Sorry Comrade Trump, you did NOT win the EV in a landslide.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Trump's place in history

Heightening the tension in recent weeks: Clinton actually won the popular vote by about 3 million -- making Trump the worst-performing winner in the popular vote since 1876.

Trump's victory is not, as he has described it, a landslide. He is expected to garner just 56.9% of the electoral vote, assuming all electors vote according to their states' results. That will give Trump the 44th-largest share of the electoral vote out of 54 presidential elections since the modern system started in 1804.

Of course that does not matter to your cult members who will believe any lie that comes out of your protruding lips...

Trump's place in history

Heightening the tension in recent weeks: Clinton actually won the popular vote by about 3 million -- making Trump the worst-performing winner in the popular vote since 1876.

Trump's victory is not, as he has described it, a landslide. He is expected to garner just 56.9% of the electoral vote, assuming all electors vote according to their states' results. That will give Trump the 44th-largest share of the electoral vote out of 54 presidential elections since the modern system started in 1804.

Of course that does not matter to your cult members who will believe any lie that comes out of your protruding lips...
The head crier, doing what he does best. Crying.
The numbers don't matter. He won. He's President after his inauguration today.

And, as always, they'll claim a mandate, which is nothing more than an excuse to try to push their agendas down our throats.

They end up over-reaching and blowing it. That's why our political pendulum continues to swing back and forth.

The Dems did it beginning in 2008. Hardcore partisan ideologues just don't learn. They're just too full of themselves.

Will Trump be any different? It's possible, but looking at his cabinet picks, early signs are not promising.
The numbers don't matter. He won. He's President after his inauguration today.

And, as always, they'll claim a mandate, which is nothing more than an excuse to try to push their agendas down our throats.

They end up over-reaching and blowing it. That's why our political pendulum continues to swing back and forth.

The Dems did it beginning in 2008. Hardcore partisan ideologues just don't learn. They're just too full of themselves.

Will Trump be any different? It's possible, but looking at his cabinet picks, early signs are not promising.

Exactly! The Dems overreach and, from all signs, Trump and his Russian cabinet will overreach. Unfortunately, his cult members will believe anything coming from the man's mouth, so it will take time for them to figure out he is and always has been the Great Carnival Barker.
Jim, walmart has wad proof panties on sale this week, They are called elector specials. Get you some.
The numbers don't matter. He won. He's President after his inauguration today.

And, as always, they'll claim a mandate, which is nothing more than an excuse to try to push their agendas down our throats.

They end up over-reaching and blowing it. That's why our political pendulum continues to swing back and forth.

The Dems did it beginning in 2008. Hardcore partisan ideologues just don't learn. They're just too full of themselves.

Will Trump be any different? It's possible, but looking at his cabinet picks, early signs are not promising.

Exactly! The Dems overreach and, from all signs, Trump and his Russian cabinet will overreach. Unfortunately, his cult members will believe anything coming from the man's mouth, so it will take time for them to figure out he is and always has been the Great Carnival Barker.
Well, he's in there now, so it's time to hope for the best.

"Mandate" or no, he's clearly running with it.
The numbers don't matter. He won. He's President after his inauguration today.

And, as always, they'll claim a mandate, which is nothing more than an excuse to try to push their agendas down our throats.

They end up over-reaching and blowing it. That's why our political pendulum continues to swing back and forth.

The Dems did it beginning in 2008. Hardcore partisan ideologues just don't learn. They're just too full of themselves.

Will Trump be any different? It's possible, but looking at his cabinet picks, early signs are not promising.

Exactly! The Dems overreach and, from all signs, Trump and his Russian cabinet will overreach. Unfortunately, his cult members will believe anything coming from the man's mouth, so it will take time for them to figure out he is and always has been the Great Carnival Barker.
Trump and his Russian cabinet will overreach.


Trump's place in history

Heightening the tension in recent weeks: Clinton actually won the popular vote by about 3 million -- making Trump the worst-performing winner in the popular vote since 1876.

Trump's victory is not, as he has described it, a landslide. He is expected to garner just 56.9% of the electoral vote, assuming all electors vote according to their states' results. That will give Trump the 44th-largest share of the electoral vote out of 54 presidential elections since the modern system started in 1804.

Of course that does not matter to your cult members who will believe any lie that comes out of your protruding lips...

I enjoyed this, I think you will too. . .

I enjoyed it because I have a sense of humor and know what is going on, you'll enjoy it b/c you think it's serious.


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