Surprise! Leftist minimum wage policy backfires in Seattle suburb


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Surprise! Leftist minimum wage policy backfires in Seattle suburb | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

The Emerald City may witness the economic dangers of hiking the minimum wage to $15/hour sooner rather than later. SeaTac, a suburb of Seattle, hiked the minimum wage for certain service industry employees to $15 at the beginning of the year, and there are already signs that the sudden increase is having a negative impact.

Earlier this month, Seattle voted to raise its minimum wage gradually to $15 by the year 2020. Unlike the SeaTac wage hike, Seattle’s hike will apply to all businesses.

But 15 minutes south near the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, employees are already seeing the negative effects of such a hike. A February report from the Seattle Times revealed:

At the Clarion Hotel off International Boulevard, a sit-down restaurant has been shuttered, though it might soon be replaced by a less-labor-intensive cafe…

Other businesses have adjusted in ways that run the gamut from putting more work in the hands of managers, to instituting a small “living-wage surcharge” for a daily parking space near the airport.

That’s not all. According to Assunta Ng, publisher of the Northwest Asian Weekly, some employees are feeling the pinch as employers cut benefits. She recalls a conversation she had with two hotel employees who have been affected by the wage hike:

“Are you happy with the $15 wage?” I asked the full-time cleaning lady.

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.

The Washington Policy Center, a free market think tank, said the passed-but-not-yet-implemented wage hike is already affecting small businesses in Seattle:

After decades in Seattle, Northwest Caster and Equipment recently made the difficult decision to move the business to unincorporated Lynnwood, according to a report by KOMO news. The owner of the family business blames Seattle’s increasingly difficult business climate for the move: “It just seems like increasingly the city’s become a more difficult place to do business.”

The city’s proposed $15 minimum wage was tops on the list of complaints. “If I’m going to bring someone in on an entry level, I’d prefer to start them out where I’d like to start them out, rather than having that dictated to me.”

A commercial property landlord echoes those concerns about the $15 minimum wage, noting several tenants have signaled they may not renew their leases if it becomes law: “It’s just too expensive to operate in the city.”

And in a story today, KUOW reports that small businesses throughout the city are panicking over the super high minimum wage. Multiple small business owners told KUOW they are holding off on opening new business or expanding their current business in Seattle, while others said they are delaying plans to hire new workers.



Look at the moronic liberals....marching. :eusa_clap::badgrin:
The net gain or loss will be obvious in a year or so.

Posting the complaints of a few people tells us not much.
The "no such thing as a free meal" economic concept is completely lost on ding bats.

You can actually get these morons to come to the conclusion on their own. If they want 15 dollars an hour, ask them why not 20 dollars an hour, and just keep the number going up.

Eventually one of the morons will say....well we cannot pay a person 50 dollars and hour for MINIMUM WAGE. They will then use their minds....if there is any left and will come up with the business aspect of the costs being passed on to the consumer.

This is one of these issues put out by the democrats in election years in order to rally their retarded base. Make them believe the democrats are robinhood. It is like this every two years.

Yes, I do know there are liberals that are so stupid that they believe people making minimum wage ought to be making as much as the CEO. We already know they believe all profits are evil. They will deny this of course.

One of their stupid rallies

If I was an older worker making say round $20-$25 dollars an hour I would be pissed, and I would be demanding a raise.
If I was an older worker making say round $20-$25 dollars an hour I would be pissed, and I would be demanding a raise.

Yes, and that is the the aspect that morons do not understand. The more the morons the left argue for these types of things, is the more we can all assume that they really do not work for their money.

They certainly do not pay their own bills, and they obviously have no clue how it is to make payroll.

The liberal hypocrisy summed up here.


How many of those scumbags who own a product produced by evil corporations through evil capitalist practices actually worked for the money to buy those things?

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The Land of Oz was already an expensive place to live. This should be fun. An economic experiment in a little bubble universe so the nation can witness the effects.
It's funny, people who dropped out of high school will be better off than all the faggot liberals who got liberal arts degrees and work at starbucks.
IMO, the worst thing about imposing a minimum wage is the not the withdraw of benefits and perks, or the lessening of tips, for existing workers but the increasing number of people that prevented from working at all. Imposing a minimum wage is most harmful to the most vulnerable citizens in our society:
  • Young people with no experience
  • Unintelligent people whose skills and abilities do not warrant the minimum wage but are perfectly capable of holding a job
  • Uneducated individuals that are not considered for minimum wage employment when competing against those with a high school diploma
  • Individuals with substance abuse or mental issues that are prevented from legally engaging in cash-for-labor odd jobs or simple tasks for which a business owner may be willing to pay, but is prevented from doing so by minimum wage laws
  • The elderly who may be living off a pension but are simply hoping to engage in a workplace

These kind of people, the individuals that are our MOST VULNERABLE citizens, are prevented from working AT ALL by minimum wage laws. That, IMO, is a mind-numbingly cruel thing to do.

