The Truth About John McCain


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

His stupid showing off caused this mess and it was covered up because of his father, an admiral.

During the course of his flying career with the U.S. Navy, John McCain was involved in at least five major mishaps or crashes involving his plane. The most dramatic incidents occurred in 1967. He barely escaped with his life after a missile exploded aboard an aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, in July of that year, killing 134 of his fellow crew members. In October, McCain was shot down over Vietnam by a surface-to-air missile.”

This article is an indictment of this man and proves that President Trump was correct in is assessment that McCain “was no hero.”

Full story with lots and lots of links @ McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces
The story of why McCain is a hero is the he could have been released while a POW because his father was an admiral, but he chose to not be released until the other POWs were released.

I have not doubt that his captures made the offer to him to release him on those grounds. But I have to wonder if the offer would had been carried out had he accepted. What did the Vietcong have to gain from releasing McCain? If they really wanted to release him, they could have forced him and then told the other Prisioners that he left them out to dry. I wonder if the offer for release was really just a ploy to get him to accept and then play him against his fellow POWs.
In 1967, the USS Forrestal suffered near catastrophic damage from a fire that raged on-board for nearly two days. John McCain was stationed on the Forrestal at the time and was quite likely responsible for the fire that killed 134 sailors and injured 62 others.

Hot dog pilots were well known for their "wet-starts," a process which allows fuel to build up in the engine before hitting the plane's start switch. The result of the wet-start is a long flame erupting from the tail of the plane. It was done simply for effect, a showy procedure meant to draw attention to the pilot.

On June 29, 1967, John McCain is alleged to have used a wet-start to "shake up" a pilot in the plane behind him. The result was a fired rocket, dropped bombs and a fire that raged for nearly two days. 134 sailors lost their lives and another 62 were badly injured.

McCain never had to answer for the incident. His father and grandfather were Navy admirals with a great deal of sway.

Three months after the Forrestal disaster McCain was shot down over North Vietnam. You know the rest of the story

John McCain, Wet-Starts and the USS Forrestal

Something like this would of been well known. T wants to bad mouth him due to the one vote.
TRIGGER WARNING: Prissy Holly is a conservative journalist, professional shi*t starter and disgruntled military vet who is very outspoken and doesn't give a flying crap about your feelings when exposing the truth. If you want your daily dose of news delivered in the most politically incorrect way as possible, make sure you follow Prissy!

Looks like Prissy just hates Obama, Hillary, etc.
Trump having talked to so many Vets would have known what they had to say about McCain. Inevitably some of these Vets were survivors of the USS Forrestal who knew what really happened. Fact is you can't find a single Vietnam War Vet who has anything good to say about McCain. .:

Yeah Trump had him pegged right all along as well as that other traitor Comey !
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?
The sad thing is that former pilot, McCain, now senator McCain who was shot down and allegedly collaborated with the enemy became the target of a justice dept investigation.The "Keating Five" became the notorious example of graft and corruption at the time. The problem was that the other four "Keating Five" politicians were democrats and during a democrat administration they escaped without prosecution so they had to let republican McCain off with a slap on the wrist as well. When the most decorated Navy pilot in Vietnam, Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham was accused of the same type of lobbyist graft, the democrat party made an example of him since he was the lone republican. The greatest pilot in the Vietnam war who shot down the most notorious VC ace in an epic dogfight and the founder of Top Gun was prosecuted and sentenced to prison and McCain never said a word on his behalf.
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McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?
Yes of course if it weren`t for his dad he would have been court-martialed. He started that fire according to survivors who were on deck doing a wet start even though there was a fully armed plane right behind him.
The flames from his wet start ( idiots do it to show off) cooked the munitions on the plane behind him and then all hell broke loose. Also when he was a POW he collaborated with the Congs for propaganda films that had him saying that the US was targeting schools and hospitals. For that they offered to release him say the Vets who were we he was. Vietnam, China and Russia had the goods on Mc Cain ever since then and he was and still is a communist implant and collaborator just like Angela Merkel is in Germany. The Pentagon did not crucify that bastard because his blocking everything having to do with Vietnam Vets who were still in POW camps played right into their hands...which they preferred to sit on instead of getting the POW's released and sweeping the rest of the MIA's under the rug...It's not the first time the Pentagon did that. They did the same thing with the sailors who got killed on the USS Liberty ( look it up)

His stupid showing off caused this mess and it was covered up because of his father, an admiral.

