Surprise, surprise. Germany won't meet its emissions goal for 2020


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Angela Merkel Lectured Trump On Global Warming, Now Germany Abandoning Its Climate Goal

Germany will abandon its 2020 national global warming goal, a huge embarrassment to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as part of a deal to put together a coalition government in the wake of September’s elections.

Sources tell Reuters that Merkel’s would-be coalition will drop a goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. Ahead of the elections, Merkel said she’d find a way to meet the 2020 target. That was before she failed to put together a majority governing coalition.

Merkel has been highly critical of President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accords, even promising to confront the U.S. president on the issue at the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg.

“We cannot expect easy discussions on climate change at the G20 summit,” Merkel said in June. “Our differences with the U.S. are clear.”

But now, Merkel’s new government is abandoning its previous climate pledge. Instead, the coalition pushed back its 2020 goal until some time in the 2020s and keeps the goal of reducing emissions 55 percent by 2030.

Reuters reported that would-be coalition members agreed to cut severe taxes and fees on electricity bills to green energy deployment. Germany now has one of the most expensive electricity markets in the world, largely due to taxes.

Though, coalition members still agree to set up a commission to decide when to phase out Germany’s use of coal-fired electricity. Coal currently powers about 40 percent of Germany’s electric needs.

It’s not surprising Germany has decided to abandon its 2020 climate goal. Germany was not on track to meet its climate goal, despite spending nearly $800 billion in green energy subsidies in recent decades.

University of Colorado professor Roger Pielke, Jr. pointed out the impossible math behind Germany’s climate goals.

Roger Pielke Jr. @RogerPielkeJr

Replying to @RogerPielkeJr

The implications of Germany's 2020 target of a 40% reduction were obvious years ago. Setting targets just over the future horizon is how climate policy fools everyone into business as usual. Example: Germany has kept their 55% reduction by 2030 target. That one will work, surely.

And those projections assumed no growth in energy demand. That’s not been the case, according to Reuters.

“Due to strong economic growth and higher-than-expected immigration, Germany is likely to miss its national emissions target for 2020...

Germany needs to vote this globalist witch out of office.
I just got back home yesterday from two weeks with my son and daughter-in-law who live in the Rhineland Platz region; looked fine to me, and no funny smells or smog.
Bwahaha, “higher than expected immigration” is being blamed.

Yes, the increased demands and strain on infrastructure are bound to lower the quality of life for Europeans' some of the cities are starting to look like American ghettoes, complete with surly, useless punk-ass thuggz on every corner in some of the cities, especially in France.

My grandkids' schools there are pushing marital arts classes fairly heavily, a definite increase in touting the classes from three years ago. My grandson is already enrolled in the cross-country skiing and marksmanship/w rifle thing they do over there as a sports elective. Sambo is getting popular with some of the athletic depts. wanting to include it in their program offerings. Lots of high quality Russian instructors available, apparently. I highly recommend the 'combat Sambo' over the 'sports' version, if you're looking for a style for your kids; they will get beat up worse than with most other forms, but it's a more effective training as well, at least if they get former military instructors to teach the classes, anyway.
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Angela Merkel Lectured Trump On Global Warming, Now Germany Abandoning Its Climate Goal

Germany will abandon its 2020 national global warming goal, a huge embarrassment to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as part of a deal to put together a coalition government in the wake of September’s elections.

Sources tell Reuters that Merkel’s would-be coalition will drop a goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. Ahead of the elections, Merkel said she’d find a way to meet the 2020 target. That was before she failed to put together a majority governing coalition.

Merkel has been highly critical of President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accords, even promising to confront the U.S. president on the issue at the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg.

“We cannot expect easy discussions on climate change at the G20 summit,” Merkel said in June. “Our differences with the U.S. are clear.”

But now, Merkel’s new government is abandoning its previous climate pledge. Instead, the coalition pushed back its 2020 goal until some time in the 2020s and keeps the goal of reducing emissions 55 percent by 2030.

Reuters reported that would-be coalition members agreed to cut severe taxes and fees on electricity bills to green energy deployment. Germany now has one of the most expensive electricity markets in the world, largely due to taxes.

Though, coalition members still agree to set up a commission to decide when to phase out Germany’s use of coal-fired electricity. Coal currently powers about 40 percent of Germany’s electric needs.

It’s not surprising Germany has decided to abandon its 2020 climate goal. Germany was not on track to meet its climate goal, despite spending nearly $800 billion in green energy subsidies in recent decades.

University of Colorado professor Roger Pielke, Jr. pointed out the impossible math behind Germany’s climate goals.

Roger Pielke Jr. @RogerPielkeJr

Replying to @RogerPielkeJr

The implications of Germany's 2020 target of a 40% reduction were obvious years ago. Setting targets just over the future horizon is how climate policy fools everyone into business as usual. Example: Germany has kept their 55% reduction by 2030 target. That one will work, surely.

And those projections assumed no growth in energy demand. That’s not been the case, according to Reuters.

“Due to strong economic growth and higher-than-expected immigration, Germany is likely to miss its national emissions target for 2020...

Germany needs to vote this globalist witch out of office.

Yes. None of these foreign whiners are in any position to criticize the U.S. on any issue whatsoever, and we have zero reason to value their hypocritical opinions on anything. Only the deviant tards on the left and democrats keep trying to peddle the illusion we should.

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