Sperm donor to lesbian couple ordered to pay child support

the parties broke up. the custodial parent sought public assistance. the government had every right to seek support from the biological parent.

if it were a man and woman who weren't married, and the woman had a child that wasn't the biological child of the man she was living with, would that man be charged with support if he and the woman broke up?

the answer's no, ....

why do you have an issue with men paying child support?

do what?

What sort of problem do you imagine I have? I think ANYONE of EITHER gender who doesn't pay child support that is owed is scum. So I'm confused by your comment.

As for your scenario. Yes , I have seen situations where a man and women were married, adopted a kid then later divorced and the man was ordered to pay child support. I've also seen instances where a man and woman were just living together then broke up and the actual biological father was chased down for child support.

It's entirely a case by case decision , that is why I said earlier IF the circumstances were exactly the same .

no you haven't seen anyone ordered to pay child support for a child who wasn't theres or who they didn't adopt.

maybe your complaint should be with the state not treating lesbians and heterosexuals equally? because, if you actually read your article, you'll see that the women don't want the donor paying child support.

and here in lays the issue with lesbians having baster babies children with the involvement of a third party who is not a sperm bank.

The the two gay partners want to have a baby together... GREAT!! Any baby should be considered theirs and and theirs alone..... no one else. Just as if it were a man and woman shacking up together... THEY are responsible.

and here in lays the issue with lesbians having baster babies children with the involvement of a third party who is not a sperm bank.

The the two gay partners want to have a baby together... GREAT!! Any baby should be considered theirs and and theirs alone..... no one else. Just as if it were a man and woman shacking up together... THEY are responsible.

Unfortunately in this case it does not appear so....the dude gave a little squirt and got a little squirt in return...

and here in lays the issue with lesbians having baster babies children with the involvement of a third party who is not a sperm bank.

The the two gay partners want to have a baby together... GREAT!! Any baby should be considered theirs and and theirs alone..... no one else. Just as if it were a man and woman shacking up together... THEY are responsible.

Unfortunately in this case it does not appear so....the dude gave a little squirt and got a little squirt in return...

i agree... its the fucking he will get for the fucking he didnt get.

First off i cant believe asking for sperm on craigs list, let alone USING said untested nasty sperm. Or believe what kind of nut would SEND sperm in the mail.

The bottom line is the baby carries his DNA....and he will be responsible for it since he did not make sure how it was going to be implanted on the other end.

and here in lays the issue with lesbians having baster babies children with the involvement of a third party who is not a sperm bank.

The the two gay partners want to have a baby together... GREAT!! Any baby should be considered theirs and and theirs alone..... no one else. Just as if it were a man and woman shacking up together... THEY are responsible.

Unfortunately in this case it does not appear so....the dude gave a little squirt and got a little squirt in return...

i agree... its the fucking he will get for the fucking he didnt get.

First off i cant believe asking for sperm on craigs list, let alone USING said untested nasty sperm. Or believe what kind of nut would SEND sperm in the mail.

The bottom line is the baby carries his DNA....and he will be responsible for it since he did not make sure how it was going to be implanted on the other end.

The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.
Unfortunately in this case it does not appear so....the dude gave a little squirt and got a little squirt in return...

i agree... its the fucking he will get for the fucking he didnt get.

First off i cant believe asking for sperm on craigs list, let alone USING said untested nasty sperm. Or believe what kind of nut would SEND sperm in the mail.

The bottom line is the baby carries his DNA....and he will be responsible for it since he did not make sure how it was going to be implanted on the other end.

The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.
i agree... its the fucking he will get for the fucking he didnt get.

First off i cant believe asking for sperm on craigs list, let alone USING said untested nasty sperm. Or believe what kind of nut would SEND sperm in the mail.

The bottom line is the baby carries his DNA....and he will be responsible for it since he did not make sure how it was going to be implanted on the other end.

The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.

The poor child is the real victim here. A family of total morons.
The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.

The poor child is the real victim here. A family of total morons.

i agree, and feel very sorry for it.
The state has the right to go after the fool because of the way the law is written. They didn't have a doctor supervise it.

States do not have rights.

Of course states have rights.

States are just collections of people and people have both individual and collective rights.

Wrong again. The term state's rights is a misnomer coined by the intellectually dishonest to cover up their attempt to infringe on the rights of individuals by giving states unfettered power. Even the authors of Wiki understand this, which is why they define state rights as political powers, not rights.
The state has the right to go after the fool because of the way the law is written. They didn't have a doctor supervise it.

States do not have rights.

I don't care about the adoption. Because the invalid contract giving up parental rights invalidates the alleged abortion.

The state is claiming the insemination, which occurred before the adoption, was illegitimate because they did not use a doctor. How, exactly, does that make the adoption,which had to occur after that point, illegal?

It doesn't make the adoption illegal, it makes it invalid. No different than if you and I formed a partnership based on legally incorrect paperwork and later on the government came along and said "because of the errors in your incorrect initial paperwork any agreements you made after that point are also invalid"

You REALLY have no idea what you are talking about here.

Say you're married and you just walk away and marry another woman without getting divorced from the second woman , guess what that first marriage isn't valid in the state's eyes; same difference here. The father's "divorce" from the child wasn't valid in the state's eyes so therefor no one else could "marry" that child.

