Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russia on the Emergency Destruction of Lethal Pathogens in Ukrainian Biological Labs

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the Fact of
Emergency Destruction of Lethal Pathogens in Ukrainian Biological Laboratories on February, 24th.

by Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry

We confirm those revealed facts during the special military operation in Ukraine. Facts which testify to the EMERGENCY DESTRUCTION by the Kiev regime of the traces of military and biological programs.

They were implemented by Kiev with funding from the United States of America. Of course, there is no question of any peaceful use for scientific purposes for the benefit of peace and development. The fact is that they were funded by the United States Department of Defense.

We assume that in the near future, the US Department of Defense and the US Presidential Administration MUST INFORM the international community and do it OFFICIALLY, not through their "talking heads", about those programs which were carried out in Ukraine.

We proceed from the fact that the materials that exist today, from the confirmations that have been heard these days from the Ukrainian side and from the United States of America - this statement was made by U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland - leave no room for Washington to remain silent this time as well.

We remember how many years and with what "bloody efficiency" they were looking for different types of weapons of chemical, biological, bacteriological, and so on nature all over the world, actually occupying and killing people.

It turns out that they were looking in the wrong place: WE found YOUR DEVELOPMENTS for you, your biological materials, which were developed also for MILITARY purposes, and, first of all, it turns out, in Ukraine.

What were you doing there?

It is another continent, it does not even have borders with you, there are no your bases there. What did you do then under the guise of scientific developments, including YOUR experts, who regularly gave instructions to the Ukrainian side, HOW and with WHAT PURPOSE to conduct the corresponding R&D.

Today, proceeding from the fact that it is impossible to refute these proofs, we demand details. The world should know WHAT they were going to do there, with WHICH PURPOSE, in WHAT TIME FRAME. What was the volume of so-called "investments" in the so-called biological activity of Ukraine?

All These materials, documents? please- ALL ON THE TABLE! The games are over!

We have received documentation from the employees of Ukrainian bio laboratories on urgent destruction on February 24 of the VERY DANGEROUS PATHOGENS - pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, and other deadly diseases.

I would like to stress once again: all this has DOCUMENTAL EVIDENCE.

But more than that. We have been warning about all of this for years - in this room, in briefings, in statements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in statements by various Russian government institutions and agencies. The Russian leadership has said this regularly, asking questions and including requests for clarification from the U.S. side.

Now WE are NOT ASKING, now WE are DEMANDING, and the WORLD is WAITING...

In particular, we are talking about the directive of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the rapid destruction of stockpiles of dangerous pathogens, sent to all bio laboratories. These materials are available on the web portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At present the received documentation is being thoroughly analyzed by the specialists of the chemical and biological protection troops.

However, it is already possible to conclude that the Ukrainian bio laboratories in the immediate vicinity of our country have developed the components of BIOLOGICAL WEAPONRY.

Emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens on February, 24 were needed to prevent the discovery of facts of violation by UKRAINE AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of Article 1 of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Can I ask you another question?
And how were all these things destroyed?

Was it all DESTROYED? The order was given by the Ministry concerned - the Ministry of Health [to destroy the pathogens].

And WHO was in charge of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for many years? Do you remember, yes, WHICH COUNTRY that wonderful doctor who headed the Ukrainian Ministry of Health came from?!

I remember very well: from the American continent!

That is the answer to the question WHO and HOW and for WHICH PURPOSE was in charge of health care in Ukraine.

So the question is OPEN:


And how is it possible to check these biomaterials now? And if they didn't fall into the hands of extremists, nationalists - WHO will give those assurances?!

The information confirms the validity of claims made repeatedly by the Russian side in the context of the implementation of the Convention regarding military biological activities of the US and its allies in the post-Soviet space.

In order to eliminate them, we do not rule out the use of the mechanisms of Articles 5 and 6 of this Convention, under which States Parties should consult each other on matters relating to the purpose of the Convention and to the implementation of its provisions. And also to cooperate in any investigations of possible violations of obligations under the said Convention.

In order to prevent military-biological activities carried out contrary to the provisions of the Convention, decisive measures are needed to strengthen its regime.

We are in favor of resuming work on a legally binding protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, which, by the way - let me remind you once again - we have talked about many times.

It is the United States of America that has been blocking it since 2001. We, therefore, call for an open-ended Working Group under the Convention, which is in the interest of the vast majority of participating States.

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Means nothing.

We need Putin to leave the little vial around.

Like Colin Powell did at the UN
View attachment 613003

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the Fact of
Emergency Destruction of Lethal Pathogens in Ukrainian Biological Laboratories on February, 24th.

by Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry

We confirm those revealed facts during the special military operation in Ukraine. Facts which testify to the EMERGENCY DESTRUCTION by the Kiev regime of the traces of military and biological programs.

