Thanks to White Supremacy There's 2 Americas: White America & Black America

Whatever. I don't really care. A nygga thug and a corrupt cop....they're both off the streets, which makes the world a better place.
The thug was the saltine cop. Nobody even knows if the 20 dollar bill was counterfeit.
You guys always talk about per capita, but when blacks are shot by police at 3 times our population and whites about just less than half their population we see the cracker defense bringing up black on black shooting. More whites shoot each other than blacks shooting blacks, but you will have an excuse to try justifying that.
blacks break the law much more./
Whites moved to Africa in the 1800's and it's why Africa is fucked up now.
You are an idiot-----Whites are the only reason why slavery isn't worse in Africa and all of Africa isn't wearing loin clothes or nothing and hasn't starved to death. Life expectancy without the white man in africa would be what early 20's at most?
It is on tape ....

And, clearly he resisted.

You are a LIAR and a COWARD.
Clearly you cannot see. But yeah, it's on tape and that's why Chauvins white ass is going to prison where he'll be getting much more than a knee in the neck.
Yes, it was counterfeit. Counterfeit Bill's were being passed around in that area. Do your research. Stupid coon.
Look at the cracker calling somebody a coon.

Example of triggered white boy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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