During the course of his flying career with the U.S. Navy, John McCain was involved in at least five major mishaps or crashes involving his plane. The most dramatic incidents occurred in 1967. He barely escaped with his life after a missile exploded aboard an aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, in July of that year, killing 134 of his fellow crew members. In October, McCain was shot down over Vietnam by a surface-to-air missile.”

This article is an indictment of this man and proves that President Trump was correct in is assessment that McCain “was no hero.”

Full story with lots and lots of links @ McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces

Why is it that Contards take so much delight in attacking combat veterans?

Decorated combat veterans?

Lets review what President Snowflake- you know the guy who dodged Vietnam- said about John McCain:

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Note- Trump didn't say that John McCain was not a hero because he crashed planes on his carrier- but because he got captured.

So do you agree with Donald Trump that American veterans who were captured, imprisoned and tortured are not heroes?



Tell us how all of those survivors of the Bataan death march- aren't heroes.

Tell us again how John McCain is not a hero.
Trump having talked to so many Vets would have known what they had to say about McCain. Inevitably some of these Vets were survivors of the USS Forrestal who knew what really happened. Fact is you can't find a single Vietnam War Vet who has anything good to say about McCain. .:

Really? Fact is that you are a liar
No evidence McCain was a traitor
George "Bud" Day and Orson Swindle, fellow POWs, told PolitiFact that POWs sometimes were forced to talk when they were tortured, but they tried to tell lies to mislead their captors.

"We were all tortured and we wrote confessions under the pressure of torture," said Swindle, who was a cellmate with McCain and is active in his campaign. "John McCain never collaborated with the enemy. He, like every one of us, submitted to severe torture. John McCain did nothing dishonorable. He was heroic."

Day, a Medal of Honor winner who also is supporting McCain's campaign, said the flyer is "the most outrageous f------ lie I've ever heard."

That is two- two were POW's with him that say you are a liar.

Shall I find more?

Dan Stenvold, by contrast, took a firmer line. "I don't think Donald Trump has too many live brain cells between his ears to make a statement like that," he told Mic, laughing over the phone. "He doesn't know what he's talking about because he never served."

Stenvold, who served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam and is currently president of the North Dakota Vietnam Veterans of America, said McCain was absolutely a hero. "They tortured that man."

His stupid showing off caused this mess and it was covered up because of his father, an admiral.

During the course of his flying career with the U.S. Navy, John McCain was involved in at least five major mishaps or crashes involving his plane. The most dramatic incidents occurred in 1967. He barely escaped with his life after a missile exploded aboard an aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, in July of that year, killing 134 of his fellow crew members. In October, McCain was shot down over Vietnam by a surface-to-air missile.”

This article is an indictment of this man and proves that President Trump was correct in is assessment that McCain “was no hero.”

Full story with lots and lots of links @ McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces

Posts blame McCain for deadly 1967 fire aboard USS Forrestal

U.S. Sen. John McCain "was singlehandedly responsible for starting a fire on (the) USS Forrestal aircraft carrier."

Bloggers on Sunday, August 6th, 2017 in Internet posts

Posts wrongly blame John McCain for deadly 1967 fire aboard USS Forrestal
By Joshua Gillin on Monday, August 7th, 2017 at 5:28 p.m.


A fire aboard the USS Forrestal after a rocket from an F-4 Phanton hit an A-4 Skyhawk killed 134 crew members in July 1967. (AP file photo)
Several websites have dredged up erroneous details of a deadly naval accident to smear U.S. Sen. John McCain’s service record after his vote against a GOP health care bill.

This charge has been leveled against McCain before, as the event did come up during his 2008 presidential campaign. But official reports and other accounts don’t support the assertion that he was responsible.

Fire aboard the Forrestal
McCain was aboard the Forrestal as a lieutenant commander piloting an A-4 Skyhawk for the U.S. Navy on July 29, 1967, the day of the fire. The Forrestal had recently been resupplied with munitions, including 1,000-pound bombs from the Korean War, stored on the deck, because modern bombs were in short supply. McCain’s jet was parked on the deck, tail pointed outward before takeoff, as the ship sailed in the Gulf of Tonkin.

McCain didn’t "wet start" his jet, but rather an F-4 Phantom about 100 feet away at the opposite end of the deck accidentally fired a rocket because of an electrical surge.

Though specific details vary, no official or thoroughly researched account of the Forrestal fire blames McCain or any other particular pilot. A rocket from a jet other than McCain’s misfired due to an electrical surge, hitting a plane from across the flight deck and starting the blaze. Several other factors contributed to the conflagration burning out of control and killing 134 sailors and pilots.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!

Anyone surprised that Longknife posted a lie to attack a combat veteran?


