“We Have Become Disfigured”. Christian Fears Trump Years Have Permanently Scarred Evangelicals


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

Evangelicals became hateful and poor messengers of ‘god’s’ word long before Trump.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

"Disfigured" may be putting it mildly. They sold their religion for a cult of personality. Devotion to Dear Leader is an indication that they now approve of hate, violence, and conspiracy theories.
These "evangelicals" invented, a long time ago, a form of faux "Christianity" that has no Jesus in it. Jesus might just as well not bothered. No wonder they latched onto trump. They invented a "God" in their beloved image of a straight white guy who is entitled to rule the country and the world by virtue of the accidents of his birth.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.


Michael Brown, a longtime charismatic Christian revivalist, argues that some Christians' fanatical devotion to former President Donald Trump shows that many people within the conservative Christian movement "have become terribly disfigured" by partisan politics.

"Is that what has infected us?" he asks "Have we become so consumed with partisan politics to the point that our Christian identity is now completely intertwined with a fleshly, angry, divisive, and accusative spirit – the very spirit of worldly politics?"

Brown also addresses the recent feuds that have erupted among some pro-Trump "prophets" who are claiming that God will soon reinstall the former president back in the White House.

"When my younger colleague Jeremiah Johnson publicly apologized for wrongly prophesying Trump's reelection, he received a torrent of hate mail of the basest sort, almost all of it from professing Christians," he writes. "This is the fruit of the Spirit? This is the result of our fellowship with God? This is what happens when we are changed into the likeness of Jesus? Obviously not."


This is what happens when a populist demagogue taps into people who are uneducated and believe in magical thinking. Its proven tragic in the past.
A conservative Christian has written a lengthy editorial for the Christian Post in which he worries his fellow evangelicals have become too hateful to be effective messengers for God's word.

Evangelicals became hateful and poor messengers of ‘god’s’ word long before Trump.
Could you make a more ignorant and bigoted statement?
Too many conservative “christians“ forget the part about serving two masters...
Trump was never our master...he was the president of the United States....a real president unlike the imposter Finger rapist Joe....and God is not our master either...he is our creator...
Liberoidals have never met a Bible verse that they couldn't take out of context and pervert.
Too many conservative “christians“ forget the part about serving two masters...
Trump was never our master...he was the president of the United States....a real president unlike the imposter Finger rapist Joe....and God is not our master either...he is our creator...
Liberoidals have never met a Bible verse that they couldn't take out of context and pervert.

Barking up the wrong tree. Keep swinging...
Too many conservative “christians“ forget the part about serving two masters...
Trump was never our master...he was the president of the United States....a real president unlike the imposter Finger rapist Joe....and God is not our master either...he is our creator...
Liberoidals have never met a Bible verse that they couldn't take out of context and pervert.

Barking up the wrong tree. Keep swinging...
Was speaking in general, Corky....Woof woof.... :auiqs.jpg:
Too many conservative “christians“ forget the part about serving two masters...
Trump was never our master...he was the president of the United States....a real president unlike the imposter Finger rapist Joe....and God is not our master either...he is our creator...
Liberoidals have never met a Bible verse that they couldn't take out of context and pervert.

Barking up the wrong tree. Keep swinging...
Was speaking in general, Corky....Woof woof.... :auiqs.jpg:





Did you ever hear the song that begins with the words, “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord”? The lyrics are very simple, with the repeated refrain, “And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love.”

Today, we might want to change that refrain to “they'll know we are Christians by our hate, by our hate.” We have become terribly disfigured in recent years, in many ways, the opposite of God’s intent. How on earth did this happen?

If you don’t believe me, visit some of our personal, Bible-affirming, Jesus-believing, social media pages, where we savage each other and attack each other and spread hearsay and even lies about one another with reckless abandon. They are hate-filled pages, pages filled with venom and poison, yet pages that ultimately reflect what is in our own hearts. I ask again: how on earth did this happen?


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