stimulus check 2: when ?

Probably never:

The White House, apparently isn't plush enough. Each American could get $1,000,000.00 but instead the blob wants to spend $377M in "stimulus" money to remodel his house.
Where you upset with Obama's fried chicken wing?

In your absence did you fall on your head? You've sounded brain damaged in the few posts I've read of yours since you've been back.
Well I did have a heart attach... Then my dad died, thanks for asking.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.
You do realize those who weren't working made more sitting on their ass (at no fault of their own) Than most who were identified as essential.
Probably never:

The White House, apparently isn't plush enough. Each American could get $1,000,000.00 but instead the blob wants to spend $377M in "stimulus" money to remodel his house.
Where you upset with Obama's fried chicken wing?

In your absence did you fall on your head? You've sounded brain damaged in the few posts I've read of yours since you've been back.
Well I did have a heart attach... Then my dad died, thanks for asking.

Sorry to hear that. You sound much dumber than you did.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.
Im Still working but not making what I was before the pandemic. Before corona I sold $150,000 a month. Last month I only sold $100k.

Even still I agree I shouldn’t have got a check.

Based on my income last year they sent me $950. I did not need that money.

My dad is retired they sent him $1200. Why? His life hasn’t changed one bit.
Exactly. They should send the money to the people who got hurt the most by the pandemic.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.
Im Still working but not making what I was before the pandemic. Before corona I sold $150,000 a month. Last month I only sold $100k.

Even still I agree I shouldn’t have got a check.

Based on my income last year they sent me $950. I did not need that money.

My dad is retired they sent him $1200. Why? His life hasn’t changed one bit.
Exactly. They should send the money to the people who got hurt the most by the pandemic.
So you give them more than what they earned while working? and make them not want to work again? lol
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.

1. The bailouts under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, and now Trump, those bailouts. 'Defense' contracts and other pork go to states with the largest numbers of Congressional seats in general. That includes companies who might have factories i other states, and wealthy people whose tax breaks aren't counted in with the direct pork, as they should be. Remember Feinstein's billionaire hubby, for instance? Throw in California's subsidies for criminal illegal aliens, Hollywood, etc.

2. The point was to stimulate spending, so no reason to exclude anybody from a one shot check, large enough to buy a refrigerator or something. The problem is most of that stuff isn't made here, so it isn't much of a 'stimulus'. It was aimed at increasing consumption, not savings, which supposedly keeps people employed, but it was the kind of idea that sounded good to executives and govt, clerks, but never actually does much in real life. I haven't spent mine yet, since I don't need anything, so I'm giving it to a local church's food bank, where it actually does feed somebody and their kids. If it were my choice that's where I would have distributed it all in the first place, with strings attached that no criminal illegal aliens get anything, and screw the whining from commies and faggot deviants and the their phony 'separation of church and state' hypocrisies.
OK, thanks for the explanations. I was thinking you meant during Trump.
1. Too big to fail is a nice thing to be. That and crucial defense contractors.
2. Agree that the intent of the stimulus wasn't thought out right. Like for Obama, when cash for clunkers meant more foreign cars were sold.
3. Very noble of you donating your check to a food bank. You have a good heart.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.
You do realize those who weren't working made more sitting on their ass (at no fault of their own) Than most who were identified as essential.
Agreed. $600 a week bonus for NOT working was a stupid idea, especially on top of a state unemployment check.
But now that the state unemployment checks are ending, they could use an extension of the UE checks, but not the $600 bonus.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.
Im Still working but not making what I was before the pandemic. Before corona I sold $150,000 a month. Last month I only sold $100k.

Even still I agree I shouldn’t have got a check.

Based on my income last year they sent me $950. I did not need that money.

My dad is retired they sent him $1200. Why? His life hasn’t changed one bit.
Exactly. They should send the money to the people who got hurt the most by the pandemic.
So you give them more than what they earned while working? and make them not want to work again? lol
It pisses me off when I was unemployed years ago I got $750 every two weeks.

Why did they give people more than that now? We’re my bills any less back then? I really resent that they gave people more. My pain back then was just as bad as theirs now.

Now if you want to give them a few more months after the five months is up because no one is hiring fine but why give more than the usual?

