Ten conservative myths about Black America

Name me one successful black run city.

There isn't. I wish there were.
Washington DC sucks. Memphis sucks. Detroit sucks. Atlanta's mayor is about to be indicted for contempt of court. New Orleans sucks. Dinkins sucked in NY. Washington sucked in Chicago.
Maybe Cory Booker did OK in Newark although I recall all his goals have been failures. His predecessor James served time in prison for fraud.
Than Blacks are the problem, not "liberalism".

Two things Rabbi hates. You're going to make this a very hard decision for him.
There isn't. I wish there were.
Washington DC sucks. Memphis sucks. Detroit sucks. Atlanta's mayor is about to be indicted for contempt of court. New Orleans sucks. Dinkins sucked in NY. Washington sucked in Chicago.
Maybe Cory Booker did OK in Newark although I recall all his goals have been failures. His predecessor James served time in prison for fraud.

And the obvious answer is the color of the skin.

Anyone who is so lazy that they would attribute this to the color of their skin is in fact, a racist.
And anyone who denies the racial component is an idiot.

So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?
This thread is like the Racist Dating Game. And I think we finally have a match made in racist heaven!
And the obvious answer is the color of the skin.

Anyone who is so lazy that they would attribute this to the color of their skin is in fact, a racist.
And anyone who denies the racial component is an idiot.

So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?

Why do you assume it is their skin color? Because you're a racist?
This thread is like the Racist Dating Game. And I think we finally have a match made in racist heaven!

You must be soo happy.
I truly believe you are the only racist in this discussion. This is why you refuse to acknowledge obvious facts.
I like how so called Republicans shit on the grandfather of Modern Conservatism, Barry Goldwater, who opposed the Civil Rights movement, and instead support progressive democrats like LBJ and "Rino" liberal Republicans like Rockefeller and then try to rewrite history suggesting the radical progressive push for civil rights was conservative. They have no sense of history.
And the obvious answer is the color of the skin.

Anyone who is so lazy that they would attribute this to the color of their skin is in fact, a racist.
And anyone who denies the racial component is an idiot.

So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?

Skin tone doesn't make anyone unsuccessful.

Blacks on average have lower IQs than Whites, this would explain the contrast between a White city and a Black city, or a White county and a Black country.
And anyone who denies the racial component is an idiot.

So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?

Skin tone doesn't make anyone unsuccessful.

Blacks on average have lower IQs than Whites, this would explain the contrast between a White city and a Black city, or a White county and a Black country.

So what about their skin color causes them to have lower IQ's?
So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?

Why do you assume it is their skin color? Because you're a racist?

Because you told me that's what happens when blacks run things. Were you lying?

Do you think being black is only about skin color?
Then again, this is the same idiot who thinks Switzerland doesnt have a standing army.

Ignorance you can educate
Crazy you can medicate
But you can't fix stupid.
Ten conservative myths about Black America - Detroit Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Today, everyone on the internet wrote something or other about the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. This includes Conservatism Inc., the well-funded network of professional conmen that exists to secure the precious profits of its disgustingly greedy funders within Corporate America, and that for decades now has played normal White Americans for fools by claiming to stand for various social and cultural values when all it really stands for is the right for George Soros to make even more money.

Conservatism Inc. doesn’t stand for a particular people in a particular place with a particular unique culture. But it sure as hell does a clever job of using racial rhetoric to keep the White base fired up. Talk radio and Fox News are particularly adept at this, specifically Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Billy Cunningham.

The problem with this racial rhetoric, however, is that it’s a huge pile of lies and deceit. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the “I have a dream” speech, herewith are ten myths that Conservatism Inc. feeds on a weekly basis to its White base:

1. Blame liberalism

Here are a list of places where liberal policies, particularly liberal economic policies, work quite well: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Australia, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Portland, Oregon. That’s four countries, five states, and one city where liberalism hasn’t destroyed anything. Norway and Australia, for example, are No.1 and No.2 respectively on the Human Development Index.

