The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

You didn't notice the officer standing by the door, moron.

How would an officer standing by a door, prove he was letting people in, without showing him letting people in?

Don't be an idiot. The video shows people standing around. Not anybody letting anybody in.
You didn't notice the officer standing by the door, moron.

How would an officer standing by a door, prove he was letting people in, without showing him letting people in?

Don't be an idiot. The video shows people standing around. Not anybody letting anybody in.
You claimed there were no doors in the video. Now you're admitting there are.
You claimed there were no doors in the video. Now you're admitting there are.
The video starts with a floor shot with the guy carrying the flag with a red back pack. It later pans up to the police speaking.

You can see the skylight over the doors, but not the doors themselves, nor anybody entering or exiting.

I've been slo-mo'ing the video and there's no frame of a police officer standing near a door.

You can see the skylight of a doorframe over the guys shoulder. But no doorway, no cop standing in front of it. and certainly nobody letting anybody in.

You wanna take a screen shot showing what you claim. I invite you to try.
"Your fellow traveler quoting unnamed sources also"
Shux, my bad.
I thought by naming William Barr as the speaker and then putting his words within quotation marks, that would suffice to demonstrate that it wasn't an anonymous or unnamed source. Here, lemme try once again. Please note the text inside the quotation marks.

Wm. Barr: “I feel like you are going to lose the election… I feel like you are actually losing touch with your own base…

“I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn’t said to me, ‘We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?’… You are going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this shit.’…

“I think that if you wanted to you could walk into a second term, COVID and all. You could go down in history as an amazing president, and it’s yours for the taking. But it’s about you, and you’re turning off enough people to lose the election.”

What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump tracks closely with what Trump's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him AFTER he had lost. To wit: people think you are untrustworthy, and incompetent.

[* that last sentence referencing Tony Fabrizio, is NOT from Barr. That is from my avatar. It was added because it added context to what Barr DID say. In short, the people around Trump, people who were connected and informed, and, in Fabrizio's case....actually paid by Trump for his insights were telling him. They were telling he's gonna lose. And why he lost.]

Trump is a coward and turns on everyone. His statement is pathetic.
That statement against General Milley is revolting.
Recall Don Trump boasting that he would hire only "the best people"......and then he turns on so many of them. Savages their reputations.
Most all who enter that orbit have come out of it by being trashed by the boss. Don Trump damages all that come close.
As Barr said...Trump "punches down". There is no grace there. There is no gravitas with Don Trump.
In my humble opinion.

"Just because they reprint excerpts from these books doesn't make them any less bs."
Umm, poster 'j-mac'......Don Trump said it. In interviews. On tape. Didn't you see the media references that described that he sat down ---in Mar-A-Lago ---- with dozens of reporters writing more than a dozen books, and answered their question?

So, if you feel it is "bs".....well, partner, you need look only at the source.


"Those books are too late for the party now. Unlike books that came out when Trump was the POTUS, those books will not sell well. WTF, will buy them,"

Well, I cannot opine on whether they will sell or not. Nor who will buy 'em. Whadahell do I know about the book publishing and marketing business?

But.....more important than whether there is a dollar to be made is that these books will become embedded in the historical record.
I'm mildly sure you know that intuitively. People describing their close interaction with Don Trump is to be expected. Folks go into White House service with a keen sense of history. Witness, all of the personal diaries, journals, and on-the-spot notes that so many such folks maintain and offer up...eventualyl.....for the historical record. Think Nicholas Hay who served Lincoln. I would conjecture all....or damn near all.....keep notes.

And, in fact, we know that sense of history is on Don Trump's mind. That is why he agreed to sit down with so many reporters ---in Mar-A-Lago--- all of them writing an 'end of Presidency' book. He was trying to work the refs, to shine his apple, so that history wouldn't depreciate his time in office and/or his personal character.

These books are value-added to the public's knowledge, and the public's discourse on those people who govern us. Without these books ....well, who is gonna tell us how it all came down? I don't have a pipeline into the White House or the top level of Agencies. So, if someone doesn't describe it to me.....I could never know. So, in the end, these books add context, nuance, insight, and transparency to our governance.

Good for us.
I know it is firday. What are you having this early??? I am not his fan, but, sometimes, leftist dolts are really cringeworthy :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump
There you go again

You are NOT engaging in from Barr’s lips to your ears

There is a lying lib journalist as the middleman

Trump said that he could beat a George Washington/Abe Lincoln ticket.. Do you actually think anyone is lying about Trump's idiocy?
I think libs have no sense of humor

Nobody is lying about Trump.
What William Barr is reported to have told Don Trump
There you go again

You are NOT engaging in from Barr’s lips to your ears

There is a lying lib journalist as the middleman

Trump said that he could beat a George Washington/Abe Lincoln ticket.. Do you actually think anyone is lying about Trump's idiocy?
I think libs have no sense of humor

Nobody is lying about Trump.
Trump said that he could beat a George Washington/Abe Lincoln ticket.. Do you actually think anyone is lying about Trump's idiocy?
I think libs have no sense of humor
Actually libs lack the gene that allows them to tell the difference between a lie and hyperbole.

That when Trump says something, there's a 50/50 whether to take him literally.

And it's usually determined retroactively, after seeing how it went over.

Like Trump wanting to buy Greenland.
Trump said that he could beat a George Washington/Abe Lincoln ticket.. Do you actually think anyone is lying about Trump's idiocy?
I think libs have no sense of humor
Actually libs lack the gene that allows them to tell the difference between a lie and hyperbole.

That when Trump says something, there's a 50/50 whether to take him literally.

And it's usually determined retroactively, after seeing how it went over.

Like Trump wanting to buy Greenland.

Trump has diarrhea of the mouth.
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"...lefty infiltrators might have been responsible for things getting out of hand on 1/6 is plausible.
Your denial of that, marks you as the partisan zealot,......"
"Plausible"? Plausible is now the standard?
You know, Jewish Space Laser Aliens could be plausible too. Homosexual Oathkeepers could be plausible too.
Son, you still are trying too hard.
You need to come up with a little more rigorous standard to ride into battle with....than "plausible".

You've got one very questionably left-leaning arrestee......vs....495 who have been charged so far. None, zero, nada, zilch.....claiming to be ANTIFA or BLM.
Or charged as such.
Your odds look....not "plausible".....they look overwhelmingly silly.

And too, they are corralling them at a rate averaging 3 a day.
"Knock, knock, FBI. Please open the door. We need to ask you some questions."

"He wanted to put political pressure on Congress to not certify a fraudulent vote count. Hardly the stuff of nightmares."
See above, about "trying too hard".
You see, poster Correll, "political pressure" does not....does not....include beating the crap out of uniform police officers (injuring about 140); does not, include spearing uniformed officers with Blue Lives Matter flagpoles; does not....does not....include spraying a uniformed officer in the face with hi-grade MACE.

Gee, do you really need some anonymous moke on the internet to school you in such?
You are morphing into Lil' Bripat's doppleganger.
Don't do that. It's a poor look.


".....but all those fraudulent ballots ya'll flooded the election with makes that impossible, doesn't it?"

Well no, poster 'freyasman' it wouldn't be impossible at all.
Not if.......
Not if you could prove there really were thousands (millions?) of these flooding ballots.

I'm mildly sure you understand that the burden of proof lies with you.
The elections were all certified. Precinct after precinct. County after county. State after state.
So, whatcha got that will negate all those the certifications?
"Flooded" ballots should be easy for you to find and name and bring to authorities.

How's that workin' out for you?

Show or go.

It works that way in adult poker, too.
I'm also mildly sure, you should know that.
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