And yes I do know people who are going to stay home till the unemployment runs out. That bonus money makes it not worth going back.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
No thats what you’ve been told to think by Fox and rush

No, these are facts. Stop watching CNN and MSNBC and you may learn something.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

I don't see Republicans wanting to get rid of either of these programs.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

Paying some taxes is necessary, but using the tax revenue in a fiscally responsible way is also necessary. Neither party does this of late.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

This is a load of crap. My family income puts us well into the top 5% nationally and we pay PLENTY of taxes.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

Like I said, both parties spend too much, however, no I don't mind feeding those that protect us. I am not so naive to think we live in a Utopia where no other country wants what we have and would take it from us if given the chance. I think some of the national defense budget could potentially be shifted to ciber security, but security nonetheless.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

Corporations always pass their tax burden on to consumers. Raising their taxes does nothing but contribute to inflation and potentially higher unemployment and offshoring to decrease costs.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

Some labor laws are fine. Forcing a ridiculous minimum wage, supporting unions that overpay their employees and make US companies non-competitive and ignoring the reality that utilizing fossil fuels while working on alternate methods is a pragmatic approach that doesn't put us behind the world. The Green New Deal is exemplary of the lack of maturity and intellect of the left. It is as if it was written by a naive college kid for their thesis or dissertation. Unfortunately, this is the makeup of the current Democratic Party.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you

Not sure what "free" stuff you want. Maybe you are ok with universal income, "free" college, forgiveness of student loan debt, reparations, etc. Maybe you have some guilt and this stuff makes you feel better. I don't have anything to be guilty for I am not fine with it. Maybe you make more than me, maybe you don't. Like I said, we are in the top 5% nationwide so we are not poor. If you are extremely wealthy, +5 million/yr, then I can see why you may be a leftist. If the higher taxes and "free" stuff that are given to others don't affect your lifestyle, then it is a feel good measure that doesn't have any direct consequences.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

I don't see Republicans wanting to get rid of either of these programs.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

Paying some taxes is necessary, but using the tax revenue in a fiscally responsible way is also necessary. Neither party does this of late.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

This is a load of crap. My family income puts us well into the top 5% nationally and we pay PLENTY of taxes.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

Like I said, both parties spend too much, however, no I don't mind feeding those that protect us. I am not so naive to think we live in a Utopia where no other country wants what we have and would take it from us if given the chance. I think some of the national defense budget could potentially be shifted to ciber security, but security nonetheless.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

Corporations always pass their tax burden on to consumers. Raising their taxes does nothing but contribute to inflation and potentially higher unemployment and offshoring to decrease costs.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

Some labor laws are fine. Forcing a ridiculous minimum wage, supporting unions that overpay their employees and make US companies non-competitive and ignoring the reality that utilizing fossil fuels while working on alternate methods is a pragmatic approach that doesn't put us behind the world. The Green New Deal is exemplary of the lack of maturity and intellect of the left. It is as if it was written by a naive college kid for their thesis or dissertation. Unfortunately, this is the makeup of the current Democratic Party.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you

Not sure what "free" stuff you want. Maybe you are ok with universal income, "free" college, forgiveness of student loan debt, reparations, etc. Maybe you have some guilt and this stuff makes you feel better. I don't have anything to be guilty for I am not fine with it. Maybe you make more than me, maybe you don't. Like I said, we are in the top 5% nationwide so we are not poor. If you are extremely wealthy, +5 million/yr, then I can see why you may be a leftist. If the higher taxes and "free" stuff that are given to others don't affect your lifestyle, then it is a feel good measure that doesn't have any direct consequences.
We complain that the rich are getting to rich and the middle class have been left behind. You guys protect and defend the rich and all the policies that widened the gap between them and us.

Youre top 5% and you don’t vote democratic. Why not?

Why do poor people who aren’t duped with god gays guns and racism voting democratic then if Dems are the party for the rich? You’re not making sense.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.
You do realize those who weren't working made more sitting on their ass (at no fault of their own) Than most who were identified as essential.
Actually that's more false than true.

Most essential workers were getting bonus hazard pay (now gone) but that speaks to how poorly paid our "essential" workers are
If you made more on unemployment you were not making much money. Even with the extra $600/wk most people were making between $800 and $1000 /wk. That translates to $20-$25 an hour. or 40K to 50K per year.

And now the GOP won't provide even THAT despite the fact that tens of millions are newly unemployed and there just aren't the jobs to give them
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

I don't see Republicans wanting to get rid of either of these programs.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

Paying some taxes is necessary, but using the tax revenue in a fiscally responsible way is also necessary. Neither party does this of late.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

This is a load of crap. My family income puts us well into the top 5% nationally and we pay PLENTY of taxes.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

Like I said, both parties spend too much, however, no I don't mind feeding those that protect us. I am not so naive to think we live in a Utopia where no other country wants what we have and would take it from us if given the chance. I think some of the national defense budget could potentially be shifted to ciber security, but security nonetheless.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

Corporations always pass their tax burden on to consumers. Raising their taxes does nothing but contribute to inflation and potentially higher unemployment and offshoring to decrease costs.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

