Thank you for your new law Mr. President

This is awful.
More Job losses, utility costs going up for the poor and lower middle class.
Needless high costs on law suits.
Just terrific.
Thank you Mr. Dictator in Chief.

^ :cry1:

how good is a "job" if its doing harm to the very environment that you rely on to survive? :eusa_eh:

Also, you provided no links.

What Link?
It's a commit from your own link Dot.
I guess you didn't read it.
And Warrior chimes in with some "If you don't live in a cave, you're a hypocrite!" dumbassery.

Keep the fuktardery coming, deniers. It would be great if we could get an example of every idiot denier fallacy and conspiracy.

they come running like pavlov's dogs to a dinner bell :D
This is not a new law, which would have been lawfully passed by congress first.

This is ruling by edict.

Instructive that you cheer the kind of autocratic tyranny that led to the Revolutionary War, for no better reason than that it is your team doing the dictating.

Exactly. You'll find when the next Republican president does stuff like this the OP will be one of the first to whine about it.

Hyper partisans like the OP are dishonest and dishonorable.
This is not a new law, which would have been lawfully passed by congress first.

This is ruling by edict.

Instructive that you cheer the kind of autocratic tyranny that led to the Revolutionary War, for no better reason than that it is your team doing the dictating.

Exactly. You'll find when the next Republican president does stuff like this the OP will be one of the first to whine about it.

Hyper partisans like the OP are dishonest and dishonorable.

next Republican President? when is that going to be?

Besides, when Cheney/Bu$h II were wire-tapping you people said "well, if you're not doing anything wrong". Would have made the Framers proud :rolleyes:
How Does Obama plan to force China the worlds largest CO2 GHG producer on the planet, to comply with his rule?

This will put the US at a serious competitive disadvantage. We will have to stack workers here into dorms next to their workplaces to prevent them from using excess energy.
Kolbert: Stop Writing 'Scientists Say' Before Phrase 'GHGs Are Chief Cause Of Global Warming'

How Does Obama plan to force China the worlds largest CO2 GHG producer on the planet, to comply with his rule?

This will put the US at a serious competitive disadvantage. We will have to stack workers here into dorms next to their workplaces to prevent them from using excess energy.
Sit down and shut up, racist.:talk2hand:
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.

Funny, I remember a neocon bitch that told me to my face our manufacturing jobs had gone overseas because American workers were lazy and greedy. She didn't seem the least bit upset at the damage done in the Rust Belt.

Not long after I started hearing that kind of bullshit everywhere. It died down briefly, but then it started up again, American business owners have to outsource because workers are so greedy and lazy.

There are threads all over this board with that theme.

Tell me, how can you be so indifferent to those that lost manufacturing jobs, yet suddenly you care deeply about the coal miners?

You don't care about the miners. Someone pulled your puppet strings.

Stupid stupid shills.
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians
This is not a new law, which would have been lawfully passed by congress first.

This is ruling by edict.

Instructive that you cheer the kind of autocratic tyranny that led to the Revolutionary War, for no better reason than that it is your team doing the dictating.

Exactly. You'll find when the next Republican president does stuff like this the OP will be one of the first to whine about it.

Hyper partisans like the OP are dishonest and dishonorable.

I think what you will find that the OP will complain about WHAT the next Republican president chooses to use his executive privilege for. I think we can count most accurately on conservatives here to complain - as they have done so here - that such usages by Obama are unconstitutional when they quite clearly are not.
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Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.
You really are not terribly bright, are you?

Plenty of coal mining to be had out there.

Coal In Western States
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This is not a new law, which would have been lawfully passed by congress first.

This is ruling by edict.

Instructive that you cheer the kind of autocratic tyranny that led to the Revolutionary War, for no better reason than that it is your team doing the dictating.

Exactly. You'll find when the next Republican president does stuff like this the OP will be one of the first to whine about it.

Hyper partisans like the OP are dishonest and dishonorable.

next Republican President? when is that going to be?

Besides, when Cheney/Bu$h II were wire-tapping you people said "well, if you're not doing anything wrong". Would have made the Framers proud :rolleyes:

Do you even listen to yourself?
You are supporting one party rule Dot. That's Communism.

The wire tapping under Bush did not include all of us like Obama's expansion did.
He's not supporting it any more than someone advocating republicans be elected. He is simply recognizing (as do many republicans) that there is a severe demographic roadblock between Republicans and the White House. Republicans have alienated blacks and latinos and both minorities have now grown to the point where they can determine the outcome of national elections.

PS: one party rule and communism are NOT synonymous. Hitler had one party rule and he was no communist. One party rule is synonymous with dictatorships of whatever stripe.

PPS: Bush's wiretapping most certainly DID include all of us.
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