China and Russia are bullying a demented old man who can only follow orders from the uber left controllers who answer to the DNC. Some think none of this will affect us here in the USA, but already China demands censorship from all major media and our major corporations stand hat in hand to the demands of the thugs who control China because they want to sell to their 1.8 billion people.. But this disaster we have in china is three generations in the making. The GOP and the Dems share equal blame as almost all of the strength communist china has today has come from the Manufactuing and technology prowess handed to them by our own nation. And what our leading companies didn't freely give away the communists in China simply stole away in broad daylight. They still own the conversation in most of our major universities today and its why so many of our youth hate their own country and their own parents. Its why they erect statues of violent criminals and burn down cities. The disaster across the globe and the destruction of freedom we see today is also the direct result of Americans who like super cheap toasters and other poorly made consumer products that had American names stapled to the front.
Write something negative about communist china on sites like MSN and see how long your post stays up. Insult Xi and see how fast you get banned from ever posting there again.
Now that the Olympics are over and the communist thugs don't have to play nice, they threaten the only free nation strong enough to stand up to them, or would be strong enough to stand up to them if we had leaders with spines stronger than a wet wash cloth.
Sadly the people we have in control of our country dol not have enough spine to do anything but lie to the American people that there is no need to do anything... Our freedom may not last much longer of Biden doesn't get his head out of Pelosi's ass and bring in some real leaders with real international chops to tell him what he needs to do. Right now biden makes chamberlain look like a hawk.
Putin and Xi know Biden is the worst and weakest president in our history and the leftoids in congress will never stand up to them. they also know that most of America is going to replace these fools at the next election. Sadly the people in Ukraine and possibly other old Soviet territories don;t have that long to wait. And likely Taiwan will be gone by then too. And Biden will wag his finger and make another empty threat and then change the subject to his favorite ice cream. The quad and and Sanders are having th best time of their lives, the rise of dictatorships and brutal communism is their wettest dream. China and Russia is kicking our ass across the globe in the propaganda war and soon in the bullets war, and all our media can do is argue for letting boys take showers with girls in our school districts.