Anyone that supports minimum wage laws has the lost lives of these poor souls on the them. Shame!
If I was an older worker making say round $20-$25 dollars an hour I would be pissed, and I would be demanding a raise.

Yep, and the resulting inflation will wipe out any supposed gains made by the poorer workers.

Exactly! Another horribly ironic thing about minimum wage laws is that the businesses that tend to employ minimum wage workers also tend to have poorer individuals as customers, thereby ensuring the increased cost of doing businesses is passed directly to the people these ridiculous laws are purporting to help!

But hey, if it feels right, isn't that all that counts? :doubt:
IMO, the worst thing about imposing a minimum wage is the not the withdraw of benefits and perks, or the lessening of tips, for existing workers but the increasing number of people that prevented from working at all. Imposing a minimum wage is most harmful to the most vulnerable citizens in our society:
  • Young people with no experience
  • Unintelligent people whose skills and abilities do not warrant the minimum wage but are perfectly capable of holding a job
  • Uneducated individuals that are not considered for minimum wage employment when competing against those with a high school diploma
  • Individuals with substance abuse or mental issues that are prevented from legally engaging in cash-for-labor odd jobs or simple tasks for which a business owner may be willing to pay, but is prevented from doing so by minimum wage laws
  • The elderly who may be living off a pension but are simply hoping to engage in a workplace

These kind of people, the individuals that are our MOST VULNERABLE citizens, are prevented from working AT ALL by minimum wage laws. That, IMO, is a mind-numbingly cruel thing to do.

Anyone that supports minimum wage laws has the lost lives of these poor souls on the them. Shame!
Obviously, businesses will offer less services, increase automation and prices or simply move elsewhere to stay competitive.
IMO, the worst thing about imposing a minimum wage is the not the withdraw of benefits and perks, or the lessening of tips, for existing workers but the increasing number of people that prevented from working at all. Imposing a minimum wage is most harmful to the most vulnerable citizens in our society:
  • Young people with no experience
  • Unintelligent people whose skills and abilities do not warrant the minimum wage but are perfectly capable of holding a job
  • Uneducated individuals that are not considered for minimum wage employment when competing against those with a high school diploma
  • Individuals with substance abuse or mental issues that are prevented from legally engaging in cash-for-labor odd jobs or simple tasks for which a business owner may be willing to pay, but is prevented from doing so by minimum wage laws
  • The elderly who may be living off a pension but are simply hoping to engage in a workplace

These kind of people, the individuals that are our MOST VULNERABLE citizens, are prevented from working AT ALL by minimum wage laws. That, IMO, is a mind-numbingly cruel thing to do.

Anyone that supports minimum wage laws has the lost lives of these poor souls on the them. Shame!
Obviously, businesses will offer less services, increase automation and prices or simply move elsewhere to stay competitive.

Meanwhile, democrats will gain power through these techniques of seducing their moronic constituency. When those things do happen, they will be able to blame the companies and not the liberal policies.

Just like the disaster of Obamacare, the morons the left will predictably blame the insurance INDUSTRY or the "corporations" for their lack of providing health plans and they will of course not put any blame on the liberal policies which of course forces these things to happen.

Why don't they know about these things? Well, a media that is hell bent on ushering their socialist ideals they all learned and loved in college.

It is the ends that justify the means to these people. The country is pretty much all but lost, but the good fight needs to continue. Like I said yesterday, our voices are like farts in a hurricane.
surprise! Leftist minimum wage policy backfires in seattle suburb | united liberty | free market - individual liberty - limited government

the emerald city may witness the economic dangers of hiking the minimum wage to $15/hour sooner rather than later. Seatac, a suburb of seattle, hiked the minimum wage for certain service industry employees to $15 at the beginning of the year, and there are already signs that the sudden increase is having a negative impact.

Earlier this month, seattle voted to raise its minimum wage gradually to $15 by the year 2020. Unlike the seatac wage hike, seattle’s hike will apply to all businesses.

