Tea Party Persecution...Why?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:
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Plus, it's the whole "were going to force the Republicans to take a step backwards" thing.
Just calling it like I see it - maybe I'm wrong?
It's because the Tea Party isn't under the Democrat's umbrella and so they must be vilified and attacked by the liberals without mercy. .. :cool:

Well, if I were an incumbant republican and I lost my seat all because some completely unqualified yaho got the backing of the Koch brothers, I would not hardly be blaming the dems now, would I?
Sincerity test:

If you think yourself to be a liberal or a progressive have you turned off PBS and forbidden your issue to watch it?

Remember, much of the programming is sponsored by The Koch Brothers.

If you haven't why not?
It's not just the left...it's anyone who fears the status quo being attacked.

So it follows that both Democrats and establishment Republicans like their free stuff, corruption, waste and going down the road to socialism even if it dooms the future of the country, the younger generations and obliterates the middle-class.
It's not just the left...it's anyone who fears the status quo being attacked.

So it follows that both Democrats and establishment Republicans like their free stuff, corruption, waste and going down the road to socialism even if it dooms the future of the country, the younger generations and obliterates the middle-class.

They're all drunk on power and actually believe that they can continue to control the runaway train.
And the same could be said for the democratic party. Both try ways to dissuade voting by intimidation or other tactics.
In some cases the Tea Party deserves the ridicule they receive. I would have respect for them if they stuck to a message of fiscal conservatism and small government. Instead you have the loudest people in the group bitching about things like birth certificates and vacations.

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