Some labor laws are fine. Forcing a ridiculous minimum wage, supporting unions that overpay their employees and make US companies non-competitive and ignoring the reality that utilizing fossil fuels while working on alternate methods is a pragmatic approach that doesn't put us behind the world. The Green New Deal is exemplary of the lack of maturity and intellect of the left. It is as if it was written by a naive college kid for their thesis or dissertation. Unfortunately, this is the makeup of the current Democratic Party.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you

Not sure what "free" stuff you want. Maybe you are ok with universal income, "free" college, forgiveness of student loan debt, reparations, etc. Maybe you have some guilt and this stuff makes you feel better. I don't have anything to be guilty for I am not fine with it. Maybe you make more than me, maybe you don't. Like I said, we are in the top 5% nationwide so we are not poor. If you are extremely wealthy, +5 million/yr, then I can see why you may be a leftist. If the higher taxes and "free" stuff that are given to others don't affect your lifestyle, then it is a feel good measure that doesn't have any direct consequences.
You don’t know republicans hate these socialist programs? Then wake up
We complain that the rich are getting to rich and the middle class have been left behind. You guys protect and defend the rich and all the policies that widened the gap between them and us.

I am the "rich" according to Democrats, but there is a huge difference between me and a 5+ million/yr earner.

Youre top 5% and you don’t vote democratic. Why not?

I explained that already. The working "rich", meaning folks that make good money and may have vacation homes, aren't the same as those who jet set around the world on their private jets and yachts. Many of the ultra-wealthy are Democrats, if you haven't noticed. (Gates, Bezos, Buffet, etc.) Why is that? It is because their lifestyles are not affected by these feel good programs. If they want another yacht, they buy another yacht. If taxes are raised on the working "rich", their lifestyle is affected. This is why the higher incomes(minus the ultra-wealthy), tend to vote for Republicans.

Why do poor people who aren’t duped with god gays guns and racism voting democratic then if Dems are the party for the rich? You’re not making sense.

Democrats are the party of the ultra-rich. They either don't pay higher taxes due to some fancy accounting or they aren't affected by a little higher taxes. Many use this "free" stuff as a way to compensate for their lack of morals(and religion). You better believe that if they had to pay taxes to a point where they could not buy the yacht they wanted, they would change their tune pretty quickly. What they really want is for the working "rich" to pay for all the "free" stuff. There is no reason for a working "rich" person to vote for a Democrat.

In short, the Democratic Party is for the ultra-poor and the ultra-rich. Anyone else that votes for them is just plain duped.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

I don't see Republicans wanting to get rid of either of these programs.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

Paying some taxes is necessary, but using the tax revenue in a fiscally responsible way is also necessary. Neither party does this of late.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

This is a load of crap. My family income puts us well into the top 5% nationally and we pay PLENTY of taxes.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

Like I said, both parties spend too much, however, no I don't mind feeding those that protect us. I am not so naive to think we live in a Utopia where no other country wants what we have and would take it from us if given the chance. I think some of the national defense budget could potentially be shifted to ciber security, but security nonetheless.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

Corporations always pass their tax burden on to consumers. Raising their taxes does nothing but contribute to inflation and potentially higher unemployment and offshoring to decrease costs.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

Some labor laws are fine. Forcing a ridiculous minimum wage, supporting unions that overpay their employees and make US companies non-competitive and ignoring the reality that utilizing fossil fuels while working on alternate methods is a pragmatic approach that doesn't put us behind the world. The Green New Deal is exemplary of the lack of maturity and intellect of the left. It is as if it was written by a naive college kid for their thesis or dissertation. Unfortunately, this is the makeup of the current Democratic Party.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you

Not sure what "free" stuff you want. Maybe you are ok with universal income, "free" college, forgiveness of student loan debt, reparations, etc. Maybe you have some guilt and this stuff makes you feel better. I don't have anything to be guilty for I am not fine with it. Maybe you make more than me, maybe you don't. Like I said, we are in the top 5% nationwide so we are not poor. If you are extremely wealthy, +5 million/yr, then I can see why you may be a leftist. If the higher taxes and "free" stuff that are given to others don't affect your lifestyle, then it is a feel good measure that doesn't have any direct consequences.
You don’t know republicans hate these socialist programs? Then wake up

Republicans don't hate Medicare and SS. They hate the abuse of SS and they perhaps would like the option to allow people to invest their SS on their own. Keep in mind, there are caps on the SS benefit once you retire. The cap on SS tax for 2020(7.65%) is 137,000/yr. If you pay the max for much of your working career, you won't even come close to getting that money back out due to the monthly benefit cap, unless you live an extraordinarily long time. This is further exasperated by couples what pay the max for much of their working careers. The benefit cap per month for a couple is even lower. From SS tax alone, my family is heavily subsidizing many retirees and those on disability. This doesn't even include the high income tax rate and the property taxes(based on assessed value) we pay. The rubbish about the "rich" not paying their fair share is just that, rubbish.

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