But 15 minutes south near the seattle-tacoma international airport, employees are already seeing the negative effects of such a hike. A february report from the seattle times revealed:

At the clarion hotel off international boulevard, a sit-down restaurant has been shuttered, though it might soon be replaced by a less-labor-intensive cafe…

other businesses have adjusted in ways that run the gamut from putting more work in the hands of managers, to instituting a small “living-wage surcharge” for a daily parking space near the airport.

That’s not all. According to assunta ng, publisher of the northwest asian weekly, some employees are feeling the pinch as employers cut benefits. She recalls a conversation she had with two hotel employees who have been affected by the wage hike:

“are you happy with the $15 wage?” i asked the full-time cleaning lady.

“it sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“why?” i asked.

“i lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “no more free food,” she added.

The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

What else? I asked.

“i have to pay for parking,” she said.

I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“yes, i’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.

The washington policy center, a free market think tank, said the passed-but-not-yet-implemented wage hike is already affecting small businesses in seattle:

After decades in seattle, northwest caster and equipment recently made the difficult decision to move the business to unincorporated lynnwood, according to a report by komo news. The owner of the family business blames seattle’s increasingly difficult business climate for the move: “it just seems like increasingly the city’s become a more difficult place to do business.”

the city’s proposed $15 minimum wage was tops on the list of complaints. “if i’m going to bring someone in on an entry level, i’d prefer to start them out where i’d like to start them out, rather than having that dictated to me.”

a commercial property landlord echoes those concerns about the $15 minimum wage, noting several tenants have signaled they may not renew their leases if it becomes law: “it’s just too expensive to operate in the city.”

and in a story today, kuow reports that small businesses throughout the city are panicking over the super high minimum wage. Multiple small business owners told kuow they are holding off on opening new business or expanding their current business in seattle, while others said they are delaying plans to hire new workers.



look at the moronic liberals....marching. :eusa_clap::badgrin:

yea "fallacy fallacy" - Presuming that because a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong.

Besides, there are PLENTY of straight forward, rational and fact-based arguments against the minimum wage in this thread...which you appear incapable of addressing directly. Telling.
surprise! Leftist minimum wage policy backfires in seattle suburb | united liberty | free market - individual liberty - limited government

the emerald city may witness the economic dangers of hiking the minimum wage to $15/hour sooner rather than later. Seatac, a suburb of seattle, hiked the minimum wage for certain service industry employees to $15 at the beginning of the year, and there are already signs that the sudden increase is having a negative impact.

Earlier this month, seattle voted to raise its minimum wage gradually to $15 by the year 2020. Unlike the seatac wage hike, seattle’s hike will apply to all businesses.

But 15 minutes south near the seattle-tacoma international airport, employees are already seeing the negative effects of such a hike. A february report from the seattle times revealed:

At the clarion hotel off international boulevard, a sit-down restaurant has been shuttered, though it might soon be replaced by a less-labor-intensive cafe…

other businesses have adjusted in ways that run the gamut from putting more work in the hands of managers, to instituting a small “living-wage surcharge” for a daily parking space near the airport.

That’s not all. According to assunta ng, publisher of the northwest asian weekly, some employees are feeling the pinch as employers cut benefits. She recalls a conversation she had with two hotel employees who have been affected by the wage hike:

“are you happy with the $15 wage?” i asked the full-time cleaning lady.

“it sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“why?” i asked.

“i lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “no more free food,” she added.

The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

What else? I asked.

“i have to pay for parking,” she said.

I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“yes, i’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.

The washington policy center, a free market think tank, said the passed-but-not-yet-implemented wage hike is already affecting small businesses in seattle:

After decades in seattle, northwest caster and equipment recently made the difficult decision to move the business to unincorporated lynnwood, according to a report by komo news. The owner of the family business blames seattle’s increasingly difficult business climate for the move: “it just seems like increasingly the city’s become a more difficult place to do business.”

the city’s proposed $15 minimum wage was tops on the list of complaints. “if i’m going to bring someone in on an entry level, i’d prefer to start them out where i’d like to start them out, rather than having that dictated to me.”

a commercial property landlord echoes those concerns about the $15 minimum wage, noting several tenants have signaled they may not renew their leases if it becomes law: “it’s just too expensive to operate in the city.”

and in a story today, kuow reports that small businesses throughout the city are panicking over the super high minimum wage. Multiple small business owners told kuow they are holding off on opening new business or expanding their current business in seattle, while others said they are delaying plans to hire new workers.



look at the moronic liberals....marching. :eusa_clap::badgrin:

yea "fallacy fallacy" - Presuming that because a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong.

