Teen birth rates highest in most religious states

wrong again, dick breath, conservatives pay taxes, democwats do not. so we know who the parasites are.

Since Dems earn 6% more than do Pubs and cons, your statement is wrong. Try again.

Republican Christians in the South (particularly Texas) are parasites. I am using Willow's form of logic: lies.
someone already fucked the AIDS problem up big time-

Bush’s AIDS Czars (5)

CNN: Bush Appointed “AIDS Czar” Randall Tobias In 2003. In a story entitled “Ex-Eli Lilly Exec Named Global AIDS Czar,” CNN reported: “President Bush tapped a former pharmaceutical executive Wednesday to coordinate his administration's $15 billion program to combat AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean. If confirmed by the Senate, Randall Tobias -- the former chairman and chief executive officer of Eli Lilly and Co. -- would head up the administration's efforts to bring more medical workers, medicine and training to those countries hit hard by the virus.” [CNN, 7/2/03]

NPR: Bush’s First “AIDS Czar” Was Scott Evertz.“For the first few months of the Bush administration, there was a White House Office of National AIDS Policy, but no one seemed to be working there. Public health officials and AIDS activists were concerned there would be no Bush AIDS policy. Today, with a new AIDS office director and a thrust toward international issues, that all changed sharply. The president's AIDS czar, Scott Evertz is an openly gay Republican from Wisconsin.” [NPR, 4/9/01]

NYT: Joe O’Neill Was Bush Administration’s “AIDS Czar” In 2003. “Among the White House officials briefing the Log Cabin Republicans today was Dr. Joe O'Neill, the administration's AIDS czar, who is openly gay.” [New York Times, 5/10/03]

AIDS Policy & Law: Carol Thompson Was Bush Administration’s “AIDS Czar” In 2006. “The heads of the U.S. government's domestic and global AIDS offices will be leaving their posts to take on new jobs. Their replacements have yet to be named. Carol Thompson, director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, sometimes referred to as the national "AIDS czar," left Feb. 10 for a new job at the State Department's Africa division.” [AIDS Policy And Law, 2/24/06]

ABC: Mark Dybul Was Sworn In As “AIDS Czar” In 2006. JAKE TAPPER (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) For its part, the Bush White House won re-election in 2004 partly by campaigning against gay marriage. PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH (UNITED STATES) I believe our society is better off when marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. JAKE TAPPER (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) And yet, it can seem perfectly accepting of such unions, as was seen this week, when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice swore in as AIDS czar Dr. Mark Dybul, who is gay, while Dybul's partner held the bible. [ABC World News, 10/13/06]
wrong again, dick breath, conservatives pay taxes, democwats do not. so we know who the parasites are.

Since Dems earn 6% more than do Pubs and cons, your statement is wrong. Try again.

Republican Christians in the South (particularly Texas) are parasites. I am using Willow's form of logic: lies.

earning and paying taxes is two different thingamabobs as all the demoncwats in washington.. :lol::lol: start with rangel

Maybe some people in the red states should put down the twinkies and pick up the Trojans?

mmmmmmmm... sexy
Teen birth rates highest in most religious states
MSNBC - 9-17-09Link may be due to communities frowning on contraception, researchers say
U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a new study suggests.

So Teen pregnancy is a problem in Muslim States? They are after all the MOST religious of all.
someone already fucked the AIDS problem up big time-

Bush’s AIDS Czars (5)

CNN: Bush Appointed “AIDS Czar” Randall Tobias In 2003. In a story entitled “Ex-Eli Lilly Exec Named Global AIDS Czar,” CNN reported: “President Bush tapped a former pharmaceutical executive Wednesday to coordinate his administration's $15 billion program to combat AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean. If confirmed by the Senate, Randall Tobias -- the former chairman and chief executive officer of Eli Lilly and Co. -- would head up the administration's efforts to bring more medical workers, medicine and training to those countries hit hard by the virus.” [CNN, 7/2/03]

NPR: Bush’s First “AIDS Czar” Was Scott Evertz.“For the first few months of the Bush administration, there was a White House Office of National AIDS Policy, but no one seemed to be working there. Public health officials and AIDS activists were concerned there would be no Bush AIDS policy. Today, with a new AIDS office director and a thrust toward international issues, that all changed sharply. The president's AIDS czar, Scott Evertz is an openly gay Republican from Wisconsin.” [NPR, 4/9/01]

NYT: Joe O’Neill Was Bush Administration’s “AIDS Czar” In 2003. “Among the White House officials briefing the Log Cabin Republicans today was Dr. Joe O'Neill, the administration's AIDS czar, who is openly gay.” [New York Times, 5/10/03]

AIDS Policy & Law: Carol Thompson Was Bush Administration’s “AIDS Czar” In 2006. “The heads of the U.S. government's domestic and global AIDS offices will be leaving their posts to take on new jobs. Their replacements have yet to be named. Carol Thompson, director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, sometimes referred to as the national "AIDS czar," left Feb. 10 for a new job at the State Department's Africa division.” [AIDS Policy And Law, 2/24/06]

ABC: Mark Dybul Was Sworn In As “AIDS Czar” In 2006. JAKE TAPPER (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) For its part, the Bush White House won re-election in 2004 partly by campaigning against gay marriage. PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH (UNITED STATES) I believe our society is better off when marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. JAKE TAPPER (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) And yet, it can seem perfectly accepting of such unions, as was seen this week, when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice swore in as AIDS czar Dr. Mark Dybul, who is gay, while Dybul's partner held the bible. [ABC World News, 10/13/06]
but but but BOOOOSH

so predictable
"But even after accounting for the abortions, the study team still found a state's level of religiosity could predict their teen birth rate. The higher the religiosity, the higher was the teen birth rate on average."

Which simply begs the question.

What's the correllation to teen pregnancy?
Teen pregnancy and birth rates are highest among hispanics and blacks. Both demographics also have higher religiosity rates, higher rates of democrat political affiliation (as opposed to republican registration), and lower education levels.
Aren't statistics fun?
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wrong again, dick breath, conservatives pay taxes, democwats do not. so we know who the parasites are.

Hey, stupid, how is it that most of the red states are net recievers of federal dole, while the blue states are send in more money than they get back?

Another point here, perhaps the Conservatives mean something else when they state that it is the parents job to teach the teens about sex?
Even accounting for abortions? What do you think the STD rate is in comparison? So not only are they unwed and pregnant, but diseased. Wow, how, uh, Christian.
Well, we know the southern attitude. They got pregnant, they must suffer the consequences. No help. No insurance. They are parasites on society. Unless the grandma is Sarah Palin. Then it's ok.
"Southern Attitude" huh?:
AIDS & HIV statistics for the USA by state and city

Area of residence AIDS cases per 100,000 population in 2007
Alabama 8.4
District of Columbia 148.1 :eek:
New York 24.9

Last time I checked, D.C. wasn't in the south.

Oh, this is rich.

You're looking at just one disease. Look at all of them:

......Primary and secondary syphilis ...........Chlamydia .....................Gonnorhea
1 .......................Louisiana (12.4) ...........Mississippi (745.1) ........Mississippi (285.7)
2...................... Alabama (8.3) ...............Alaska (732.9) ..............Louisiana (259.7)
3 .......................Georgia (7.3) ...........South Carolina (611.7) ......South Carolina (239.0)

STD statistics for the USA

What's especially hilarious is that Alaska is right in the middle. That's right, except for HIV, southern states lead in EVERY STD.

Jesus, protect this country from your followers.


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