"pastor" kevin swanson-----pastor?


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!
King James Bible
Jesus said:
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Jesus words were figurative, so I imagine the pastors were. And I'm not even a member of his faith.

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'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!
I don't see why this teabagging, religious nut is so upset. After all, the Harry Potter series of fairy tales isn't much different than the fairy tales he claims to live by.

Probably just a matter of time before this guy gets caught going down on some bum in a train station restroom.
Swanson is a nut job. He claimed Frozen is trying to turn children into lesbians and that "Let it Go" is 'Satan's Rebellion Anthem.'

I don't see why Republican candidates feel the need to pander to the likes of Kevin Swanson. Do they really believe in the messaging or just there to raise cash and establish bona fides with the more religious voters. I want to believe they do it for the money.
Of course you have the exact same viewpoints as everyone who ever took a picture with you..

OP is a dumbass.
'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!

They misquoted him. As I suspected. Will the retraction and apology be posted on the last page of the Daily Mail in tiny print?
I listened to the video that is displayed inside the link / article.

The Pastor quoted:

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
-Luke 17:2

Who said that? Jesus did. The Pastor is in good company. Furthermore, Harry Potter books/ movies are the occult (an indoctrination into witchcraft) and any parent that introduces their child the witchcraft and the occult is in serious trouble with God and should take Luke 17:2 very seriously.

The Pastor never said to drown your children. That was a bold faced lie. Listen to the video and listen to his words carefully. They owe him an apology. On the front page in bold print.
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Of course you have the exact same viewpoints as everyone who ever took a picture with you..

OP is a dumbass.
This is not someone who photobombed some candidates. This is someone they actively sought out.
I've not read the Harry Potter series or seen any of the movies, so I guess my soul is safe.

But I have heard of the Dumbledore character. How is he outed in the books? Does he lisp when casting spells or something? How does his sexual orientation pertain to the story arc?

It kind of sounds like those MTV reality shows where the big reveal halfway through the season is one of them is gay. It's become a trope.

It's funny the preacher's panties are more twisted over a fictional gay guy in a book than the fact they are books about witchcraft. Maybe he's one of those repressed types, ya know?
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I've not read the Harry Potter series or seen any of the movies, so I guess my soul is safe.

But I have heard of the Dumbledore character. How is he outed in the books? Does he lisp when casting spells or something? How does his sexual orientation pertain to the story arc?

It kind of sounds like those MTV reality shows where the big reveal halfway through the season is one of them is gay. It's become a trope.

It's funny the preacher's panties are more twisted over a fictional gay guy in a book than the fact they are books about witchcraft.

I think he gave them equal time / attention - that was just a clip of the video, G. I have never heard of Dumbledore. We do not allow our grandchildren to watch television cartoons at our house and we urge our kids not to expose them to any of that garbage. They watch bible stories. That's it. No fantasy nonsense. Why give them fantasy and fables when the history of what God has done through the heroes of the Bible are available and all true? We read the children's books about David and Goliath, Noah and the Ark, Jonah, etc. It's good to teach children about the bible early.

Don't you believe it was wrong to run a story with video and not bother to listen to it and see what he really said? They didn't do a very good job of fact checking that story. Did they?
They watch bible stories. That's it. No fantasy nonsense.

Every atheist reading this just spewed their drinks out of their nose.

Don't you believe it was wrong to run a story with video and not bother to listen to it and see what he really said? They didn't do a very good job of fact checking that story. Did they?

I get the preacher's overarching point. God hates fags, but he doesn't mind if you endorse political candidates.
Christian fundamentalists are about as insane as Islamic ones. Not quite but when you have a "so-called pastor" of a fake church, hell, he is promoting death to those that don't follow his faith.

King James Bible
Jesus said:
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Jesus words were figurative, so I imagine the pastors were. And I'm not even a member of his faith.

Why give them fantasy and fables when the history of what God has done through the heroes of the Bible are available and all true?

Exercising your imagination is a good thing. Especially for a child. I think having to read the same stories over and over would become repetitive and stale over time.
Touched a nerve there tea bagger.
They went to give a talk which tells some that they agree with his creed.
Stupid fuck!

Of course you have the exact same viewpoints as everyone who ever took a picture with you..

OP is a dumbass.
'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!

Pastor Kevin Swanson is right up there with Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson! He needs a rabies shot and a rubber room!

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