Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

You lying sack of shit. Do you talk to your children with that mouth?

:lol: You made the accusation asshat...back it up or piss off!

Al Gore? I'm talking about the planet.

Read the Avatar...Stop being weak

when you continue a false argument of man made global warming (now climate change since the warming part has been proven to be a hoax) the only place the discussion can go is down.

My points are valid, yours are propaganda. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, and yet you persist--------is it a mental problem?

You're an idiot and a liar.

I think that you are being much to complimentary to Westwall.
I had to remove that closing comment. Too confrontational. The evidence speaks for itself.

Westwall, don't you read the posts here?

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