UK Daily Mail: New Bird Flu is Lab-Created Scare Again. In Time for WHO Pandemic Treaty


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Vote on WHO power-grabbing pandemic treaty coming up around May 24, media silence. Treaty would give Bill Gates-controlled WHO all power upon WHO's declaration of a pandemic, mandated lockdowns, vaccination mandates, travel restrictions, digital IDs which are also "vaccination passports." Elites seem desperate to ram this through and are getting sloppy. Fauci's gain-of-function funding to Chinese Communist Party bioweapons labs still fresh in peoples' minds.

No matter what the "fact checkers" say about the WHO treaty not overriding national sovereignty, it does. Article 4, Section 3 of Zero Draft:

“Sovereignty – States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to public health, notably pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, pursuant to their own policies and legislation, provided that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to their peoples and other countries.”

So if WHO decides a country is "causing damage," severe sanctions fall into place. Politicians will say we have no choice but to obey WHO.


Petition and Action: Stop the WHO Treaty
Let's block the WHO treaty!

USDA funding $1M study with China to make bird flu more contagious


REVEALED: US is collaborating with Chinese scientists to make bird flu strains more infectious and deadly as part of $1m project - despite fears similar tests unleashed Covid
Research involves infecting birds with flu viruses to make them more infectious
The USDA is spending more than $1million to fund the risky experiments

By ALEXA LARDIERI 15 February 2024

The US government is spending $1million of American taxpayer money to fund experiments on dangerous bird flu viruses in collaboration with Chinese scientists.

The research involves infecting ducks and geese with different strains of viruses to make them more infectious, and study the viruses' potential to 'jump into mammalian hosts,' according to research documents.

It is being funded through the US Department of Agriculture and collaborating studies will take place at sites in Georgia, Beijing and Edinburgh in Scotland.

Dr. Peter McCullough, here comes Bird Flu just in time for WHO Pandemic Treaty world power grab.

FULL INTERVIEW Is the Bird Flu Another Election Scam? Dr. Peter McCullough Weighs In - Real America's Voice News

Dr. Peter McCullough bio. : Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Literally Make Bill Gates Most Powerful Man on Earth

Daily Signal-- Biden’s Global Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China, Conservatives Warn
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / April 18, 2024

Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. GOP: Biden’s Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China

Now here's what they are NOT telling you.


GAVI the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was founded by Gates and is a creature of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation So when the GAVI contributions to WHO are added to those of the Gates Foundation, the amount rivals the donations of the US, the single largest donor. Gates is not exactly a man who wants no influence for his money.

2017 Politico:

“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.” Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates

WHO President "Tedros" is a Gates implant and lackey. Tedros is also a certified terrorist as a member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL,) still on the US State Department's Watch List. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

When Tedros orders a pandemic declared it is Gates talking. These simple facts should be enough to make the whole world squash the coming WHO pandemic treaty.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth."

"By implementing all the decisions of the WHO without discussion and from one day to the next, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic for a disease that does not kill and force States to undergo a whole series of liberticidal measures. Which we unfortunately experienced in the not-so-distant past. For example, border closures, lockdowns, mandatory administration of unproven drug products. Never in history has there been such a threat to our fundamental freedoms." Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

Bill Gates with WHO Director-General Tedros
Vote on WHO power-grabbing pandemic treaty coming up around May 24, media silence. Treaty would give Bill Gates-controlled WHO all power upon WHO's declaration of a pandemic, mandated lockdowns, vaccination mandates, travel restrictions, digital IDs which are also "vaccination passports." Elites seem desperate to ram this through and are getting sloppy. Fauci's gain-of-function funding to Chinese Communist Party bioweapons labs still fresh in peoples' minds.

No matter what the "fact checkers" say about the WHO treaty not overriding national sovereignty, it does. Article 4, Section 3 of Zero Draft:

“Sovereignty – States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to public health, notably pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, pursuant to their own policies and legislation, provided that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to their peoples and other countries.”

So if WHO decides a country is "causing damage," severe sanctions fall into place. Politicians will say we have no choice but to obey WHO.


Petition and Action: Stop the WHO Treaty
Let's block the WHO treaty!