Liberalism didn’t destroy black communities. Liberalism doesn’t oppress black people. Unions, public education, high taxes, and other liberal economic policies work just fine in those ten places and many others. Detroit had all those policies and failed anyway. This is a contradiction that can’t be explained by the existence of liberal policies. Something else is going on here.

2. Democrat plantations

This one has got to be insulting to most blacks, not to mention most non-whites in general. There’s a simple reason why blacks vote for the party of social welfare spending and higher taxes: Because it benefits their bottom line. Blacks benefit from food stamps. They benefit from section 8 housing. They benefit from affirmative action. They benefit from the entire cornucopia of racial socialist policies. They don’t have to explain why to anyone. The reasons are self-evident.

So what does Conservatism Inc. see? It sees a Democract Plantation! You may have heard of wage slavery. Well, Conservatism Inc. looks at the social welfare system and sees “vote slavery.” It doesn’t see blacks acting as self-rational human beings, it sees them as being “enslaved” to a party that “promises” them “more stuff.” Or as Rush Limbaugh called it, Santa Clause.

Does Conservatism Inc. actually believe that opposing social welfare will make blacks better off and win black support? Sure seems like it based on the next myth

3. Free market capitalism will save blacks

This is a popular myth for those who’ve been brainwashed into believing the blank slate theory – the myth that humans are mostly if not entirely the product of nurture as opposed to nature. If you assume that humans are blank slates, than all that’s needed are the “right” policies and the “right” environment, whatever that may be.

Introducing the creed of “free markets,” a creed that your humble Examiner is guilty of ignorantly spewing a thousand times over. It’s not only a false creed, it’s an immoral one. Moreover, the “lack” of free market capitalism isn’t why black communities are in such dire condition. Not only does welfare objectively benefit blacks, but it benefits them more than starting a business does. Why would a black person start a business that, from a law of averages standpoint, is more likely than not to fail, when he can get guaranteed money from the government that covers his entire standard of living?

The fact is, blacks are better off under the social welfare state than they are under free markets. The black poverty rate was almost 56 percent in 1959. Today it hovers around 30 percent. Still bad, but not nearly as bad as the glorious era of free markets. Capitalism wouldn’t create prosperity in black communities. It would make them much worse off.

4. Culture

This is where all the stats about out of wedlock pregnancies, the “hip hop mentality,” and crime stats come in. The crime stats themselves musn’t be ignored, but quite frankly, they’re useless if the true cause isn’t accurately diagnosed.

Conservatism Inc. twists itself into a pretzel by freely admitting all these stats and facts that makes liberals highly uncomfortable, but then they ruin their case when they blame it on some amorphous “culture.” They don’t dare place responsibility on the people who created the culture in the first place. Why, that would be “racist.”

It’s no surprise that Conservatism Inc. blames “culture.” This is the same group of conmen that pushes the lunatic notion that Western Civilization is transferable to every race of humanity. You've got to give liberals this: The true believers among them don’t have any hypocritical pretenses about Western Civilization being “superior.”

5. Education/school choice

Once again we’re back to the blank slate theory, only this time with disastrous consequences to White parents who want to send their kids to safe, quality schools. Just like liberals, Conservatism Inc. utterly refuses to place any blame whatsoever on the black students themselves. Somehow those black students are the “victims” of “teachers unions.” Give them a taxpayer-funded voucher to put them in a private school which just so happens to benefit the bottom line of greedy profit-seekers and everything will be hunky dory! (Except when it isn’t).

6. Martin Luther King Jr was a conservative

Remember three years ago when Cenk Uygur of Young Turks claimed on his MSNBC show that Barack Obama is more conservative than Ronald Reagan? This is the other side of that coin. Just ask Martin Luther King Jr.

7. Blacks are natural conservatives

They claim the same thing about Hispanics and Asians. With all these natural conservatives everywhere, it’s a wonder how any Democrat ever gets elected anywhere. Oh yeah, the whole “democrat plantation” thing. Forgot about that. In any case, Ann Coulter and Donald Trump aren’t exactly pro-White activists, and they can see that the “natural conservatives” argument is a sham. No race of people are “naturally conservative,” not even White people (see the existence of the Northeast United States)

8. Democrats are the real racists; Republicans passed Civil Rights

For some odd reason, it seems like liberal commentators are a bit hesitant to say this explicitly, but here it goes: The Democrats were the conservative party in the 50s and early 60s, and the Republican Party was the liberal party. If nothing else, Southern Democrats were explicitly conservative and Northern Republicans were explicitly liberal. As older Southerners like to say: I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me.

