Sorry Comrade Trump, you did NOT win the EV in a landslide.

I think it's great Trump won a mandate.....

He didn't even win the popular vote, Comrade.
If Republicans could win California in its current state you would never win another presidential election again, comrade.

Reagan won California twice. Maybe the Republican Party should stop pretending it's the party of Reagan and instead BE the party of Reagan.

Reagan is rolling over in his grave watching the GOP become the tool of a Putin loving Carnival Barker.
The numbers don't matter. He won. He's President after his inauguration today.

And, as always, they'll claim a mandate, which is nothing more than an excuse to try to push their agendas down our throats.

They end up over-reaching and blowing it. That's why our political pendulum continues to swing back and forth.

The Dems did it beginning in 2008. Hardcore partisan ideologues just don't learn. They're just too full of themselves.

Will Trump be any different? It's possible, but looking at his cabinet picks, early signs are not promising.
I agree that it isn't a "landslide", but if you take Commiefornia out of the picture Trump won the PV by over a million. Outside of urban areas, Hitlery was wiped out. She was the worst possible pic the democrooks could have made.

However I don't see how his cabinet pics have been "partisan". I've listened to Levin a few times recently and he is losing his mind over the SoS pick and the democrook billionaires. Trump is not a partisan in any way. I have heard him proclaim democrooks are better stewards of the economy, and his pics illustrate he still believes it.

Correct. Donald Trump is not an ideologue. He does not see the world in terms of conservative vs liberal.
He will anger both social conservatives and fiscal liberals.
I think it's great Trump won a mandate.....

He didn't even win the popular vote, Comrade.
If Republicans could win California in its current state you would never win another presidential election again, comrade.

Reagan won California twice. Maybe the Republican Party should stop pretending it's the party of Reagan and instead BE the party of Reagan.

Reagan is rolling over in his grave watching the GOP become the tool of a Putin loving Carnival Barker.
Where you people get this shit from is a mystery.
Least amount of EC Votes for Dem since Reagan. Not a "landslide" but a good ole ass whoopin
The key is in understanding and acknowledging the meaning of "mandate". Mandate means the people and more importantly, the legislature is prepared to rubber stamp and support the elected candidate's proposals and positions on issues. That is not the situation Trump is in. He is nowhere near being in that position.

The mandate is for the Democrats to block anything and everything they can that does not favor the 65 million who voted Democrat in the election.

The GOP blocked Obama cause he is black. Maybe the Dems need to block Trump cause he is orange?
I think it's great Trump won a mandate.....

He didn't even win the popular vote, Comrade.
If Republicans could win California in its current state you would never win another presidential election again, comrade.

Reagan won California twice. Maybe the Republican Party should stop pretending it's the party of Reagan and instead BE the party of Reagan.

Reagan is rolling over in his grave watching the GOP become the tool of a Putin loving Carnival Barker.
Where you people get this shit from is a mystery.

Have you been vacationing on Mars? Trump loves Putin! They are practically a married couple.
If Trump won such a big victory, why has he spent the last week running around the country doing campaign rallies?
To rub his victory in your leftist traitors faces.
Actually, he is attempting to inflate his victory by lying and claiming a landslide victory and mandate. That plus just ordinary arrogant bragging and boosting his narcissism. His ego has no bounds. But primarily, he is trying to lay hold to the fraudulent claim of winning a landslide victory and promote the lie that he had a historical electoral college margin of victory when he in fact, had one of the smallest in history. That means no mandate.
So stupid. You guys wringing your hands over semantics such as "mandate"
Hey genius, Trump fully intends on working BOTH sides the the aisle to further his agenda.
He didn't even win the popular vote, Comrade.
If Republicans could win California in its current state you would never win another presidential election again, comrade.

Reagan won California twice. Maybe the Republican Party should stop pretending it's the party of Reagan and instead BE the party of Reagan.

Reagan is rolling over in his grave watching the GOP become the tool of a Putin loving Carnival Barker.
Where you people get this shit from is a mystery.

Have you been vacationing on Mars? Trump loves Putin! They are practically a married couple.
Right. That and 75 cents gets you a senior coffee at Mc Donalds.
BTW, shit for brains, did it ever occur to you that working WITH other nations just might be somewhat productive?
I cannot stand the Russians. They send their criminal element here. The Russian government is rife with corruption.
Keep your friends close. Your enemies closer.
I think it's great Trump won a mandate.....

He didn't even win the popular vote, Comrade.
I am really surprised how many libturds don't know the presidential election rules!

We know exactly what the rules are. And exactly how stupid they are.
You refer to the rules are stupid because this time the rules did not work to your advantage.
Keep crying. Because over the next 4 years you're going to have something to cry about.
Least amount of EC Votes for Dem since Reagan. Not a "landslide" but a good ole ass whoopin
The key is in understanding and acknowledging the meaning of "mandate". Mandate means the people and more importantly, the legislature is prepared to rubber stamp and support the elected candidate's proposals and positions on issues. That is not the situation Trump is in. He is nowhere near being in that position.
Sort of like when Obama said "pass a bill I like and I'll sign it"?.....That was Obama saying, "do what I tell you to do or else".
No..Mandate does not refer to a rubber stamp. it means people or an individual more willing to work with others

Trump's place in history

Heightening the tension in recent weeks: Clinton actually won the popular vote by about 3 million -- making Trump the worst-performing winner in the popular vote since 1876.

Trump's victory is not, as he has described it, a landslide. He is expected to garner just 56.9% of the electoral vote, assuming all electors vote according to their states' results. That will give Trump the 44th-largest share of the electoral vote out of 54 presidential elections since the modern system started in 1804.

Of course that does not matter to your cult members who will believe any lie that comes out of your protruding lips...

I wonder if Trump will ever tire of saying things just to piss off the left. It is fascinating to watch how he makes the left dance like trained monkeys.

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