That inner voice, what is it?


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2014
Some people call it god, some people call it conscience, some people call it themselves, but that inner voice that prompts you to do the right thing, that tells you whether you can trust someone or something, what is it?

S.J. Asclepias
Its the result of your conscious mind training your subconscious mind. Its a damn near automated response just like driving home with something else on your mind and not remembering how you got there.
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I think that it is our higher self, and that we connect with it through meditation and other means.
"Every one of us human beings has two minds. One is totally ours, and it is like a faint voice that always brings us order, directness, purpose, The other mind is a foreign installation. It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness: it's ourselves as the me-me center of the world."

"One is our true mind, the product of all our life experiences, the one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, the mind we use daily for everything we do, is a foreign installation."

I believe the Catholics call the "foreign Installation" Original sin....
Some people call it god, some people call it conscience, some people call it themselves, but that inner voice that prompts you to do the right thing, that tells you whether you can trust someone or something, what is it?

S.J. Asclepias

Yo, it depends if you believe in God? Or the Devil?



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What exactly is a higher self and where does it reside?

The higher self is the divine in us, and it is in all living beings.
OK I can agree with that. Now where does it reside?.

Depends on your belief system, but the Hindus think it resides in the "white chakra", which is located at the top of the head, and the Jews have kind of a similar belief but they talk about animal and divine energy, and it is also located at the top of the head.

Christians think that voice is Jesus telling them the right thing to do, and view it as more of an external than internal force.

Me? I kinda like the Jewish school of thought, because in their teachings, they also teach that we all have a small piece of God within us, which is our soul. I like thinking that I might belong to something that big.
What exactly is a higher self and where does it reside?

The higher self is the divine in us, and it is in all living beings.
OK I can agree with that. Now where does it reside?.
In our DNA.
Do you think outside factors can contribute to the "divine" in us or is this a one shot, prepackaged deal?

Yes. The divine is in everything and everything is connected. So what happens outside of us is connected to what is happening inside of us.
I believe in the Fiber optic lamp paradigm of God and self....
The higher self is at the base and we are the little points of light at the tips of the fiber optics...we are shining in the Time Space continuum AKA the Matrix ......the whole thing is one thing ......however the lights at the tip are convinced they are separate ....adding to the confusion is the "foreign installation"..; who installed it and why is something I am not going to get into right now... the fiber optics are what moderns physics refer to as "Superstrings"...Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modelling them as vibrations of tiny super symmetric strings.

The voice of that higher self comes to us indeed that one always brings us order, directness, purpose... Listen to your inner voice. Don't listen to the superficial voice that makes you angry. Listen to that deeper voice that is going to guide you from now on, the voice that is laughing. Listen to it! And laugh with it. Laugh! Laugh!
I believe in the Fiber optic lamp paradigm of God and self....
The higher self is at the base and we are the little points of light at the tips of the fiber optics...we are shining in the Time Space continuum......the whole thing is one thing ......however the lights at the tip are convinced they are separate ....adding to the confusion is the "foreign installation"..; who installed it and why is something I am not going to get into right now... the fiber optics are what moderns physics refer to as "Superstrings"...Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modelling them as vibrations of tiny super symmetric strings.

The voice of that higher self comes to us that one always brings us order, directness, purpose... Listen to your inner voice. Don't listen to the superficial voice that makes you angry. Listen to that deeper voice that is going to guide you from now on, the voice that is laughing. Listen to it! And laugh with it. Laugh! Laugh!

Wow, beautiful thoughts dude. love it.

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