'm a United States citizen. I never lost any rights.
You gave up the right to privacy. Having your phones monitored, the books you check out from the library, etc.

Most of us have nothing to worry about but such information can be misused. What if a President or administration decides to use such info against those perceived as political enemies? It's not wise to empower a virtually all-powerful government with even more power. Weakening individual rights is all we have left.

President Ford reiterated a good quote before Congress in 1974:

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The things you mention are another example of how the terrorists won. But winning the occasional battle doesn't mean they won the war.
Agreed. Most Americans learned that lesson a few years after the Patriot Act passed, but it seems every new generation needs to relearn that giving away freedoms to an all powerful government isn't wise.

But to the terrorists, another victory. Which is yet another reason why we should deport them all. "Good" or bad. We also need to deport their supporters.
Deport all of whom? Immigrants and those who immigrant heritage? Good luck!

Every journey begins with a single step. All you have to do is take a step. If you do so, maybe others will follow your example.
He's actually challenging your theory of flocks with biological facts. The fact you don't like being refuted is your problem, not anyone elses.

I started a few threads around here. At none of them did I even mention birds. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In post #7 of this thread you stated:
"Why race? Because race (species) is the very rock bottom foundation of all problems. It is why all flocks of birds are the same species of bird. And why all schools of fish are the same species of fish."

Does any of that look familiar?

Well I guess it did come up. But you have to admit that I didn't bring up birds in my thread. With that being the case, every flock of birds that I ever saw ere the same species of bird. And every school of fish that I have ever seen were all the same species of fish. That is every freakin one!

It isn't impossible for different flocks of birds to fly together. But I would bet that it is more likely than not that for the rare cases that it does happen, they aren't evenly intermingled. But still tend to group with their own kind.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." No place else in nature is any creature referred to as a "race" of anything. Though one time long ago on some nature show, I did hear somebody refer to some creature as a race of something. But being so long ago, I don't remember if he was even being serious or not. Though in ALL other cases, every creature ever mentioned was labeled as a species. Maybe sometimes as a sub-species. But never a sub-race.

You also bring up dogs. Though creatures domesticated by humans don't count. Though I will say that in the U.S., western wolves and eastern wolves, which are considered to be different species of wolf, can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Eastern wolves and coyotes can interbreed and have viable offspring. But that doesn't make them the same species. Western wolves and coyotes can't interbreed and have viable offspring.

No, I will admit no such thing. Post #7 was the first time birds were mentioned. And it was in a post YOU made.

And the word "species" denotes a specific scientific classification. The different races are not different species.

Biological Aspects of Race

Well look at my thread. Forget the posts. You will not see birds mentioned in my thread. Next, "race" IS just a politically correct way of saying "species." Deal with it.

The thread is the entire collection of posts. And in Post #7 you claimed that birds of different species don't flock together. I corrected you. For some reason you just cannot grasp the facts here. YOU first brought up birds, claiming they didn't flock with other species.

If you want to claim to be the "superior race", you might want to work on the fact that words have actual meanings. And you damn sure didn't mean it as a politically correct statement. Otherwise, you would not have used birds and fish as examples.

You see junior, if you are going to come here and spout shit, you need to be sharp enough to get your facts right. Otherwise it will be all humiliation.
And human caused global warming isn't real either, right?

Is it? How much? How do you know?

No doubt there have been people around here who told you. They may have even shown you graphs to prove it. But you are too stupid or get paid too well to believe it. Ever see the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards?" You should see if there are any plans to make a "Greedy Lying Bastards 2." If they are, you should see if you can be in it.

No doubt there have been people around here who told you.

I want you to tell me.
Over what time frame?
How much has the Earth warmed?
How much of that warming is our fault?
How do you know?

Ever see the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards?"


You should see if there are any plans to make a "Greedy Lying Bastards 2." If they are, you should see if you can be in it.

Asking you questions means I should be in a documentary? Cool.

If you run away instead of answering, you could be in a film called, "Deskeptify is a Pussy"
If you can't see the obvious, there's no point in explaining it to you.
Which, of course, means I can't explain it.
Desk, I was being sarcastic.

The fact is that proving something as huge as Climate Change and then understanding the proof requirements a massive amount of study.
I am fully in favor of limiting pollution as opposed to screaming Climate Change and then taxing Americans to pay for global studies.

He's not very you already noticed.
Perhaps he's strong...head strong.

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