Besides, there are PLENTY of straight forward, rational and fact-based arguments against the minimum wage in this thread...which you appear incapable of addressing directly. Telling.

All it tells is I can't be bothered to wade through the usual half truths, fudging of issues and anecdotes told and greeted with sage nods as though they are the ultimate truth and all other evidence to the opposite is abject fallacy.

I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad, I understand both sides of the argument probably better than most as I have a bachelors degree in business but what I do know without a shadow of a doubt is that the drivel in the original post is the most transparent and obviously biased piece of shot that a bent journalist with his last remaining scruple would run a mile from putting his name next to it.
I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad

Then you ought to look into it. Several good arguments against it made right here in this thread or not hard to find with a simple search. Ought to be simple for a guy with a degree in business.

yea "fallacy fallacy" - Presuming that because a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong.

Besides, there are PLENTY of straight forward, rational and fact-based arguments against the minimum wage in this thread...which you appear incapable of addressing directly. Telling.

All it tells is I can't be bothered to wade through the usual half truths, fudging of issues and anecdotes told and greeted with sage nods as though they are the ultimate truth and all other evidence to the opposite is abject fallacy.

I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad, I understand both sides of the argument probably better than most as I have a bachelors degree in business but what I do know without a shadow of a doubt is that the drivel in the original post is the most transparent and obviously biased piece of shot that a bent journalist with his last remaining scruple would run a mile from putting his name next to it.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 25/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 30/hr? Just answer yes or no and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 50/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Let us see if you are capable of having a conversation with out interjecting the word "anecdote" into it.

Liberals are nothing but morons. Just appeal to the poor class. Believe in a myth called robinhood. Keep destroying the middle class, while you are show your pure ignorance about the bylaws of business.

It would help if any of you had even a rudimentary understanding of business.
Last edited:
I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad

Then you ought to look into it. Several good arguments against it made right here in this thread or not hard to find with a simple search. Ought to be simple for a guy with a degree in business.

In order to look in to it I would need in depth reports on the financial health of the area concerned broken down in to regions, I would need the projections of best and worst case scenarios over the next 3-5 years of the local economy, the numbers of SME startups as well as larger corporations and the percentages of jobs each create and maintain and that is just off the very top of my head.

I'm pretty sure that I wont be able to find those figures for Seattle online without them having been fiddled and dressed up for a particular purpose and once I did that I'd need to do some in depth analysis and write up a paper on it. I'm not prepared to do that for a throw away forum argument so what I will do is I will see whoever is against and what they can pull out to show it's failed. A quick look at the OP shows that someone out to discredit the 15 bucks minimum can only come out with a whiney cleaning lady and one store that has gone out of business. Hardly an indication of a Detroit-esque citywide financial collapse is it?

yea "fallacy fallacy" - Presuming that because a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong.

Besides, there are PLENTY of straight forward, rational and fact-based arguments against the minimum wage in this thread...which you appear incapable of addressing directly. Telling.

All it tells is I can't be bothered to wade through the usual half truths, fudging of issues and anecdotes told and greeted with sage nods as though they are the ultimate truth and all other evidence to the opposite is abject fallacy.

I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad, I understand both sides of the argument probably better than most as I have a bachelors degree in business but what I do know without a shadow of a doubt is that the drivel in the original post is the most transparent and obviously biased piece of shot that a bent journalist with his last remaining scruple would run a mile from putting his name next to it.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 25/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 30/hr? Just answer yes or no and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 50/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Let us see if you are capable of having a conversation with out interjecting the word "anecdote" into it.

Liberals are nothing but morons. Just appeal to the poor class. Believe in a myth called robinhood. Keep destroying the middle class, while you are show your pure ignorance about the bylaws of business.

It would help if any of you had even a rudimentary understanding of business.

No - too little

No - too little

Yes - just to annoy you.

If you object to my use of the word anecdote it only shows yor inability to grasp why a single story is meaningless in the political arena and therefore your ignorance of government decisions for the greater good of the people who elect them.

You don't know what a moron is, I doubt you truely know what a liberal is and as I'm neither I don't see what relavence that has to the thread but I suspect it's just the usual sort of thing you type to fill up your posts.
I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad

Then you ought to look into it. Several good arguments against it made right here in this thread or not hard to find with a simple search. Ought to be simple for a guy with a degree in business.

