The Bible Is The Story Of God And His Plan To Fix The World


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5

Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the
Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are
the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power
n the Universe can defeat these:

{1} The Cross -- the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration -- "being
justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

{2} The Resurrection -- the power of that Empty Tomb. He lives. He is alive.
He has conquered Death for us -- we now have eternal life.

{3} The Ascension -- the power of "I go to my Father" , , , "all authority in
Heaven and on earth has been give to me" Matthew 28:18

{4} The Exaltation -- the power of being now seated at the right hand of the
Almighty Sovereign God

The Bible is the true story of God and His Plan to set the world right again.

Yes , , ,
The Bible tells the true story of how God will Christianize the world and
successfully carry out His Son's Great Commission -- to go and make disciples
of all nations -- commanded at the very end of Matthew's gospel.

God is going to fix the world. The world is now broken -- but God is going to
fix it. Hope lives. Love conquers. Victory. The Cross wins the war for the world.
Evil is defeated. The Good wins. The world will be Christianized before the Lord
Jesus returns. The yeast of the gospel will make disciples of all the nations through
the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who uses the plain simple gospel message
to regenerate the hearts of men and to enable them to believe in Jesus as their
Savior and then to understand the Bible, as the Holy Spirit begins the process
of creating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives , , ,

Step one is John 3:3 -- you must be born again {regenerated}
Step two is John 3:16 -- you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
Step three is Galatians 5:22-23 -- you must allow the Holy Spirit
o produce these 8 qualities within your heart , , ,


The Holy Spirit produces these 8 qualities in the hearts of humans.
This process is what finally fixes the world.

"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will
wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:3-4

I don't believe God has a plan. God has rules. It's up to us to formulate a plan. I don't believe everything happens for a reason, either. Both those notions cast us as no more than puppets, IMO, and I completely reject them.
Cuz he put humans on it and they screw everything.....Democrats in particular.
Ever thought of how better humans might be if we abolished all forms of government? Think of a world where others wouldn't tell the rest of us how much better off we would be if only we listened to them and did as we were told. Why do some need the rest of us to do as they say? Don't they have enough to do on their own?
If God is going to "Christianize" the world, then why are the Jews His chosen people? Says so in the Bible that they are.
The Jews are doing what they were chosen to well are the rest of us doing on our part? We, too, were chosen for something.
Cuz he put humans on it and they screw everything.....Democrats in particular.
Ever thought of how better humans might be if we abolished all forms of government? Think of a world where others wouldn't tell the rest of us how much better off we would be if only we listened to them and did as we were told. Why do some need the rest of us to do as they say? Don't they have enough to do on their own?
Government was created to serve and improve the lives of the people......and now government wants to make us serve them.
I don't believe God has a plan. God has rules. It's up to us to formulate a plan. I don't believe everything happens for a reason, either. Both those notions cast us as no more than puppets, IMO, and I completely reject them.
Sounds like you do subscribe to the concept of God.

That being the case, what's His relation to us?

"Us" as in, humans/mankind.
If God is going to "Christianize" the world, then why are the Jews His chosen people? Says so in the Bible that they are.
The Jews are doing what they were chosen to well are the rest of us doing on our part? We, too, were chosen for something.
We may not all be practicing Jews....but Europeans are from the same tribe. Christianity is just an offshoot from Judaism. Rome....Catholics.....Protestants.
Even Muslims used to be part of the Jewish people before Muhammad came along and decided to create his own religion.
But I don't think we were chosen to do anything other than live our lives and obey the Golden Rule.
The Jewish faith has at times been guilty of straying from the word of God. That is what the Bible explains in great detail. It's a history lesson on what to do and what not to do. Some of it is in the form of Parables...and not to be taken literally...while some of it is the actual discussion of specific events in the history of the Jewish People.
"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5

Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the
Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are
the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power
n the Universe can defeat these:

{1} The Cross -- the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration -- "being
justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

{2} The Resurrection -- the power of that Empty Tomb. He lives. He is alive.
He has conquered Death for us -- we now have eternal life.

{3} The Ascension -- the power of "I go to my Father" , , , "all authority in
Heaven and on earth has been give to me" Matthew 28:18

{4} The Exaltation -- the power of being now seated at the right hand of the
Almighty Sovereign God

The Bible is the true story of God and His Plan to set the world right again.

Yes , , ,
The Bible tells the true story of how God will Christianize the world and
successfully carry out His Son's Great Commission -- to go and make disciples
of all nations -- commanded at the very end of Matthew's gospel.

God is going to fix the world. The world is now broken -- but God is going to
fix it. Hope lives. Love conquers. Victory. The Cross wins the war for the world.
Evil is defeated. The Good wins. The world will be Christianized before the Lord
Jesus returns. The yeast of the gospel will make disciples of all the nations through
the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who uses the plain simple gospel message
to regenerate the hearts of men and to enable them to believe in Jesus as their
Savior and then to understand the Bible, as the Holy Spirit begins the process
of creating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives , , ,

Step one is John 3:3 -- you must be born again {regenerated}
Step two is John 3:16 -- you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
Step three is Galatians 5:22-23 -- you must allow the Holy Spirit
o produce these 8 qualities within your heart , , ,


The Holy Spirit produces these 8 qualities in the hearts of humans.
This process is what finally fixes the world.

