Yes. They are a cancer.
And if we don't get the globalists out of our government, they'll let the Federal Reserve destroy our economy. We really need to start putting America first, or soon there won't be an America. They are already calling this the "global transition" under the guise of climate change. And globalist Yellen told the elite European financiers that they should expect 150 trillion dollars in financial aid for the cause, and then ended with:
"The transition is happening already. And the United States intends not only to lead it, but to speed it up; to give the private sector all the information and motivation (taxes) it needs to contribute to building a green economy and save our world. "
^ The private sector is us!! That is who she is counting on to get the money to send to the UN to redistribute, (not to save the environment). 20 years of sucking money out of our pockets hasn't lowered the temperature 1 degree. They distribute the world's wealth ( our wealth) to whatever countries the Federal Reserve wants to lend money to.
The Federal Reserve and the IIRC make all the decisions for all the countries, and are taking us down on purpose so they can consume us.