In order to look in to it I would need in depth reports on the financial health of the area concerned broken down in to regions, I would need the projections of best and worst case scenarios over the next 3-5 years of the local economy, the numbers of SME startups as well as larger corporations and the percentages of jobs each create and maintain and that is just off the very top of my head.

I'm pretty sure that I wont be able to find those figures for Seattle online without them having been fiddled and dressed up for a particular purpose and once I did that I'd need to do some in depth analysis and write up a paper on it. I'm not prepared to do that for a throw away forum argument so what I will do is I will see whoever is against and what they can pull out to show it's failed. A quick look at the OP shows that someone out to discredit the 15 bucks minimum can only come out with a whiney cleaning lady and one store that has gone out of business. Hardly an indication of a Detroit-esque citywide financial collapse is it?

All it tells is I can't be bothered to wade through the usual half truths, fudging of issues and anecdotes told and greeted with sage nods as though they are the ultimate truth and all other evidence to the opposite is abject fallacy.

I don't know if the minimum wage raise is good or bad, I understand both sides of the argument probably better than most as I have a bachelors degree in business but what I do know without a shadow of a doubt is that the drivel in the original post is the most transparent and obviously biased piece of shot that a bent journalist with his last remaining scruple would run a mile from putting his name next to it.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 25/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 30/hr? Just answer yes or no and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 50/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Let us see if you are capable of having a conversation with out interjecting the word "anecdote" into it.

Liberals are nothing but morons. Just appeal to the poor class. Believe in a myth called robinhood. Keep destroying the middle class, while you are show your pure ignorance about the bylaws of business.

It would help if any of you had even a rudimentary understanding of business.

No - too little

No - too little

Yes - just to annoy you.

If you object to my use of the word anecdote it only shows yor inability to grasp why a single story is meaningless in the political arena and therefore your ignorance of government decisions for the greater good of the people who elect them.

You don't know what a moron is, I doubt you truely know what a liberal is and as I'm neither I don't see what relavence that has to the thread but I suspect it's just the usual sort of thing you type to fill up your posts.


Yeah, that is what I thought. Keep on pretending you do not get the point.

So, what in a perfect little robinhood fairy tale world you live in, what would the minimum wage be?

Is that an ANECDOTE?
Then you ought to look into it. Several good arguments against it made right here in this thread or not hard to find with a simple search. Ought to be simple for a guy with a degree in business.

In order to look in to it I would need in depth reports on the financial health of the area concerned broken down in to regions, I would need the projections of best and worst case scenarios over the next 3-5 years of the local economy, the numbers of SME startups as well as larger corporations and the percentages of jobs each create and maintain and that is just off the very top of my head.

I'm pretty sure that I wont be able to find those figures for Seattle online without them having been fiddled and dressed up for a particular purpose and once I did that I'd need to do some in depth analysis and write up a paper on it. I'm not prepared to do that for a throw away forum argument so what I will do is I will see whoever is against and what they can pull out to show it's failed. A quick look at the OP shows that someone out to discredit the 15 bucks minimum can only come out with a whiney cleaning lady and one store that has gone out of business. Hardly an indication of a Detroit-esque citywide financial collapse is it?

Should the minimum wage be raised to 25/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 30/hr? Just answer yes or no and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Should the minimum wage be raised to 50/hr? Just answer yes or no, and provide a reason why it should or should not.

Let us see if you are capable of having a conversation with out interjecting the word "anecdote" into it.

Liberals are nothing but morons. Just appeal to the poor class. Believe in a myth called robinhood. Keep destroying the middle class, while you are show your pure ignorance about the bylaws of business.

It would help if any of you had even a rudimentary understanding of business.

No - too little

No - too little

Yes - just to annoy you.

If you object to my use of the word anecdote it only shows yor inability to grasp why a single story is meaningless in the political arena and therefore your ignorance of government decisions for the greater good of the people who elect them.

You don't know what a moron is, I doubt you truely know what a liberal is and as I'm neither I don't see what relavence that has to the thread but I suspect it's just the usual sort of thing you type to fill up your posts.


Yeah, that is what I thought. Keep on pretending you do not get the point.

So, what in a perfect little robinhood fairy tale world you live in, what would the minimum wage be?

Is that an ANECDOTE?

Are you still at grade school? If so does the teacher know you're on the computer. I point out several times how a single story does not make a trend and you come out with childish imitation? That really is your limit isn't it, you really are that infantile.

If you had bothered to read the whole of my post then you would have your answer to that question, the fact that you ask it shows that you haven't.

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