Study: White liberals dumb themselves down when speaking to minorities

You'll notice that the Regressives on this thread have changed the subject away from blacks and to conservatives.

They know what the study means, that's it's true, and that they can't deny it.

So, change the subject, change the subject. Deflect/Pivot/Attack.

This is who they are, gang. They're not liberal.
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Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.
Because poor uneducated white people in Appalachia are so smart, that’s why they don’t even need education.

All 50 of them? Deantard has glued himself to Appalachia. Go watch Justfied, LOL. They may be hicks but they are not killing each other at record numbers like those is Democrat controller urban areas where millions live. Deantard is so stupid.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

White liberals squee like a bunch of pre-teen fangirls at any sign of brown skin or "diversity". It's embarrassing and unseemly. You would think they'd have some pride that's not just gay pride, but they can't seem to help themselves.

Shut up and listen to people TALK, and not just their brown skin or hijab talking or whatever. But they can't. They're blinded by "identity".

Imagine being that simple-minded....but there it is.
You'll notice that the Regressives on this thread have changed the subject away from blacks and to conservatives.

They know what the study means, that's it's true, and that they can't deny it.

So, change the subject, change the subject. Deflect/Pivot/Attack.

This is who they are, gang. They're not liberal.
All true but your last line. Yes, this IS liberalism. This is where it devolves EVERY TIME.
You'll notice that the Regressives on this thread have changed the subject away from blacks and to conservatives.
They know what the study means, that's it's true, and that they can't deny it.
So, change the subject, change the subject. Deflect/Pivot/Attack.
This is who they are, gang. They're not liberal.
All true but your last line. Yes, this IS liberalism. This is where it devolves EVERY TIME.
It may be what represents liberalism today, sadly. I'll give you that.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

The liberal Hildebeast is guilty...”Ah don’t feel no ways tired. Ah come too far from where ah started from...”

She’s just like Barry. Only speaks in Negro dialect when she wants to.
The liberal Hildebeast is guilty...”Ah don’t feel no ways tired. Ah come too far from where ah started from...”

She’s just like Barry. Only speaks in Negro dialect when she wants to.

yes if you take that statement completely out of context, it sounds terrible.

In context, not so much. In context, she was quoting James Cleveland.

Accusing Clinton of "mimicking black dialect," Walter Williams didn't note she was reciting hymn in Selma speech

In his September 12 column, syndicated columnist Walter E. Williams accused Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) of "insulting blacks" during her March 4 speech at the First Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama, by "mimicking black dialect." But he did not note, as Clinton did in the speech, that she was reciting the lyrics of a hymn by Rev. James Cleveland. Williams wrote: " 'I don't feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don't believe He brought me this far,' drawled presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton, mimicking black voice to a black audience, at the First Baptist Church. ..

Williams also did not mention, as Media Matters has documented, that footage of Clinton's speech from the March 4 edition of C-SPAN's Road to the White House showed the crowd cheering Clinton as she recited the hymn and giving her a standing ovation when she concluded her speech.

You see, this is why you need to turn off the Hate Radio, Dominican Rent Boy.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions​

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

That's very funny indeed.

The authors stress it's “preliminary evidence”.

They speculate, liberals "may" unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes.

On that cue, Mac rushes to judgment and condemnation, and it's devastating, as is his wont.

Now, let's look at the study design: Given stereotypical black and stereotypical white names for the respective addressees, participants are asked to describe the vocabulary they would use to address stereotypical black or stereotypical white addressees.

Liberals then adjust the vocabulary they use to the (sadly) lower English language proficiency of the average African American (while conservatives do not) in order to establish a connection.

So, participants are asked to stereotype, and liberals adjust to the demographic data, and the authors of the study speculate it may have to do with stereotypes. Funny, no? I'd say, that's one shitty study, but it isn't nearly as bad as Mac wants it to be, for he concludes: "STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES", in all caps, no less.

