Indiana parents warn nation after child is removed from home for improper pronoun usage: ‘Can happen anywhere’

II. Proceedings Below

This case began in May 2021 after DCS received two reports that petitioners M.C. and J.C. were suspected of abusing or neglecting their child, A.C. One report alleged that Mother was using “rude and demeaning language” toward A.C. “regarding Child’s transgender identity.” Pet. App. 4a.

The second report, just ten days later, alleged that parents were “verbally and emotionally abusing Child because they do not accept Child’s transgender identity,” and that “the abuse was getting worse.” Pet. App. 4a, 166a, 168a. At the time of the reports, the child was sixteen years old. Pet. App. 4a; see Pet. App. 137a. A DCS family case manager investigated the reports, meeting with the parents, A.C., and A.C.’s siblings, and speaking with an employee of A.C.’s school. Pet. App. 167a–68a.

A. Trial court proceedings

1. DCS initiated a proceeding based on its investigation, alleging that A.C. was a child in need of services under Indiana Code § 31-34-1-1 (CHINS-1) and § 31-34-1-2 (CHINS-2) due to neglect and the parents’ actions seriously endangering A.C.’s health. Pet. App. 5a, Pet. App. 165a. According to the DCS petition, both M.C. and A.C. “stated that Child had been suffering from an eating disorder for the past year but had yet to be evaluated by a medical professional”; the parents had withdrawn A.C. from school and DCS “was unaware of the family’s intent to enroll Child in a new school”; and the parents had “discontinued” any therapy for A.C.’s mental-health issues. Pet. App. 5a. The petition also alleged that A.C. did not feel “mentally and/or emotionally safe in the home,” and that M.C. used abusive language towards A.C., saying that “[A.C.’s preferred name] is the bitch that killed my son.” Id. In the petition’s assessment, A.C. was “more likely to have thoughts of self-harm and suicide” at home “due to mental and emotional abuse.” in Opposition.pdf

hollie doesn't like facts & truth. or perhaps hollie would rather a child be subjected to abuse, rather than being happy as long as hollie & her ilk don't feel icky about others path in life.
You grub!! Hollie read ALL OF IT!!! The "allegations" were FAKE!!

According to Becket, “After completing its investigation, Indiana made an about-face and abandoned all allegations against Mary and Jeremy, admitting that the accusations of abuse were unsubstantiated. However, Indiana surprised the parents by arguing that the disagreement over gender identity was distressing to their child and contributed to his eating disorder — even though that disorder became worse after he was removed and placed in a transition-affirming home. The trial court relied on Indiana’s argument to keep the child out of his parents’ custody and keep the gag order in place.”

The lying skkkum made it all up as YOU would!!!

In the real world, she's still going to have to deal with her Gender Dysphoria.

This is a BOY that we're talking about.

By referring to a boy as “she”, all you are doing is showing everyone what a mentally-fucked-up freak you are.

Everyone who is not a mentally-fucked-up freak knows the difference between a boy and a girl, and understands why this difference is important.
Do we remove arms and legs from those with Body Integrity Dysphoria? Do we put anorexics on a strict diet because they see themselves as fat? Those who believe they are vampires aren't given blood bags at kindergarten snack time. The trans delusion is promoted. It is a social cause. It is a mental illness. Most children grow out of it.
No, we don't give vampires blood bags, but we do give blood products to hemophiliacs.

None of what you describe are valid medical treatments, GAC is.
First of all, does anyone believe that the operation you describe can genuinely turn person of Asian ethnicity into one of Caucasian ethnicity? I seriously doubt it. I can imagine that someone of Asian appearance might think that white people's eyes are more attractive, and be vain enough to have the surgery to imitate that, but I doubt anyone believes that he or she is actually becoming a white person by having that operation. I think I am vaguely aware that at some point in the past, it was fashionable for black people to have their hair straightened, in order to look more like white people's hair. Much less drastic a process than a blephoraplasty, but the same idea. I don't think anyone genuinely thought that it made them white.

I think you missed the point. Anyone doing that has feelings of inadequacy with their body as nature made them.

A gender dysphoric person is a lot more serious than that. Their brain works like that of the opposite sex.

And that leads into the second point. I assume that this blephoraplasty is purely a cosmetic procedure, that it does not cause any actual loss of function for the patient, other than the usual damage and recovery that is inherent in any surgery. Someone who has had a blephoraplasty, can still see as well as before the procedure, right? It doesn't damage or disable any actual functions or organs, does it?

Actually, it can have a lot of side effects.