9. Black leadership

This is another fancy way of deflecting responsibility off the people themselves and instead blaming mayors and city councilmen who supposedly “hold down” black people. Fact is, those mayors and city councilmen are merely reflections of the people who voted them into office. Some black leaders are indeed particularly corrupt, such as Kwame Kilpatrick here in Detroit. But they were all duly elected by black voters. Once again, the refusal to cast responsibility anywhere but where it belongs is a hallmark tactic of the racial rhetoric of Conservatism Inc.

10. America was a horrible, dark, "racist" country from 1776 to 1963

The layman will notice that this claim runs directly counter to all their “take America back” propaganda. How is it that a "conservative" like Billy Cunningham can get on his radio show like he did last Sunday night (August 25), talk all this crap about how America was a horribly “racist” nation between 1776 and 1963, and then claim he is a “great American?” What kind of “great American” or “great (fill in the blank)” trashes the first 200 years of his nation’s history like that and then claims we should “return to the founding era?”

Folks, regardless of what you think of America circa 1776-1963, that kind of contradictory non-sense can only come from the mouth of a paid hack. Or multiple hacks, as it were. Conservatives and liberals share pretty much the exact same view of pre-1963 American history: The same ethos (“America was racist and had to overcome racism in order to live up to its promise of equality!”), and with the recent exception of FDR, the same heroes (Lincoln and MLK in particular).

Pat Buchanan once said Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same bird of prey. The same is true of conservatism and liberalism in this country. The only rift between the two camps is that one of them is desperately trying to protect its hoard of cash, and the other seeks to pillage that hoard of cash. In the grand scheme of things, such a rift is a pillow fight. If the comment sections at their own websites are any indication, Conservatism Inc. will be faced with the real fight soon enough, and they’ll be faced with it good and hard.

This is quite possibly the most dishonest things I have read in a while....

So, in your opinion. What is it about the color of their skin that makes them unsuccessful?

Skin tone doesn't make anyone unsuccessful.

Blacks on average have lower IQs than Whites, this would explain the contrast between a White city and a Black city, or a White county and a Black country.

So what about their skin color causes them to have lower IQ's?

Skin color doesn't cause anyone to have a low IQ. And race isn't just about skin tone(we have bone structure, facial structure, body type, muscle type, testosterone levels, and cranial capacity among other things).

IQ is a product of genetic and environmental factors(primarily genetic).
What a moronic article and completed sutpidity
1. Blame liberalism

Here are a list of places where liberal policies, particularly liberal economic policies, work quite well: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Australia, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Portland, Oregon. That’s four countries, five states, and one city where liberalism hasn’t destroyed anything. Norway and Australia, for example, are No.1 and No.2 respectively on the Human Development Index.

Liberalism didn’t destroy black communities. Liberalism doesn’t oppress black people. Unions, public education, high taxes, and other liberal economic policies work just fine in those ten places and many others. Detroit had all those policies and failed anyway. This is a contradiction that can’t be explained by the existence of liberal policies. Something else is going on here.
Many of these countries like Australia have very business and ENERGY friendly policies. Norway and Sweden have HUGE oil exports. Their oil exploitation allowed them to keep a welfare state as long as they have. However, if the influx of lazy Muslims immigrants, the welfare state in Sweden and Norway is crumbling.

UK and Germany are the most successful countries in Europe by far and both have conservative lead governments and are the most conservative in Europe.

But what American liberalism is, is business unfriendiness. The regulate business to the breaking point. Neither the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway or German do that. I know I have personally had to compare their laws against ours! Liberalism in the US does this!

