Texas Grid Asks Residents To Conserve Power As Heatwave Hits


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

Meanwhile this sort of shit has been happening for years in California, but that state has to much of the right political thinking for people like yourself to say anything.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.
Electric Reliability Council of Texas regulates Texas' power grid.
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

The article is full of shit. The Texas power grid isn’t exempt from “Federal Regulations”.
Electric Reliability Council of Texas regulates Texas' power grid.
No shit. Do you think it’s the only ISO?

To be clear ERCOT doesn’t set regulations, they manage the grid.

Do you know who runs the California power grid? Hint, it’s not a “federal power grid”.
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The liberal war on coal based on their irrational fear of man-made global warming is the reason Texas is short on energy
It's amusing how afraid of CO2 the "man-made global warming" zealots have made those on the left. It has stopped them from thinking logically.

They sputter on about "greenhouse gases" while ignoring that greenhouses create the ideal environment for plant growth. The more flora there is, the more fauna can be supported. Research bears this out as the most lush times in the earth's history have been when there was more CO2.

The overall average temperature of the planet has raised by 2° in the past 100 years. It has risen ZERO degrees in the past 60 years. But...but....but...we only have 10 years to live!

And let's not forget how much the left hates oil. They want to replace "gas guzzling" cars with electric vehicles (EVs). EVs use far more plastic than gas powered cars because the EV batteries weigh so much. What is it of which plastic is comprised? Petroleum byproducts, you know oil.

Even better are windmills. The majority of the components are made in China - including the electronic technology that uses rare earth minerals mined in China using slave labor - shipped overseas on giant tankers that consume large quantities of oil. From the ports those pieces need to be driven across country using semis who use large quantities of gas. Once the parts arrive at their destination, the windmills use oil to lubricate the moving parts and require a diesel engine to jumpstart their blades. After about a decade - and hundreds of thousands of dead birds, bats, and bugs later - the windmills are useless and need to be hauled off to a dump by using diesel powered semis. A dump where their parts will be buried because none of it is recyclable.

But coal and nuclear power are heavy polluters...

Ahh, the genius of the greenies!
The liberal war on coal based on their irrational fear of man-made global warming is the reason Texas is short on energy
There are 14 power plants in Texas, that use coal for energy.

There are 46 power plants in Texas that us NG for energy.

ALL of the energy companies in Texas are "liberals"?
The Federal Government should exempt Texas from taxes so they can provide power to their people.

Because, after all. We have become such pussies that what was common 100 years ago is now a death sentence for everyone!

The heat, the heat!
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

They will build a Monorail!
It's not even summer yet and the electric system in Texas is failing. Again.

If there are blackouts people can die from the heat. Especially in August.

This doesn't look good for the rest of the summer if Texas already doesn't have enough energy for their people.

Yipe.. It can easily be 100 degrees for 18 hours a day in Texas.. .. even in the shade.

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