"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will
wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:3-4

Indeed, "I am making all things new," said Jesus, nearly two thousand years ago. For two thousand years the new creation has been transforming the world to its cruciform shape.

And yet the world is broken such that God needs to fix it? "It is finished," after all. What's not finished? What's not new?
"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5

Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the
Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are
the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power
n the Universe can defeat these:

{1} The Cross -- the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration -- "being
justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

{2} The Resurrection -- the power of that Empty Tomb. He lives. He is alive.
He has conquered Death for us -- we now have eternal life.

{3} The Ascension -- the power of "I go to my Father" , , , "all authority in
Heaven and on earth has been give to me" Matthew 28:18

{4} The Exaltation -- the power of being now seated at the right hand of the
Almighty Sovereign God

The Bible is the true story of God and His Plan to set the world right again.

Yes , , ,
The Bible tells the true story of how God will Christianize the world and
successfully carry out His Son's Great Commission -- to go and make disciples
of all nations -- commanded at the very end of Matthew's gospel.

God is going to fix the world. The world is now broken -- but God is going to
fix it. Hope lives. Love conquers. Victory. The Cross wins the war for the world.
Evil is defeated. The Good wins. The world will be Christianized before the Lord
Jesus returns. The yeast of the gospel will make disciples of all the nations through
the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who uses the plain simple gospel message
to regenerate the hearts of men and to enable them to believe in Jesus as their
Savior and then to understand the Bible, as the Holy Spirit begins the process
of creating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives , , ,

Step one is John 3:3 -- you must be born again {regenerated}
Step two is John 3:16 -- you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
Step three is Galatians 5:22-23 -- you must allow the Holy Spirit
o produce these 8 qualities within your heart , , ,


The Holy Spirit produces these 8 qualities in the hearts of humans.
This process is what finally fixes the world.

"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will
wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:3-4

What's taking him so long?
"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5

Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the
Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are
the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power
n the Universe can defeat these:

{1} The Cross -- the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration -- "being
justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

{2} The Resurrection -- the power of that Empty Tomb. He lives. He is alive.
He has conquered Death for us -- we now have eternal life.

{3} The Ascension -- the power of "I go to my Father" , , , "all authority in
Heaven and on earth has been give to me" Matthew 28:18

{4} The Exaltation -- the power of being now seated at the right hand of the
Almighty Sovereign God

The Bible is the true story of God and His Plan to set the world right again.

Yes , , ,
The Bible tells the true story of how God will Christianize the world and
successfully carry out His Son's Great Commission -- to go and make disciples
of all nations -- commanded at the very end of Matthew's gospel.

God is going to fix the world. The world is now broken -- but God is going to
fix it. Hope lives. Love conquers. Victory. The Cross wins the war for the world.
Evil is defeated. The Good wins. The world will be Christianized before the Lord
Jesus returns. The yeast of the gospel will make disciples of all the nations through
the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who uses the plain simple gospel message
to regenerate the hearts of men and to enable them to believe in Jesus as their
Savior and then to understand the Bible, as the Holy Spirit begins the process
of creating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives , , ,

Step one is John 3:3 -- you must be born again {regenerated}
Step two is John 3:16 -- you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
Step three is Galatians 5:22-23 -- you must allow the Holy Spirit
o produce these 8 qualities within your heart , , ,


The Holy Spirit produces these 8 qualities in the hearts of humans.
This process is what finally fixes the world.

"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will
wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:3-4

What's taking him so long?
"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5

Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the
Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are
the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power
n the Universe can defeat these:

{1} The Cross -- the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration -- "being
justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

{2} The Resurrection -- the power of that Empty Tomb. He lives. He is alive.
He has conquered Death for us -- we now have eternal life.

{3} The Ascension -- the power of "I go to my Father" , , , "all authority in
Heaven and on earth has been give to me" Matthew 28:18

{4} The Exaltation -- the power of being now seated at the right hand of the
Almighty Sovereign God

The Bible is the true story of God and His Plan to set the world right again.

Yes , , ,
The Bible tells the true story of how God will Christianize the world and
successfully carry out His Son's Great Commission -- to go and make disciples
of all nations -- commanded at the very end of Matthew's gospel.

God is going to fix the world. The world is now broken -- but God is going to
fix it. Hope lives. Love conquers. Victory. The Cross wins the war for the world.
Evil is defeated. The Good wins. The world will be Christianized before the Lord
Jesus returns. The yeast of the gospel will make disciples of all the nations through
the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who uses the plain simple gospel message
to regenerate the hearts of men and to enable them to believe in Jesus as their
Savior and then to understand the Bible, as the Holy Spirit begins the process
of creating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives , , ,

Step one is John 3:3 -- you must be born again {regenerated}
Step two is John 3:16 -- you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
Step three is Galatians 5:22-23 -- you must allow the Holy Spirit
o produce these 8 qualities within your heart , , ,


The Holy Spirit produces these 8 qualities in the hearts of humans.
This process is what finally fixes the world.

"I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will
wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev. 21:3-4

What's taking him so long?
Why? Or you don't know that either? :biggrin:

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