2. Democrat plantations

This one has got to be insulting to most blacks, not to mention most non-whites in general. There’s a simple reason why blacks vote for the party of social welfare spending and higher taxes: Because it benefits their bottom line. Blacks benefit from food stamps. They benefit from section 8 housing. They benefit from affirmative action. They benefit from the entire cornucopia of racial socialist policies. They don’t have to explain why to anyone. The reasons are self-evident.

So what does Conservatism Inc. see? It sees a Democract Plantation! You may have heard of wage slavery. Well, Conservatism Inc. looks at the social welfare system and sees “vote slavery.” It doesn’t see blacks acting as self-rational human beings, it sees them as being “enslaved” to a party that “promises” them “more stuff.” Or as Rush Limbaugh called it, Santa Clause.

Does Conservatism Inc. actually believe that opposing social welfare will make blacks better off and win black support? Sure seems like it based on the next myth
Yes there is a democratic planation. Keep the Blacks in poverty, stop their children from getting and education, make sure black children are fatherless and keep them reliant on handouts will make them a disgruntled, clueless, very dangerous, but reliable voting bloc! Liberals don't care able Blacks as long as they vote for them!

3. Free market capitalism will save blacks

This is a popular myth for those who’ve been brainwashed into believing the blank slate theory – the myth that humans are mostly if not entirely the product of nurture as opposed to nature. If you assume that humans are blank slates, than all that’s needed are the “right” policies and the “right” environment, whatever that may be.

Introducing the creed of “free markets,” a creed that your humble Examiner is guilty of ignorantly spewing a thousand times over. It’s not only a false creed, it’s an immoral one. Moreover, the “lack” of free market capitalism isn’t why black communities are in such dire condition. Not only does welfare objectively benefit blacks, but it benefits them more than starting a business does. Why would a black person start a business that, from a law of averages standpoint, is more likely than not to fail, when he can get guaranteed money from the government that covers his entire standard of living?

The fact is, blacks are better off under the social welfare state than they are under free markets. The black poverty rate was almost 56 percent in 1959. Today it hovers around 30 percent. Still bad, but not nearly as bad as the glorious era of free markets. Capitalism wouldn’t create prosperity in black communities. It would make them much worse off.
Yea, because crumbs from the table are always better then a seat at the table. Welfare doesn't pay much or provide a good life. It's settling for misery. Working for a living is the ONLY way to provide a better life for yourself and your children. No black lives better on handout, either mentally or socially, then one that works.

Only a fool would say this!

4. Culture

This is where all the stats about out of wedlock pregnancies, the “hip hop mentality,” and crime stats come in. The crime stats themselves musn’t be ignored, but quite frankly, they’re useless if the true cause isn’t accurately diagnosed.

Conservatism Inc. twists itself into a pretzel by freely admitting all these stats and facts that makes liberals highly uncomfortable, but then they ruin their case when they blame it on some amorphous “culture.” They don’t dare place responsibility on the people who created the culture in the first place. Why, that would be “racist.”

It’s no surprise that Conservatism Inc. blames “culture.” This is the same group of conmen that pushes the lunatic notion that Western Civilization is transferable to every race of humanity. You've got to give liberals this: The true believers among them don’t have any hypocritical pretenses about Western Civilization being “superior.”
Why not even making a case. So what is the cause? Fatherless children are more apt to be wild. Lack of education due to the liberal teacher unions destroying the school system. However, the biggest cause is the African American community themselves. They own it and they are the cause. Poor white or even hispanic neighborhoods don't have anywhere near the crime, drug use or homicide rate that poor black neighborhoods have!

5. Education/school choice

Once again we’re back to the blank slate theory, only this time with disastrous consequences to White parents who want to send their kids to safe, quality schools. Just like liberals, Conservatism Inc. utterly refuses to place any blame whatsoever on the black students themselves. Somehow those black students are the “victims” of “teachers unions.” Give them a taxpayer-funded voucher to put them in a private school which just so happens to benefit the bottom line of greedy profit-seekers and everything will be hunky dory! (Except when it isn’t).
Private schools teach better. Yes they get paid, liberals make it like a poor black child in the SHIT HOLE called inner city schools escaping to a GREAT and SAFE education is a bad thing. What the fuck is wrong with you people. Charter schools are 1000x better and esp in Chicago they KILL to get into those schools so they can get a good and SAFE education, yet liberals are stopping the expansion of Charter Schools (I am from Chicago, so I bring in personal experience.).

