Spielberg's West Side Story Flops


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Yeah, it looked like a dog just from the previews they were showing on TV. I didn't even like the original movie or play.

"𝄠𝅘𝅥𝅰 I want to go to America..𝅘𝅥𝅱𝄫 "

No. Stay the fuck out of here please.
They say it's a really good movie.

But I doubt a lot of people are up for a musical these days.
From what I've seen, it actually looks good and gets most of the story right.

I suspect it's because there's no stomach for musicals right now and the retelling is just another weapon the right can use to forward the term "woke".

That being said, I still can't get the image of Weird Al's parody of Michael Jackson's video of West Side Story take.
I will just look for some gang member putting a white jacket on with a smiley face on the back of it. :auiqs.jpg:
As expected. Another film that did not need to be remade, and one remade for the wrong reasons. The audience that might have considered seeing it doesn't give a rat's ass about "repairing" diversity, and is sick of wokeness being smashed in its face like an offensive pie.

The Underperformance of ‘West Side Story’: No, It’s Not Just Because Gen Z Doesn’t Like Musicals (Column)
I wonder if the globalists dance around and sing like they are in a musical.
Maria make me some fried plantains!!!
I plan on seeing it later this month. Hopefully the reports of box office are true and the theater will be pleasantly empty!

Its good to see those on the right showing their true colors again though. They really can't help themselves.
Anything that even remotely sets off my woke radar I ignore like this did when I saw some trailers.

Besides, Spielberg hasn't made a good movie since jurrasic park. After that everything he has made has gotten steadily worse each time.
Anything that even remotely sets off my woke radar I ignore like this did when I saw some trailers.

Besides, Spielberg hasn't made a good movie since jurrasic park. After that everything he has made has gotten steadily worse each time.

He kind of fucked up Jurassic Park. Managed to miss an important point of the whole story, as given in a deathbed dialog by one of the main characters in the book.

And had that character who died in the book survive in the movie and go on to start in a chain of sequels, each more irrelevant than the last.
As expected. Another film that did not need to be remade, and one remade for the wrong reasons. The audience that might have considered seeing it doesn't give a rat's ass about "repairing" diversity, and is sick of wokeness being smashed in its face like an offensive pie.

The Underperformance of ‘West Side Story’: No, It’s Not Just Because Gen Z Doesn’t Like Musicals (Column)
I saw West Side Story on HBOMax a few days ago. I seriously doubt that it's "wokeness" had any real impact on it's poor box office performance. The filming for this 100 million dollar plus production began in March 2019 prior to Covid with high expectations of a box office hit. Most of the filming was completed by Sept 2019 and production finalized by Jan 2020. Due to Covid the movie was shelved until 2021. Expectations were that once the restrictions were lifted movie goers would flood the movie theaters. As we know, that did not happen. That flood was a slowly increasing trickle. Movie attendance in 2021 was down 81% of pre- corvid attendance.

The movie was also faced with some unexpected demographic problems. The lack of star power and music and dance of sixties failed to attract young audiences. Women over 35 who are typically the most ardent supporters of movie musicals were also the group most hesitant of returning to the theaters.

In my opinion it is a great musical. The music, the dancing, and acting were great. And yes it is every bit as sad as the original. It got good reviews and it was nominated for 11 critics choice awards winning 3.
As expected. Another film that did not need to be remade, and one remade for the wrong reasons. The audience that might have considered seeing it doesn't give a rat's ass about "repairing" diversity, and is sick of wokeness being smashed in its face like an offensive pie.

The Underperformance of ‘West Side Story’: No, It’s Not Just Because Gen Z Doesn’t Like Musicals (Column)
I saw it two weeks ago. Thought it was different, edgier..the color and choreography wasn't as brilliant, but I enjoyed it. Loved seeing Rita Moreno again. Hard to compare anyone to Russ Tamblyn or George Chakeris.
Anything that even remotely sets off my woke radar I ignore like this did when I saw some trailers.

Besides, Spielberg hasn't made a good movie since jurrasic park. After that everything he has made has gotten steadily worse each time.

Spielberg seems have some pretty good films after Jurassic Park.
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The story is set in a background of social issues such as racial unrest, urban gang violence, immigration and police injustice which conservatives see as non-issues. In short any social issue is likely to be considered woke by conservatives.
Same in 1961.

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