Stop Coddling The Super-Rich


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Quit listening to that babbling fool Warren Buffet. He is clueless.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

repost of the SOS...same old shit. warren et al are free to write as many checks to the fed. gov as they wish, they can also label the payment " for principal only" as in debt reduction only...get back to me and let me know how many of done so.....I checked U go check...
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Yaaaaa - we're used to the leftwing's tender concern about the success of the republican party. :lol: Why don't you quit whimpering about people who have succeeded in life, and try to do it yourself? The rich owe you NOTHING. Get a fucking life.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Maybe the left should stop coddling the super ignorant.

Then again if they did you wouldn't have any friends.
This is called the old "bait and switch". Lib/dems do not want to talk about cutting spending so they constantly trot out the class warfare card and bitch about millionaires and billionaires. So tell me, if we followed Buffet's advice and only raised taxes on people making over a million bucks, which as he said excludes 99.7% of us, how much money in inceased revenue do you think you're going to get? The CBO says we get around 70 billion a year if you include the guys making 200k and above, but what happens if you don't raise taxes on the guys between 200k and a million, which is the vast majority? I'm guessing your take would be less than half of 70 billion, cuz not all of these guys are willing to pay Uncle Sam more money. They'll find ways to avoid paying it, only a fool would think otherwise.

So say you get 35 billion a year in new revenue from doing what Buffet suggests. Geez, it would be worth it just to stop hearing the pissing and moaning from the left about shared sacrifice and fair share. Maybe he's right, the impact on the economy might not be much if anything at all cuz we already got hoards of cash on the sidelines. But you know what happens when you give a politician more money, especially a democrat? Exactly - they find a way to spend it rather than pay down the debt.

Question: what are you going to do about the other 99.9% of the deficit?
Those people worked hard manipulating markets and accounting books.

....Or winning the PGA championship or concert touring in a meat suit or starring in a Hollywood movie. You guys in the class war have no cred.. Because you don't even understand the diff between Cap gains and income tax. No wonder the economy is hog-tied.

No amount of sheer demonization is working...
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Note: This is coming from the super-rich.

Not the poor coddlers of the rabid right.
Warren Buffett is as dangerous to this Republic as Georgie-Boi Soros.

They want more taxes? What's stopping them from giving the Gubmint more?

Open up that wallet and start dishing it out.

Just stop trying to steal it from the rest of us.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Just do you feel about the fact that now slightly over half of all wage earners pay no income tax at all, and 80% of those get more back then pay in?
Please phrase your answer outside of the issue of wealthy taxation, in other words as a topic of it's own.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Note: This is coming from the super-rich.

Not the poor coddlers of the rabid right.

Quoting your own posts? How desperate are you? :lol::lol:

Oh, and.... as has been pointed out.... there's already a thread on this. Incompetent fool.
The rabid right should discontinue the pablum about "punishing success" and get real with the facts about breaking the backs of the American workers.

The vast majority of the American people aren't with that RW talking point. Just about every poll bares that out.

The far right is about to damage the Republican party, once again.

Just do you feel about the fact that now slightly over half of all wage earners pay no income tax at all, and 80% of those get more back then pay in?
Please phrase your answer outside of the issue of wealthy taxation, in other words as a topic of it's own.

How do you feel about the fact that the top 20% of this country own over 85% of the wealth? Leaving just 15% of the total wealth owned by 85% of the country.
Those people worked hard manipulating markets and accounting books.

....Or winning the PGA championship or concert touring in a meat suit or starring in a Hollywood movie. You guys in the class war have no cred.. Because you don't even understand the diff between Cap gains and income tax. No wonder the economy is hog-tied.

No amount of sheer demonization is working...

Leave up to a right wing idiot to become hostile when I point out the fact that plenty of rich people have earned it through market manipulation at the expense of others rather than the old fashioned way or hard work and ingenuity. You fucking idiots just turn a blind eye on this shit.

Additionally, the rich do very well in working with the government and receive a plethora of political favoritisms. However, right wingers only like to attack single mothers, children, and the elderly regarding welfare. Corporate welfare is off the table.

Its not difficult to understand the difference between income and capital tax. I have no idea where that came from. However, righties love to create red herrings and distort the truth.

Anymore useless comments from you or are you done?
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