Public schools are the liberals biggest failure and they have failed the black man worse than anyone!

6. Martin Luther King Jr was a conservative

Remember three years ago when Cenk Uygur of Young Turks claimed on his MSNBC show that Barack Obama is more conservative than Ronald Reagan? This is the other side of that coin. Just ask Martin Luther King Jr.
Well the Young Turk is a fucking fool. That is unarguable.

MLK's message was to non-divisiveness, but he also preaching standing on one's one and taking care of oneself. He would never have approved of the hands out that the black community is so eager to seek. He was a god fearing man and was against abortion. I have no doubt he probably would have supported gay marriage, but he would have been an fiscal conservative. No doubt!

7. Blacks are natural conservatives

They claim the same thing about Hispanics and Asians. With all these natural conservatives everywhere, it’s a wonder how any Democrat ever gets elected anywhere. Oh yeah, the whole “democrat plantation” thing. Forgot about that. In any case, Ann Coulter and Donald Trump aren’t exactly pro-White activists, and they can see that the “natural conservatives” argument is a sham. No race of people are “naturally conservative,” not even White people (see the existence of the Northeast United States)
Conservatives don't say this. You have a few black conservatives that say this, but it's most a liberal myth. Yes blacks are against gay marriage (or gays in general), but they are the most socialistic group in America, and as a whole always looking for hand-outs. Anyone who thinks Blacks are naturally conservatives are ill informed. It would be the opposite, they are naturally socialists!

8. Democrats are the real racists; Republicans passed Civil Rights

For some odd reason, it seems like liberal commentators are a bit hesitant to say this explicitly, but here it goes: The Democrats were the conservative party in the 50s and early 60s, and the Republican Party was the liberal party. If nothing else, Southern Democrats were explicitly conservative and Northern Republicans were explicitly liberal. As older Southerners like to say: I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me.
First off, racist can be Black. The African American community is by far the most racist and most homophobic community in America (yea white conservatives oppose gay marraige, but blacks regularly beat and harm gays; oh and they voted down gay marriage in CA, where there aren't many conservatives). Blacks are the base of the Democratic party. They you have La Raza, the Race, nuf said. But you come to the largest constituent - White liberals. White liberals are RACIST. They aren't they beat the black man's head in racist like skin heads. Rather they view blacks as children. In their minds, blacks are too stupid to take care of themselves, they need their white fathers to take care of them. Consrvatives view them as equals, who should and can take care of themselves!

9. Black leadership

This is another fancy way of deflecting responsibility off the people themselves and instead blaming mayors and city councilmen who supposedly “hold down” black people. Fact is, those mayors and city councilmen are merely reflections of the people who voted them into office. Some black leaders are indeed particularly corrupt, such as Kwame Kilpatrick here in Detroit. But they were all duly elected by black voters. Once again, the refusal to cast responsibility anywhere but where it belongs is a hallmark tactic of the racial rhetoric of Conservatism Inc.
Oh please what bullshit. Black leadership or liberal leadership has destroyed neither EVERY major city in America. They are crime ridden and the education systems suck! Black leaders are a HUGE cause of this!

10. America was a horrible, dark, "racist" country from 1776 to 1963...take country back
Funny when a liberal says this, AOK, but when a conservative says, then he is only referring the racist past. Earth to Stupid, America has and always will be much more than that!
Anti-Racist is a code word for anti-White.

The overwhelming majority of racism these days is against whites.

Agreed, there is a lot of hatred against the White Race these days. Though I don't like using the word "racist", I refuse to use the language of the left. "Racist" was a word coined by Leon Trotsky(born Lev Bronstein) denouncing Ukranians and other Eastern Europeans who did not wish to be part of the Soviet Union.

The Unpopular Truth: "Racist" -- A Word Invented by USSR's Leon Trotsky

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