USDA funding $1M study with China to make bird flu more contagious


REVEALED: US is collaborating with Chinese scientists to make bird flu strains more infectious and deadly as part of $1m project - despite fears similar tests unleashed Covid
Research involves infecting birds with flu viruses to make them more infectious
The USDA is spending more than $1million to fund the risky experiments

By ALEXA LARDIERI 15 February 2024

The US government is spending $1million of American taxpayer money to fund experiments on dangerous bird flu viruses in collaboration with Chinese scientists.

The research involves infecting ducks and geese with different strains of viruses to make them more infectious, and study the viruses' potential to 'jump into mammalian hosts,' according to research documents.

It is being funded through the US Department of Agriculture and collaborating studies will take place at sites in Georgia, Beijing and Edinburgh in Scotland.

Dr. Peter McCullough, here comes Bird Flu just in time for WHO Pandemic Treaty world power grab.

FULL INTERVIEW Is the Bird Flu Another Election Scam? Dr. Peter McCullough Weighs In - Real America's Voice News

Dr. Peter McCullough bio. : Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Literally Make Bill Gates Most Powerful Man on Earth

Daily Signal-- Biden’s Global Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China, Conservatives Warn
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / April 18, 2024

Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. GOP: Biden’s Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China

Now here's what they are NOT telling you.


GAVI the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was founded by Gates and is a creature of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation So when the GAVI contributions to WHO are added to those of the Gates Foundation, the amount rivals the donations of the US, the single largest donor. Gates is not exactly a man who wants no influence for his money.

2017 Politico:

“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.” Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates

WHO President "Tedros" is a Gates implant and lackey. Tedros is also a certified terrorist as a member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL,) still on the US State Department's Watch List. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

When Tedros orders a pandemic declared it is Gates talking. These simple facts should be enough to make the whole world squash the coming WHO pandemic treaty.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth."

"By implementing all the decisions of the WHO without discussion and from one day to the next, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic for a disease that does not kill and force States to undergo a whole series of liberticidal measures. Which we unfortunately experienced in the not-so-distant past. For example, border closures, lockdowns, mandatory administration of unproven drug products. Never in history has there been such a threat to our fundamental freedoms." Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

Bill Gates with WHO Director-General Tedros

Excellent gish gallop, Vlad.

I don't blame yah. Beats the hell out of getting shot dead by a Ukrainian soldier.
Relevant reading...

''Louisiana just nullified the WHO, the WEF and the UN...

Earlier the Senate in Louisiana voted 37 - 0 to pass a bill that will BAN the WEF, WHO and the UN from having any jurisdiction or power within the state.

Now, the House have also voted 69 - 22 in favor of the bill.

22 State Attorney Generals have called to reject the WHO pandemic treaty, and several Australian politicians have done so as well.''

Text of the bill...

"The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Lousiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity".

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Get all involved and their families and put them in a sealed area and become infected.
Relevant reading...

''Louisiana just nullified the WHO, the WEF and the UN...

Earlier the Senate in Louisiana voted 37 - 0 to pass a bill that will BAN the WEF, WHO and the UN from having any jurisdiction or power within the state.

Now, the House have also voted 69 - 22 in favor of the bill.

22 State Attorney Generals have called to reject the WHO pandemic treaty, and several Australian politicians have done so as well.''

Text of the bill...

"The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Lousiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity".

Will this affect any existing laws in Louisiana?

I didn't realize these organizations were making laws for Louisiana or other states.
Will this affect any existing laws in Louisiana?

I didn't realize these organizations were making laws for Louisiana or other states.

Biden will try to end run this around confirmation by the US Senate, which being mostly Dems and RINOs might ratify it anyway. But it removes an object of political peril. The states can simply say we are not going to obey WHO and there's not much the federal government can do about it, short of steps that would only raise the profile of the issue which is exactly what they DON"T want. If people understood they are about to make Bill Gates world dictator it would be dead in the water.
Biden will try to end run this around confirmation by the US Senate, which being mostly Dems and RINOs might ratify it anyway. But it removes an object of political peril. The states can simply say we are not going to obey WHO and there's not much the federal government can do about it, short of steps that would only raise the profile of the issue which is exactly what they DON"T want. If people understood they are about to make Bill Gates world dictator it would be dead in the water.
This does nothing to to answer my question and I already know what Russia wants us to think.

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