Zone1 some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.
some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.
Catholics and Jews are some of the most perverted people in America.
Just look at Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden. Bunch of perverts.

When you are mistreated growing up, it tends to make you very angry.
It's like being a preacher's kid.
Many of them rebel against the church in extreme ways.

Same thing goes for Muslims, and Mormons. Extremists tend to cause violent reactions.
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some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.

So, you're found a few isolated cases of murders committed by Mormons, and think that this condemns us, compared to the Catholics?

Admittedly, you've got a head start of nearly two thousand years on us, but especially in the darker parts of history, the Catholic Church itself has been directly responsible for thousands of murders, perhaps into the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of murders. The Spanish Inquisition, by itself, accounts for several thousand. And that's not just murders committed by people who happened to be Catholic; that's murders committed by the Catholic Church itself.

The world has changed much, since then, and the church itself has changed much, but still, do you really believe that no Catholics ever commit murders? I don't know if any reliable statistics are available, but given that Catholics outnumber us Mormons, I think it is a safe bet that Catholics who commit murder are similarly more numerous than Mormons that commit murder.
some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.

You're a cultist kid.
the Catholic Church itself has been directly responsible for thousands of murders, perhaps into the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of murders. The Spanish Inquisition, by itself, accounts for several thousand. And that's not just murders committed by people who happened to be Catholic; that's murders committed by the Catholic Church itself.


There were three Inquisitions, not one; the Spanish, the Roman, and the Portugese.

they executed three people, over hundreds of years, ended in the 19th Century. Just because death sentences were handed out doesn't mean they were carried out, and in fact few were.

The largest, with over a hundred thousand trials, and only a few thousand convictions, and some 5,000 death sentences, of which only 600 were executed, the rest allowed to flee, or hung in effigy, or were allowed to leave. This one was actually probably justified, as many Muslims and Jews were probably faking their conversions and guilty under Spanish law. This one ended in 1834.

Many New Christians from Portugal migrated to Goa in the 1500s as a result of the inquisition in Portugal. They were Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Muslims, falsely-converted Jews and Muslims who were secretly practising their old religions. Both were considered a security threat to the Portuguese, because Jews had an established reputation in Iberia for joining forces with Muslims to overthrow Christian rulers.

And in fact many of them were a real security threat.

these were all very small potatoes in an historical context, especially compared to the deaths committed by Muslims and and their Jewish allies over the centuries and invasions. And then there are the Protestant equivalents to these, which probably killed far more than the Catholic ones combined over the previous 1,200 years.
Catholics and Jews are some of the most perverted people in America.
Just look at Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden. Bunch of perverts.

When you are mistreated growing up, it tends to make you very angry.
It's like being a preacher's kid.
Many of them rebel against the church in extreme ways.

Same thing goes for Muslims, and Mormons. Extremists tend to cause violent reactions.
wow... this is beyond the pale

If you are saying I, along with other Catholics on this board are perverse

That says more about you than it does about us. I have had arguments w/ other Catholics here and some of them have said very harsh things to me, but PERVERSE?

Well, maybe some of their remarks have been

But show where MINE have been. That is a disgusting thing to say about a whole group of people. You do not know all Catholics in the world. Geez... I thought you had more sense than that

or maybe you have, like 99% of everyone else, gotten the Vatican confused with the Catholic Church. They are not united at this time, haven't been since 1958. But then, when someone makes a broad brush stroke like that... "all CAtholics are perverse" ... I doubt that little factoid interests him in the least
wow... this is beyond the pale

If you are saying I, along with other Catholics on this board are perverse

That says more about you than it does about us. I have had arguments w/ other Catholics here and some of them have said very harsh things to me, but PERVERSE?

Well, maybe some of their remarks have been

But show where MINE have been. That is a disgusting thing to say about a whole group of people. You do not know all Catholics in the world. Geez... I thought you had more sense than that

or maybe you have, like 99% of everyone else, gotten the Vatican confused with the Catholic Church. They are not united at this time, haven't been since 1958. But then, when someone makes a broad brush stroke like that... "all CAtholics are perverse" ... I doubt that little factoid interests him in the least
File this in the "If The Shoe Fits" category.

I never said all people that come from religious extremism are perverse.
Note the difference between words like "Many" and "All".
I said it was more prevalent.
That has been my experience.
If you have a problem with that, tough sh*t.
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some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.
No offense but this is goofy.
some people may find similarities between the Mormon "church" and the Catholic Church but...