They were implemented by Kiev with funding from the United States of America. Of course, there is no question of any peaceful use for scientific purposes for the benefit of peace and development. The fact is that they were funded by the United States Department of Defense.

We assume that in the near future, the US Department of Defense and the US Presidential Administration MUST INFORM the international community and do it OFFICIALLY, not through their "talking heads", about those programs which were carried out in Ukraine.

We proceed from the fact that the materials that exist today, from the confirmations that have been heard these days from the Ukrainian side and from the United States of America - this statement was made by U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland - leave no room for Washington to remain silent this time as well.

We remember how many years and with what "bloody efficiency" they were looking for different types of weapons of chemical, biological, bacteriological, and so on nature all over the world, actually occupying and killing people.

It turns out that they were looking in the wrong place: WE found YOUR DEVELOPMENTS for you, your biological materials, which were developed also for MILITARY purposes, and, first of all, it turns out, in Ukraine.

What were you doing there?

It is another continent, it does not even have borders with you, there are no your bases there. What did you do then under the guise of scientific developments, including YOUR experts, who regularly gave instructions to the Ukrainian side, HOW and with WHAT PURPOSE to conduct the corresponding R&D.

Today, proceeding from the fact that it is impossible to refute these proofs, we demand details. The world should know WHAT they were going to do there, with WHICH PURPOSE, in WHAT TIME FRAME. What was the volume of so-called "investments" in the so-called biological activity of Ukraine?

All These materials, documents? please- ALL ON THE TABLE! The games are over!

We have received documentation from the employees of Ukrainian bio laboratories on urgent destruction on February 24 of the VERY DANGEROUS PATHOGENS - pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, and other deadly diseases.

I would like to stress once again: all this has DOCUMENTAL EVIDENCE.

But more than that. We have been warning about all of this for years - in this room, in briefings, in statements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in statements by various Russian government institutions and agencies. The Russian leadership has said this regularly, asking questions and including requests for clarification from the U.S. side.

Now WE are NOT ASKING, now WE are DEMANDING, and the WORLD is WAITING...

In particular, we are talking about the directive of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the rapid destruction of stockpiles of dangerous pathogens, sent to all bio laboratories. These materials are available on the web portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At present the received documentation is being thoroughly analyzed by the specialists of the chemical and biological protection troops.

However, it is already possible to conclude that the Ukrainian bio laboratories in the immediate vicinity of our country have developed the components of BIOLOGICAL WEAPONRY.

Emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens on February, 24 were needed to prevent the discovery of facts of violation by UKRAINE AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of Article 1 of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Can I ask you another question?
And how were all these things destroyed?

Was it all DESTROYED? The order was given by the Ministry concerned - the Ministry of Health [to destroy the pathogens].

And WHO was in charge of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for many years? Do you remember, yes, WHICH COUNTRY that wonderful doctor who headed the Ukrainian Ministry of Health came from?!

I remember very well: from the American continent!

That is the answer to the question WHO and HOW and for WHICH PURPOSE was in charge of health care in Ukraine.

So the question is OPEN:


And how is it possible to check these biomaterials now? And if they didn't fall into the hands of extremists, nationalists - WHO will give those assurances?!

The information confirms the validity of claims made repeatedly by the Russian side in the context of the implementation of the Convention regarding military biological activities of the US and its allies in the post-Soviet space.

In order to eliminate them, we do not rule out the use of the mechanisms of Articles 5 and 6 of this Convention, under which States Parties should consult each other on matters relating to the purpose of the Convention and to the implementation of its provisions. And also to cooperate in any investigations of possible violations of obligations under the said Convention.

In order to prevent military-biological activities carried out contrary to the provisions of the Convention, decisive measures are needed to strengthen its regime.

We are in favor of resuming work on a legally binding protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, which, by the way - let me remind you once again - we have talked about many times.

It is the United States of America that has been blocking it since 2001. We, therefore, call for an open-ended Working Group under the Convention, which is in the interest of the vast majority of participating States.


Just fucking wow.

Remember when we said we had to destroy Iraq because they might a vial of this stuff?
So we're using ukraine to do "research" on developing biological agents right next door to russia.

"It is noteworthy that the research is carried out in close proximity to the borders of Russia – in the areas of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus.

The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey."
Sounds familiar........wuhan, bioengineered goodies.
Funded by shitstain obama.

Shitstain obama is a lot like Nelson Mandela. He doesn't care how many blacks are killed if white people die.

The Ukraine bioweapons lab was creating the next democrat pandemic.
Some say these labs were doing medical research into viruses not developing bio weapons.

I think we need to have a independent investigation of any bio labs we have financed in foreign nations. We need to check if “gain of function” research was being done on viruses.

If we are going to finance medical research on viruses, I believe it should be limited to labs in our nation where we can make damn sure the proper safety procedures are adhered to and there is no chance the research can lead to the development of bio weapons.

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