Stop the fallacy of false equivalency between Obama and Trump's elections


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
You on the far right, you alt right fascists, can just stop your nonsense.

I am relieved to see Trump already making signals he will move toward the center.


Jon Stewart facebook
Yeah, Obama "won both times" but people (mostly lefties) tend to forget the inconvenient truth that republicans won the biggest landslide victory in modern mid term history just two years ago and now own both houses of congress and the White House for the first time since the 20's. Keep in mind that democrat senate minority leader Harry Reid called it quits and the democrat party is in chaos in disarray. If it wasn't for the dishonest mainstream media still propping up the party of slavery and racism the Klintons and the rest of the democrat party would be laughed outa town.
Yeah, Obama "won both times" but people (mostly lefties) tend to forget the inconvenient truth that republicans won the biggest landslide victory in modern mid term history just two years ago and now own both houses of congress and the White House for the first time since the 20's. Keep in mind that democrat senate minority leader Harry Reid called it quits and the democrat party is in chaos in disarray. If it wasn't for the dishonest mainstream media still propping up the party of slavery and racism the Klintons and the rest of the democrat party would be laughed outa town.

and now own both houses of congress and the White House for the first time since the 20's

The 20s?

I'm older than I thought.

Seems like it was only 16 years ago to me
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31-33; 53-55; 2001-2007.


Hedging: pretty close (doing this from memory)
Fake Jake the outed liberal is butt hurt. Trump has not changed his positions and liberals are only saying so to seed trouble. This last election showed the American voter one thing over and over.


So get on with your rumor mill your gossip and bull sh#t and I will wait till Jan 21st okay LIAR?

You liberals equated wanting Obama to fail with wanting America to fail.

And here you are jonesing for President Trump to fail. So why are you devoting so much (whatever you do in lieu of) praying that America fails just now?

Hey, your own logic!

Suck it up. Hillary won't be pissing on stage for a while so you gotta have something to suck up!
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You on the far right, you alt right fascists, can just stop your nonsense.

I am relieved to see Trump already making signals he will move toward the center.


Jon Stewart facebook

What's similar is people making a race issue of Obama and focus on uneducated voters depending on govt.
Now it's people making race issues with Trump, and focus on uneducated voters depending on media.
The 20s?

I'm older than I thought.

Seems like it was only 16 years ago to me

Right, thats what I thought. They had the whole thing from 2002-2006 and gave the democrooks the checkbook as they didn't interfere too much with the war.

That's why the republicrats got crushed in 06 and 08, but they're finally back in charge. Now if they stick to the agenda of opposing the democrook decline of the country they'll stay in power.

You on the far right, you alt right fascists, can just stop your nonsense.

I am relieved to see Trump already making signals he will move toward the center.


Jon Stewart facebook

Obama mocked Christians and patriots with his bitter clingers comment. Obama was against gay marriage till Biden claimed he was for it. Once put on the spot, he reluctantly claimed he evolved on the matter. We all know it was strictly political and not about his true feelings. Obama vilified police, first with the Cambridge police who he said acted stupidly even though they did nothing wrong. He later fueled riots by claiming Travon Martin could be his son and he consistently claimed that we had a problem with racist cops despite 99.9% of shootings by police being justified. He consistently favored Muslims over Christians. We saw it with him trading 5 terrorists for deserter Bergdahl, gross lack of Christians included in refugees and comments that Christians need to change on issues to agree with left. That was NEVER asked of Muslims.

Obama demonized people in the south and all on the right.

He actually did mock the disabled when he made a "joke" on the Tonight Show. While talking about how poorly he golfed, he said it was like the Special Olympics.

Of course, he spent millions in tax dollars to go out and campaign for Hillary, who called Trump supporters deplorable. By his support of Hillary while she blasted all on the right, we can assume he agreed with all of her nasty rhetoric.
You on the far right, you alt right fascists, can just stop your nonsense.

I am relieved to see Trump already making signals he will move toward the center.


Jon Stewart facebook
Nah Obama was worse than that.

His was a comment that cut across ALL races and classes etc. He is also not a citizen. The rest of your WHINE is lies and made up bullshit but that's expected from a pathetic snowflake so delicate such as yourself.
JAKESTARKEY, you need to think a little more clearly.

Barry promised to kill the American coal industry. Indeed, his EPA, in pronouncing CARBON FUCKING DIOXIDE a dangerous pollutant had dealt a serious blow to all American industry.

Barry promoted and wanted socialized medicine, and with a cooperating DEMOCRAT Congress foisted on us a horrible, ill-considered healthcare monstrosity for the specific purpose of pissing off the American people to the extent that they would be willing to accept "single payer" when ACA collapsed under horrific premiums and rebelling insurance companies.

Barry made no bones about wanting to appoint Federal Court judges and justices who shared his extreme views on the Constitution itself, marriage, abortion, and Federal powers.

Barry led the charge to rack up deficits that are absolutely unprecedented in American history, simply to avoid the severe recession that his policies (hyper regulation, harassment of entrepreneurs, etc) were sure to cause.

Trump is no further right of center than Barry was left of center. In fact, I think this election (as well as the past three bi-annual elections) PROVES how far Barry was out of touch with the wishes of the American people.

And as for Hillary "winning the popular vote," not all voters are equal. Some are wage earners, business owners, significant tax payers, and contributors to society. Others are government workers, adult-students, government teat suckers, academics, entertainers, socialists, and so forth. The kind of people for whom providing a picture-fucking ID to vote is an intolerable burden. Among the FORMER, Trump won in a landslide. Among the LATTER, HRC prevailed easily.

Draw your own conclusions.
Fact is I am a clear thinker, and clearly Mr. Trump is making signals that are causing the far and alt right to skitter.
Fact is I am a clear thinker,

That's why you told this board over and over that Hillary had already won....


You are as clear a thinker as the air between you and your Hillary Talking points sheet on the desk....
Fact is I am a clear thinker,

That's why you told this board over and over that Hillary had already won....LOL!!!! You are as clear a thinker as the air between you and your Hillary Talking points sheet on the desk....
Yup, and I got fooled just like you guys who were all giving up the final week. Except c-k. He never gave up.

Yeah, Trump is signalling he does not love the far right anymore.

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