Now, we might argue endlessly about the wisdom of addressing stereotypical African Americans using $2 words instead of $5 words, or the egregiousness thereof. I'd say, addressing an audience that, on average, has enjoyed no more than high school as an education by using your most advanced college vocabulary just demonstrates you are a needy asshole. At the very least, establishing social contact on a more common level looks far more promising. An advocacy for lowering standards for minorities this is not, not by a long shot. But, re-iterating the worn-out retarded charge against liberals provides a nice occasion to take yet another dump on stereotypical liberals.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.
Not news. To me, anyway. "The soft bigotry of low expectations". Definitely a liberal hangup. It's slightly more engaging than the "those people" attitude of the right's race hangup, but has its own pratfalls.
Not news. To me, anyway. "The soft bigotry of low expectations". Definitely a liberal hangup. It's slightly more engaging than the "those people" attitude of the right's race hangup, but has its own pratfalls.
Yep. There will be no "honest discussion on race" until each end of this looks in the mirror.
Not news. To me, anyway. "The soft bigotry of low expectations". Definitely a liberal hangup. It's slightly more engaging than the "those people" attitude of the right's race hangup, but has its own pratfalls.
Yep. There will be no "honest discussion on race" until each end of this looks in the mirror.
I think people confuse the ideas of "explanation" and "excuse", too. We can try to understand the position of minorities in this country by studying the past. That explains a lot about any snapshot you take of today's state of affairs. But it is a mistake to then confuse this as an excuse for low expectations. That literally defeats the entire point of understanding it and correcting it. We should be piling opportunity and expectations onto the disaffected, disadvantaged people, not using the past as an excuse for why the next generation will start at the same point where the last is. Give them the best schools, AND expect them to perform.
Not news. To me, anyway. "The soft bigotry of low expectations". Definitely a liberal hangup. It's slightly more engaging than the "those people" attitude of the right's race hangup, but has its own pratfalls.
Yep. There will be no "honest discussion on race" until each end of this looks in the mirror.
I think people confuse the ideas of "explanation" and "excuse", too. We can try to understand the position of minorities in this country by studying the past. That explains a lot about any snapshot you take of today's state of affairs. But it is a mistake to then confuse this as an excuse for low expectations. That literally defeats the entire point of understanding it and correcting it. We should be political g opportunity and expectations onto these people, not using the past as an excuse for why the next generation will start at the same point where the last is.
Part of me wants to give the left the benefit of the doubt (especially because I lean left) and say that it's well-meaning but operating under old rules. Another part of me believes that it cynically panders to those they feel are beneath them for political advantage. I'd guess there is some of both in there.

I see the effects of this in my own mixed-race family, and they are profound, cultural and inter-generational. This study just confirms what I've believed all along. As do some of the responses on this thread, of course.
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Give them the best schools, AND expect them to perform.

You are aware, of course, that that which is actually being done is generally the exact opposite thereof, no? And that giving them the "best schools" (which, given the current conditions is just putting the insult on top of egregious injury) may not nearly be enough to remedy the results of centuries of racism?

If not, Walk a Mile...
You are aware, of course, that that which is actually being done is generally the exact opposite thereof, no? A
may not nearly be enough to remedy the results of centuries of racism?
Yes I know. I'm not suggesting it will solve everything.

Thanks, good to know.

Explain, then, if you will...

"The soft bigotry of low expectations". Definitely a liberal hangup.​

... how you jump from a study on language used while socializing to the slanderous, rightarded insult to intelligence directed at educational policies? For I can't find much by way of a link between the two, and even less of a link to Mac's bigoted stereotyping of liberals, for that matter.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.
Because poor uneducated white people in Appalachia are so smart, that’s why they don’t even need education.
Well they are a hell of alot smarter than you are.
Most Liberals have to dumb themselves down to talk to nearly everyone.
Conservatives don’t have that problem.
Did you guys understand that? LOL
Liberals do not have a monopoly on intelligence. Arrogance yes, brains no.

Well, the one useful thing that conservatives provide is giving the rest of us a superiority complex. So you have that going for you.

As for arrogance?


We have the best words. Oh wait…that was someone else who said that.

Oh well, we are stable geniuses. Oh wait…that was someone else who said that.

Pretty much shows your intelligence.

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