Scientists Admit Polar Bear Numbers Were Made Up To ‘Satisfy Public Demand’


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Scientists Admit Polar Bear Numbers Were Made Up To ‘Satisfy Public Demand’

This may come as a shocker to some, but scientists are not always right — especially when under intense public pressure for answers.

Researchers with the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) recently admitted to experienced zoologist and polar bear specialist Susan Crockford that the estimate given for the total number of polar bars in the Arctic was “simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand.”

Crockford has been critical of official polar bear population estimates because they fail to include five large subpopulations of polar bears. Due to the uncertainty of the populations in these areas, PBSG did not include them in their official estimate — but the polar bear group did include other subpopulation estimates.

PBSG has for years said that global polar bear populations were between 20,000 and 25,000, but these estimates are likely much lower than how many polar bears are actually living in the world.

“Based on previous PBSG estimates and other research reports, it appears there are probably at least another 6,000 or so bears living in these regions and perhaps as many as 9,000 (or more) that are not included in any PBSG ‘global population estimate,’” Crockford wrote on her blog.

“These are guesses, to be sure, but they at least give a potential size,” Crockford added.

PBSG disclosed this information to Crockford ahead of the release of their Circumpolar Polar Bear Action Plan in which they intend to put a footnote explaining why their global population estimate is flawed.

Read more: Scientists : Polar Bear Numbers 'Qualified Guess' | The Daily Caller


Just more proof, that man made global warming is one of the biggest myths ever perpetrated.

Almost as bad as the lies that were told in regards to the so called damage DDT did to the environment. Which caused the mass spread of malaria through mosquitoes in Africa that has resulted in tens of millions of deaths.

To this day DDT is banned as a result of mythical data that is clearly wrong. Almost as though there is a concerted effort to make sure the spread of malaria is not neutralized in order to control populations in Africa. Oh.......naaaaah. That is just a conspiracy theory. In the mean time, the DDT reports of the harm were all brazen lies, and mosquito population is not controlled, malaria is spread around, and tens of millions of deaths have a occurred.

Liberals are such losers.
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Can we do that thing were you just summarily dismiss the story because it's from a biased source, which of course the Daily Caller is,

or is that tactic reserved for conservatives only?
Of course the source can be ignored because any source that does not print what we believe is a biased source. Only those publication printing my beliefs are non-bias.

Before GW I had polar bears in my back wait those were ground hogs.
Because guessing that there are 6,000 more is such a grievous error.
The science is SETTLED!!!

Polar bears are dying!!!

Oye....Socialist/progressive/liberal/environuts all love being lied to.
Because guessing that there are 6,000 more is such a grievous error.

I love it when "science" admits to guessing. Makes me really wanna trust em.

Clearly right wingers don't trust scientists. But how the GOP base could trust their ignorant leaders when they don't trust people who actually "study" and at least try to "learn" is a complete mystery. Don't you agree?

If you had to GUESS why that is, what would your GUESS be?
Because guessing that there are 6,000 more is such a grievous error.

It's a big deal when you are First Nations and you are told that your food source is dying off which they aren't because of a lie called global warming has your managers aka government idiots telling you what you can kill and what you can't for food.



Because guessing that there are 6,000 more is such a grievous error.

I love it when "science" admits to guessing. Makes me really wanna trust em.

Clearly right wingers don't trust scientists. But how the GOP base could trust their ignorant leaders when they don't trust people who actually "study" and at least try to "learn" is a complete mystery. Don't you agree?

If you had to GUESS why that is, what would your GUESS be?

I trust scientists who aren't on the dole, the government cheese, or who are bought and paid for to lie.

Sadly, few and far between these days.
Because guessing that there are 6,000 more is such a grievous error.

I love it when "science" admits to guessing. Makes me really wanna trust em.

Clearly right wingers don't trust scientists. But how the GOP base could trust their ignorant leaders when they don't trust people who actually "study" and at least try to "learn" is a complete mystery. Don't you agree?

If you had to GUESS why that is, what would your GUESS be?

Who is it in this thread that are not trusting scientists?

Can we do that thing were you just summarily dismiss the story because it's from a biased source, which of course the Daily Caller is,

or is that tactic reserved for conservatives only?

Biased is one thing. Did the source prove to be biased and outright lie like NBC, CBS, and NYT? All media is biased. Talk about deniers. The Left believe their media to be fair and unbiased even when these outlets have been outed as liars. SEE: NBC and Zimmerman case, CBS and Dan Rather reporting fraudulent documents to influence an Election, and NYT Jayson Blair. Clearly, your media is biased and has a teacher record of lying.
For those that only eat at McDonalds you don't understand that this bullshit fawned on us by global warming fools like the Gores and the De Caprios that fly around the world in private jets screaming "the end is nigh" start to impoverish healthy northern societies.
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I live only a couple of hundred miles south of Churchill. Check the date of this article. I know the people and the places they are talking about. Polar bears are cute and fuzzy to sell their lies about global warming. They are not in danger. Never have been.

Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers

Paul Waldie

WINNIPEG — From Thursday's Globe and Mail (includes correction)

Published Wednesday, Apr. 04 2012, 8:44 PM EDT
The debate about climate change and its impact on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought, and might be growing.

The number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay, believed to be among the most threatened bear subpopulations, stands at 1,013 and could be even higher, according to the results of an aerial survey released Wednesday by the Government of Nunavut.

That’s 66 per cent higher than estimates by other researchers who forecasted the numbers would fall to as low as 610 because of warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin bears’ ability to hunt.

The Hudson Bay region, which straddles Nunavut and Manitoba, is critical because it’s considered a bellwether for how polar bears are doing elsewhere in the Arctic.

Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers - The Globe and Mail
I live only a couple of hundred miles south of Churchill. Check the date of this article. I know the people and the places they are talking about. Polar bears are cute and fuzzy to sell their lies about global warming. They are not in danger. Never have been.

Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers

Paul Waldie

WINNIPEG — From Thursday's Globe and Mail (includes correction)

Published Wednesday, Apr. 04 2012, 8:44 PM EDT
The debate about climate change and its impact on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought, and might be growing.

The number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay, believed to be among the most threatened bear subpopulations, stands at 1,013 and could be even higher, according to the results of an aerial survey released Wednesday by the Government of Nunavut.

That’s 66 per cent higher than estimates by other researchers who forecasted the numbers would fall to as low as 610 because of warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin bears’ ability to hunt.

The Hudson Bay region, which straddles Nunavut and Manitoba, is critical because it’s considered a bellwether for how polar bears are doing elsewhere in the Arctic.

Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers - The Globe and Mail

But ... but ... the "science" is settled! :rofl:
Maybe the "scientists" should stop relying on Yogi and Boo Boo to do the bear counting. :lol:
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What do polar bear population estimates have to do with AGW? Are polar bear numbers monitored by climate scientists? What was the public pressuring polar bear scientists FOR? Not low numbers, just numbers. They took shortcuts to meet demands from the people who pay their bills. Big whoop. How're Arctic ice extents doing? How will the world's polar bears do when there ISN'T any ice left up there? How about the walruses? Fur seals?
What do polar bear population estimates have to do with AGW? Are polar bear numbers monitored by climate scientists? What was the public pressuring polar bear scientists FOR? Not low numbers, just numbers. They took shortcuts to meet demands from the people who pay their bills. Big whoop. How're Arctic ice extents doing? How will the world's polar bears do when there ISN'T any ice left up there? How about the walruses? Fur seals?

Yes folks. Liberals are fucking double talking hypocritical brainwashed piece of shit losers.

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