In 1967, the USS Forrestal suffered near catastrophic damage from a fire that raged on-board for nearly two days. John McCain was stationed on the Forrestal at the time and was quite likely responsible for the fire that killed 134 sailors and injured 62 others.

Hot dog pilots were well known for their "wet-starts," a process which allows fuel to build up in the engine before hitting the plane's start switch. The result of the wet-start is a long flame erupting from the tail of the plane. It was done simply for effect, a showy procedure meant to draw attention to the pilot.

On June 29, 1967, John McCain is alleged to have used a wet-start to "shake up" a pilot in the plane behind him. The result was a fired rocket, dropped bombs and a fire that raged for nearly two days. 134 sailors lost their lives and another 62 were badly injured.

McCain never had to answer for the incident. His father and grandfather were Navy admirals with a great deal of sway.

Three months after the Forrestal disaster McCain was shot down over North Vietnam. You know the rest of the story

John McCain, Wet-Starts and the USS Forrestal

Something like this would of been well known. T wants to bad mouth him due to the one vote.

I was on active duty when that occurred and remember during DC training the Chief relating to this incident. As I recall he told us that a flare had been set off on deck, and it was tossed into the locker with other flares, but not all of the hatch had been dogged and an explosion followed.
Trump having talked to so many Vets would have known what they had to say about McCain. Inevitably some of these Vets were survivors of the USS Forrestal who knew what really happened. Fact is you can't find a single Vietnam War Vet who has anything good to say about McCain. .:

Yeah Trump had him pegged right all along as well as that other traitor Comey !

Conservatives are so fond of their Swift Boating
That is because so few of the actually serve

I prefer those who weren't captured
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?

McCain's plane had NOTHING to do with the Zuni rocket that was fired through Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) from an F-4 Phantom jet parked on the flight deck.

I was an Navy Electronics Technician and later a Surface Warfare Officer in charge of the ship's missile fire control radars. I know this shit like the back of my hand. Ever been on a Navy ship and ever noticed that almost everything has a grounding cable? Know why? EMI!

This is an attempt to smear McCain by individuals who cannot find their own ass with both hands.
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?
Yes of course if it weren`t for his dad he would have been court-martialed. He started that fire according to survivors who were on deck doing a wet start even though there was a fully armed plane right behind him.
The flames from his wet start ( idiots do it to show off) cooked the munitions on the plane behind him and then all hell broke loose. Also when he was a POW he collaborated with the Congs for propaganda films that had him saying that the US was targeting schools and hospitals. For that they offered to release him say the Vets who were we he was. Vietnam, China and Russia had the goods on Mc Cain ever since then and he was and still is a communist implant and collaborator just like Angela Merkel is in Germany. The Pentagon did not crucify that bastard because his blocking everything having to do with Vietnam Vets who were still in POW camps played right into their hands...which they preferred to sit on instead of getting the POW's released and sweeping the rest of the MIA's under the rug...It's not the first time the Pentagon did that. They did the same thing with the sailors who got killed on the USS Liberty ( look it up)

Watch the video you moron! The plane's exhaust is pointed over the side of the ship on the port side outboard of the waist catapult. The A-4 next to McCain's was struck by a Zuni rocket. You can see it on the flight deck camera videos.

You are listening to lies and not using the brain God gave you to look at the truth. I have literally watched that video about 50 times. Nothing happened other than what I just described.
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?

McCain's plane had NOTHING to do with the Zuni rocket that was fired through Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) from an F-4 Phantom jet parked on the flight deck.

I was an Navy Electronics Technician and later a Surface Warfare Officer in charge of the ship's missile fire control radars. I know this shit like the back of my hand. Ever been on a Navy ship and ever noticed that almost everything has a grounding cable? Know why? EMI!

This is an attempt to smear McCain by individuals who cannot find their own ass with both hands.
If you were such an expert then you should know that grounding cables have sfa to do with EMI. They are used to prevent static electrical charge build up. The Zuni rocket igniter wires and the fuse filaments are filtered from EM and it takes 3 amperes (10 recommended) to fire the igniter's black powder charge.
1-3 15 Aug 73
Specification IGNITER, electric
Specification (subassembly of cartridge)
No-fire: 1.5 amp All-fire: 3.0 amp Recommended firing: 10.0 amp
Bridge resistance: 0.11-0.18 ohm Bridge platinum-iridium
BOOSTER CHARGE: black powder

You would need an EMP from a nearby nuke explosion to "accidentally" fire this igniter else every solar flare would have endangered the Navy`s stock pile.
So much for that part of McCain's fuckups while he was a (dismal) pilot..that still leaves un answered how he collaborated with his captors for communist propaganda films
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral. Is it possible that Admiral McCain was able to use his influence in the investigation of the fire on the USS Forestall to blame some sort of electronic glitch in his son's plane that never happened before or after the incident?