All surgery has risks, including reaction to anesthesia and blood clots. Besides those, rare risks of eyelid surgery include:

  • Infection and bleeding
  • Dry, irritated eyes
  • Difficulty closing the eyes or other eyelid problems
  • Noticeable scarring
  • Injury to eye muscles
  • Skin discoloration
  • Temporarily blurred vision or, rarely, loss of eyesight
  • The need for follow-up surgery

“General affirming care” isn't just cosmetic. It entails, through drugs, hormones and surgery, a destruction of the victim's reproductive system, as well as of excretory systems in close proximity thereto. No objective benefit at all; and plenty of serious, irreversible harm. Sterility, sexual dysfunction, incontinence, a lifetime of ongoing drugs and treatments to maintain the mutilated body. It flies in the face of any rational set of medical ethics, for any physician to have any part in doing this to a patient.

No, it isn't just cosmetic, it changes the body. So do a lot of surgeries, such as, let's say, bariatric surgery to control weight.

Certainly, a minor cannot be expected to understand the seriousness of the lifetime harm that this Frankensteinery would inflict; and no excuse can possibly stand for doing any of this to a minor, or even in encouraging a minor along that path. Even an adult that wishes this shit to be done to him, should probably be assumed to be of a seriously unsound mental condition, such that it would be unethical for any physician to take advantage of his mental unsoundness by performing these procedures.

Again, this is your opinion. The opinions of the mental health and medical professionals is different.

If Josef Mengele were alive today, I think he would be fascinated by this field. This shit is very much in line with the sort of work he was into; and very much in line with what is known of his ethical character.

Except, Mengele didn't care about the well-being of his victims.

The care providers who provide GAC do care.
Seems they didn't want their child castrated at the whim of an activist!!

Natural selection crafts us to want to pass our traits on to future generations. It's what drives us to want to have children in the first place and what drives us to protect them.

It seems that in a somewhat less direct manner, it would drive us, also, to protect our children's reproductive future; to protect their ability to give us grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and so on.
Hemophilia is an actual, physiological condition, calling for a physiological treatment.
So is gender dysphoria.

Natural selection crafts us to want to pass our traits on to future generations. It's what drives us to want to have children in the first place and what drives us to protect them.

It seems that in a somewhat less direct manner, it would drive us, also, to protect our children's reproductive future; to protect their ability to give us grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and so on.
That sounds kind of selfish, actually.

Children should deny who they are because you want grandchildren?
II. Proceedings Below

This case began in May 2021 after DCS received two reports that petitioners M.C. and J.C. were suspected of abusing or neglecting their child, A.C. One report alleged that Mother was using “rude and demeaning language” toward A.C. “regarding Child’s transgender identity.” Pet. App. 4a.

The second report, just ten days later, alleged that parents were “verbally and emotionally abusing Child because they do not accept Child’s transgender identity,” and that “the abuse was getting worse.” Pet. App. 4a, 166a, 168a. At the time of the reports, the child was sixteen years old. Pet. App. 4a; see Pet. App. 137a. A DCS family case manager investigated the reports, meeting with the parents, A.C., and A.C.’s siblings, and speaking with an employee of A.C.’s school. Pet. App. 167a–68a.

A. Trial court proceedings

1. DCS initiated a proceeding based on its investigation, alleging that A.C. was a child in need of services under Indiana Code § 31-34-1-1 (CHINS-1) and § 31-34-1-2 (CHINS-2) due to neglect and the parents’ actions seriously endangering A.C.’s health. Pet. App. 5a, Pet. App. 165a. According to the DCS petition, both M.C. and A.C. “stated that Child had been suffering from an eating disorder for the past year but had yet to be evaluated by a medical professional”; the parents had withdrawn A.C. from school and DCS “was unaware of the family’s intent to enroll Child in a new school”; and the parents had “discontinued” any therapy for A.C.’s mental-health issues. Pet. App. 5a. The petition also alleged that A.C. did not feel “mentally and/or emotionally safe in the home,” and that M.C. used abusive language towards A.C., saying that “[A.C.’s preferred name] is the bitch that killed my son.” Id. In the petition’s assessment, A.C. was “more likely to have thoughts of self-harm and suicide” at home “due to mental and emotional abuse.” in Opposition.pdf

hollie doesn't like facts & truth. or perhaps hollie would rather a child be subjected to abuse, rather than being happy as long as hollie & her ilk don't feel icky about others path in life.

Obvious coachng by deviants and their attorneys.
No, we don't give vampires blood bags, but we do give blood products to hemophiliacs.

None of what you describe are valid medical treatments, GAC is.
They are valid treatment for mental illness which trans is. Except for the cheats and scammers like William Thomas.
No, a gender-dysphoric person is someone whose brain works like that of a fucking lunatic. Because that's what he is. And that is also what any fucked-up freak like you is, who believes that a boy can be a girl.

& you must be so afraid of feeling icky about it.
No, it's not. It's a MENTAL disease, not a physiological disease. And fucking up their bodies in a futile attempt to force them to conform to their fucked-up mental condition is no cure for anything.


where did you get yer doctorate in psychology from?

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