Those similarities don't mean much, ultimately.

Both Mormons and Catholics believe that we must do good works but that works are not what saves a person. There are a few other similarities but here's the thing: Only the Catholic Church (and there is only ONE in the eyes of our Lord, one Church but anyhow only the Church Christ established) can actually SAVE from Hell.

I have read books about people who were in Mormonism. That is not the same as saying I fully understand everything about that religion. But I don't have to, since I belong to the one Christ Himself established so I don't have to know all about other faiths.

I read this one story about how a Mormon doctor murdered his wife, tried to make it look like an accident, almost got away with it... did get away with it for some time until his daughters and others had investigators take a 2nd look at evidence. Then I read the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her fellow Mormon Travis Alexander

For one thing, when is the last time you heard a story of a devout Catholic murdering a spouse? I'm sure it has happened before but... well, maybe not with a DEVOUT Catholic, just a "regular" Catholic(?)

In any case, no "church" has the Real Presence of Christ, only the Catholic Church.... and there are other reasons why only Christ's religion can save.

Jesus established only that ONE.
the church cant save you. Only Jesus; blood can. sadly youre on your way to hell believing the rcc.
wow... this is beyond the pale

If you are saying I, along with other Catholics on this board are perverse

That says more about you than it does about us. I have had arguments w/ other Catholics here and some of them have said very harsh things to me, but PERVERSE?

Well, maybe some of their remarks have been

But show where MINE have been. That is a disgusting thing to say about a whole group of people. You do not know all Catholics in the world. Geez... I thought you had more sense than that

or maybe you have, like 99% of everyone else, gotten the Vatican confused with the Catholic Church. They are not united at this time, haven't been since 1958. But then, when someone makes a broad brush stroke like that... "all CAtholics are perverse" ... I doubt that little factoid interests him in the least
Jesus didnt take to kindly to traditions of men.
Which must be why he celebrated Passover...
excellent response.

Jesus quoted the Old Testament. He also said things vis a vis the old testament days that were/are NOT written in Scripture.

Even though Jesus coming to Earth changed things (no more animal sacrifice, etc) He nonetheless was a traditionalist. A lot of protestants have virtually thrown out the Old Testament. Catholics did not.
the church cant save you. Only Jesus; blood can.

Where can I get some of this blood? I have heard about it all my life but never seen it or bathed in it. or is Jesus's blood a metaphor or something?

Being washed in the blood of Jesus is only mentioned in the book of Revelation. Some cults around the time Revelation was written would get in a hole while someone poured lamb's blood on them. When they got down with the ritual bath they would be come their god . Mithras was one of the gods that worked this way. Maybe John the Revelator was using imagery that related to his audience. There may not literally be a vile of Jesus's blood stored up somewhere. Even if it was, it has probably already been used up.
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Where can I get some of this blood? I have heard about it all my life but never seen it or bathed in it. or is Jesus's blood a metaphor or something?

Being washed in the blood of Jesus is only mentioned in the book of Revelation. Some cults around the time Revelation was written would get in a hole while someone poured lamb's blood on them. When they got down with the ritual bath they would be come their god . Mithras was one of the gods that worked this way. Maybe John the Revelator was using imagery that related to his audience. There may not literally be a vile of Jesus's blood stored up somewhere. Even if it was, it has probably already been used up.
First John 1:7 tells us: “The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin.”
Yes but where do you get it?
Jesus proclaimed repentance for the forgiveness of sins--i.e., turn away from disobedience to obedience to God and your sins will be forgiven. Some religious leaders of his day said he had no authority to to say this. Jesus maintained that he did.

Other covenants between God and man were blood covenants, where animals were sacrificed. For this covenant, Jesus gave his own blood rather than go against the will of God, his Father, and to stop announcing the forgiveness of sins. Jesus gave his life, willingly laid down his life, and then took it up again as witness to the New Covenant/Testament that sins are forgiven.

Those who believe Jesus gave his life so that we would know and have confirmation through his blood that there is a new covenant between God and mankind. Sins are forgiven. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

At Jesus' last supper (Passover) He took bread and said, Take and eat; this is my body. He took the chalice of wine and said, Take and drink. This is the my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on the the behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.

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