McCain's plane had NOTHING to do with the Zuni rocket that was fired through Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) from an F-4 Phantom jet parked on the flight deck.

I was an Navy Electronics Technician and later a Surface Warfare Officer in charge of the ship's missile fire control radars. I know this shit like the back of my hand. Ever been on a Navy ship and ever noticed that almost everything has a grounding cable? Know why? EMI!

This is an attempt to smear McCain by individuals who cannot find their own ass with both hands.
If you were such an expert then you should know that grounding cables have sfa to do with EMI. They are used to prevent static electrical charge build up. The Zuni rocket igniter wires and the fuse filaments are filtered from EM and it takes 3 amperes (10 recommended) to fire the igniter's black powder charge.
1-3 15 Aug 73
Specification IGNITER, electric
Specification (subassembly of cartridge)
No-fire: 1.5 amp All-fire: 3.0 amp Recommended firing: 10.0 amp
Bridge resistance: 0.11-0.18 ohm Bridge platinum-iridium
BOOSTER CHARGE: black powder

You would need an EMP from a nearby nuke explosion to "accidentally" fire this igniter else every solar flare would have endangered the Navy`s stock pile.
So much for that part of McCain's fuckups while he was a (dismal) pilot..that still leaves un answered how he collaborated with his captors for communist propaganda films

Ok, shit for brains! The gloves are off.

Did you note the date on that NAVAIR report?

When did the fire on the USS Forrestal occur?

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown!

When did you serve as an Aviation Ordnanceman in the Navy or in any other fucking capacity?

Here;s a real good piece of advice and I suggest you take it!

Stop talking about shit you know nothing about!

"Other electrical problems can affect ordnance. As shown in the images of the Forrestal fires, 134 men were killed and 161injured, started when an Zuni air-to-ground 5" rocket, aboard an F-4 Phantom II fighter, piloted by Jim Bangert fired, when it was switched from external to internal electrical power. [2] The rocket and its launching triple ejector rack each had a separate electrical connector that enabled the rocket to be launched. The two arming connectors were to be inserted, under standard operating procedures, only when the aircraft was on the catapult, weapons aimed in a safe direction. To improve speed, the ship's Weapons Coordination Board (WCB) approved the early insertion of one of the pins. Unfortunately, the WCB never forwarded its recommendation to higher authority, and, without consultation, flight deck crews had also decided to find a faster way to launch, by pre-inserting a connector.

Unfortunately, that connector was the second of the two. Each group assumed that the other pin was not yet installed, so the fighter was moved along the deck with both arming pins in place. When the rocket fired, it shot across the deck and hit an A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft piloted by John McCain, tearing open its fuel tank and starting a major fire, which, in turn, set off bombs."

Safety and survivability of naval vessels - encyclopedia article - Citizendium

His stupid showing off caused this mess and it was covered up because of his father, an admiral.

During the course of his flying career with the U.S. Navy, John McCain was involved in at least five major mishaps or crashes involving his plane. The most dramatic incidents occurred in 1967. He barely escaped with his life after a missile exploded aboard an aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, in July of that year, killing 134 of his fellow crew members. In October, McCain was shot down over Vietnam by a surface-to-air missile.”

This article is an indictment of this man and proves that President Trump was correct in is assessment that McCain “was no hero.”

Full story with lots and lots of links @ McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces

Why is it that Contards take so much delight in attacking combat veterans?

Decorated combat veterans?

Lets review what President Snowflake- you know the guy who dodged Vietnam- said about John McCain:

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Note- Trump didn't say that John McCain was not a hero because he crashed planes on his carrier- but because he got captured.

So do you agree with Donald Trump that American veterans who were captured, imprisoned and tortured are not heroes?

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Tell us how all of those survivors of the Bataan death march- aren't heroes.

Tell us again how John McCain is not a hero.

As usual, you Libtards are mixing apples and oranges. Every one of those guys in the Hanoi Hilton were heroes for holding out against attempts to make them turn against their country - except for Traitor McCain. He deserved to be courts-martialed and only got out of it due to his father and grandfather.
I was on active duty when that occurred and remember during DC training the Chief relating to this incident. As I recall he told us that a flare had been set off on deck, and it was tossed into the locker with other flares, but not all of the hatch had been dogged and an explosion followed.
That incident happened on the USS Oriskany. .... :cool:

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