How does the method of conception invalidate the adoption? Is there a provision in state law somewhere that says adoptions are only legal if the child is the result of normal sex? If your position is correct why isn't the state arguing that the adoption itself is illegal instead of saying that the sperm donation process is flawed? Has the state actually gone through every adoption to make sure the child was conceived through a state approved method, or do they only check in the case of same sex couples?

We already covered your bullshit interpretation of contract law earlier. I said that there are only two things that invalidate a contract.

  1. Fraud.
  2. If the contract is for something that is illegal.
Every time you try to prove that I don't know what I am talking about you come up with an example of one of the two things I mentioned. In fact, every single time you try to prove how smart you are you come up with another example of fraud, just like you did here.

The contract you are trying to say is invalid does not depend on the method of conception. In fact, that was before the contract actually came to exist, because you cannot have an adoption unless there is actually a child.

I challenged you to ask a lawyer, and I can point to the fact that at least two lawyers have posted in this thread, and neither of them contradicted me about contract law even though one of them is arguing the state is right to pursue the father.

Want to come up with another example of fraud and insist it proves I don't know what I am talking about?
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States do not have rights.

The state is claiming the insemination, which occurred before the adoption, was illegitimate because they did not use a doctor. How, exactly, does that make the adoption,which had to occur after that point, illegal?

It doesn't make the adoption illegal, it makes it invalid. No different than if you and I formed a partnership based on legally incorrect paperwork and later on the government came along and said "because of the errors in your incorrect initial paperwork any agreements you made after that point are also invalid"

You REALLY have no idea what you are talking about here.

Say you're married and you just walk away and marry another woman without getting divorced from the second woman , guess what that first marriage isn't valid in the state's eyes; same difference here. The father's "divorce" from the child wasn't valid in the state's eyes so therefor no one else could "marry" that child.

How does the method of conception invalidate the adoption? \

i have no idea but it does. Look, I concede that you are stupid and am bailing from this thread.

Obviously the law in Kansas is exactly as I described it rather than how you wish it was.
It doesn't make the adoption illegal, it makes it invalid. No different than if you and I formed a partnership based on legally incorrect paperwork and later on the government came along and said "because of the errors in your incorrect initial paperwork any agreements you made after that point are also invalid"

You REALLY have no idea what you are talking about here.

Say you're married and you just walk away and marry another woman without getting divorced from the second woman , guess what that first marriage isn't valid in the state's eyes; same difference here. The father's "divorce" from the child wasn't valid in the state's eyes so therefor no one else could "marry" that child.

How does the method of conception invalidate the adoption? \

i have no idea but it does. Look, I concede that you are stupid and am bailing from this thread.

Obviously the law in Kansas is exactly as I described it rather than how you wish it was.

That is obvious because the court already ruled on this case even though there hasn't been a hearing yet, right? Besides, aren't you the idiot that insisted that DCFS didn't get any portion of child support payments, even though they do in Kansas?

FYI, that is how it happens in most states, including Arkansas. That is how I knew what I was talking about, and how your claim to have experience in this area just does not add up.

The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.

The poor child is the real victim here. A family of total morons.
Absolutely, as they usually are.

"Child's best interest" rarely happens, though the courts can fool themselves by keeping telling everyone that is the driving goal of their involvement.
I read that this lezbo couple had adopted 8 other children. This is sick. How can the state tell us they are concerned about the welfare of the cildren and then allow these two confused miscreants adopt children?

I know lesbians who are great parents, I know straight people whose parenting skills are down there with being raised by feral wolves....

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.

The poor child is the real victim here. A family of total morons.
Absolutely, as they usually are.

"Child's best interest" rarely happens, though the courts can fool themselves by keeping telling everyone that is the driving goal of their involvement.

Cases involving children many times are heartbreaking. There simply is no truly effective to deal with the various issues.
The poor child is the real victim here. A family of total morons.
Absolutely, as they usually are.

"Child's best interest" rarely happens, though the courts can fool themselves by keeping telling everyone that is the driving goal of their involvement.

Cases involving children many times are heartbreaking. There simply is no truly effective to deal with the various issues.

That's what bothers me the most in the entire mess. We have 9 children who are being raised by a complete idiot. Surely the state can find sane homes for the other 8.
This little musical note ...


[ame=http://youtu.be/-eREugudy2Y]SOUTH PACIFIC - A Wonderful Guy - YouTube[/ame]

i agree... its the fucking he will get for the fucking he didnt get.

First off i cant believe asking for sperm on craigs list, let alone USING said untested nasty sperm. Or believe what kind of nut would SEND sperm in the mail.

The bottom line is the baby carries his DNA....and he will be responsible for it since he did not make sure how it was going to be implanted on the other end.

The man is a goddamn moron. A fucking moron!!!!!!! Did he think he was Johnny Fucking Appleseed???

Then, according to one of the lesbian couple the man asked "good questions" I wonder what constituted a good question? It certainly was not am I going to get fucked in the end. This brand of stupid is "inconceivable", too bad the child was not for the donor's sake.

All of them were fucking morons! Anyone willing to baster in unknown, UNTESTED sperm into themselves... needs their head examined.

This one's was ... in a court of law. Now, for the next 16 years, he gets to pay up for losing his head...
The state is in a quandary. They don't allow same sex adoption, and they don't recognize same sex parents. So when the mother went in to seek help, she wasnt allowed to put the other mothers name down to collect child support.

I hope the donor gets a great lawyer and the state loses such a ridiculous case.

That bit of fyi clarifies a few things.

So the laws of the state of Kansas are 'outdated'?

They have 8 children--I don't understand how they were able to do this.

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