Some more to not read<<<<< MY OPINION


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
There will likely even be wry grins of amusement at the assignment of colors by the networks to the two parties around 2000. Here the Democrats, increasingly red politically with little or no center, came to be called “blue” while the Republicans, mostly “true blue Americans” as the term was once used, by default became “red” with its undercurrent of the enemy. Just a bit of gallows humor at a wake.

On the Cusp of the "Blue Terror"
I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
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I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
I don't recall saying anything about Mossad- did I? Wait, no, I didn't- the article mentioned an agent of Mossad-
I find it perplexing that an agent of a terrorist group (a lot better at it than the CIA) can dictate US policy

Israel won't *deal* with anyone that it can't advance its hoax on- they may try to force their beliefs but some ain't buying it. Like me. Yet the US still gives Israel Tax payer money, even tho they can, allegedly, deal with- I guess that is a form of dealin
Israel deals with the US because the spinless in DC (and many states) are easily bought off-

There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.” And that kind of thinking shapes how Israel treats the United States with condescension, acting as if it is the knowledgeable elder statesman whose guidance must be respected. In this case the Zionist solution to the Iran problem will by design be unpalatable for the government in Tehran if it intends to remain sovereign. For Israel the correct policy for dealing with Iran is to effectively disarm it and make it impossible to establish any sphere of influence in the countries adjacent to it, to include Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. That would be to concede Israeli dominance over the entire region and if the Iranians do not play ball the next step would be to convince the United States to attack it on some pretext, possibly to include an Israeli “false flag” to start the process going.
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I also find it perplexing that voters are worried about China- a Country that trades with the US- look up the definition of trade before acting stupid in public- what "trade" does Israel produce? Forced pay is coercion. That is wealth confiscation- do US voters get 2 or 3 billion dollars worth of goods from Israel? No? But, they buy or pilfer US military stuff- wonder where the get the money for those purchases?

I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
I don't recall saying anything about Mossad- did I? Wait, no, I didn't- the article mentioned an agent of Mossad-
I find it perplexing that an agent of a terrorist group (a lot better at it than the CIA) can dictate US policy

Israel won't *deal* with anyone that it can't advance its hoax on- they may try to force their beliefs but some ain't buying it. Like me. Yet the US still gives Israel Tax payer money, even tho they can, allegedly, deal with- I guess that is a form of dealin
Israel deals with the US because the spinless in DC (and many states) are easily bought off-

There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.” And that kind of thinking shapes how Israel treats the United States with condescension, acting as if it is the knowledgeable elder statesman whose guidance must be respected. In this case the Zionist solution to the Iran problem will by design be unpalatable for the government in Tehran if it intends to remain sovereign. For Israel the correct policy for dealing with Iran is to effectively disarm it and make it impossible to establish any sphere of influence in the countries adjacent to it, to include Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. That would be to concede Israeli dominance over the entire region and if the Iranians do not play ball the next step would be to convince the United States to attack it on some pretext, possibly to include an Israeli “false flag” to start the process going.
I agree with you that Israel shouldn't get US tax money.
They should not get the 3.8B.
They should develop whatever they develop and sell it to the US for 10B.
They should develop whatever they develop and sell it to the US for 10B.
I saw an ad in my solitaire game selling "Israeli" developed masks-:rolleyes:
As far as my mentioning the Mossad, you are as transparent as nitrogen and oxygen in your paranoia that the JOOS are running the world.
When a Jew is in a position of authority, it's because the Christians interviewed that Jew for 100 hours before handing over the reign of command.

I have a suggestion...
Go back in time to 1st grade and spend the next 20+ years of your life around school and you'll probably be put in a position of power in a large firm.
I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
I don't recall saying anything about Mossad- did I? Wait, no, I didn't- the article mentioned an agent of Mossad-
I find it perplexing that an agent of a terrorist group (a lot better at it than the CIA) can dictate US policy

Israel won't *deal* with anyone that it can't advance its hoax on- they may try to force their beliefs but some ain't buying it. Like me. Yet the US still gives Israel Tax payer money, even tho they can, allegedly, deal with- I guess that is a form of dealin
Israel deals with the US because the spinless in DC (and many states) are easily bought off-

There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.” And that kind of thinking shapes how Israel treats the United States with condescension, acting as if it is the knowledgeable elder statesman whose guidance must be respected. In this case the Zionist solution to the Iran problem will by design be unpalatable for the government in Tehran if it intends to remain sovereign. For Israel the correct policy for dealing with Iran is to effectively disarm it and make it impossible to establish any sphere of influence in the countries adjacent to it, to include Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. That would be to concede Israeli dominance over the entire region and if the Iranians do not play ball the next step would be to convince the United States to attack it on some pretext, possibly to include an Israeli “false flag” to start the process going.
I agree with you that Israel shouldn't get US tax money.
They should not get the 3.8B.
They should develop whatever they develop and sell it to the US for 10B.
They develop computer virus software--incidentally, Israel seems to be the place a lot of viruses originate. Hmmmm.
I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
I don't recall saying anything about Mossad- did I? Wait, no, I didn't- the article mentioned an agent of Mossad-
I find it perplexing that an agent of a terrorist group (a lot better at it than the CIA) can dictate US policy

Israel won't *deal* with anyone that it can't advance its hoax on- they may try to force their beliefs but some ain't buying it. Like me. Yet the US still gives Israel Tax payer money, even tho they can, allegedly, deal with- I guess that is a form of dealin
Israel deals with the US because the spinless in DC (and many states) are easily bought off-

There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.” And that kind of thinking shapes how Israel treats the United States with condescension, acting as if it is the knowledgeable elder statesman whose guidance must be respected. In this case the Zionist solution to the Iran problem will by design be unpalatable for the government in Tehran if it intends to remain sovereign. For Israel the correct policy for dealing with Iran is to effectively disarm it and make it impossible to establish any sphere of influence in the countries adjacent to it, to include Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. That would be to concede Israeli dominance over the entire region and if the Iranians do not play ball the next step would be to convince the United States to attack it on some pretext, possibly to include an Israeli “false flag” to start the process going.
I agree with you that Israel shouldn't get US tax money.
They should not get the 3.8B.
They should develop whatever they develop and sell it to the US for 10B.
They develop computer virus software--incidentally, Israel seems to be the place a lot of viruses originate. Hmmmm.
Hmmmmmmmm...that's the result of having a free society!
As far as my mentioning the Mossad, you are as transparent as nitrogen and oxygen in your paranoia that the JOOS are running the world.
When a Jew is in a position of authority, it's because the Christians interviewed that Jew for 100 hours before handing over the reign of command.

I have a suggestion...
Go back in time to 1st grade and spend the next 20+ years of your life around school and you'll probably be put in a position of power in a large firm.
Your rant about my education is immaterial to anything I've stated. I spent nearly 10 years in formal education- the rest is self education- educations is merely a passing on of knowledge. Period.
Matter of fact, I know several mulit-millonaires whose formal education is about the same as mine, So just stop with the bullshit. That's not just a suggestion, it's a necessity in being objective.
I know what I know and neither you nor anyone else can prove I'm wrong- you can attack me all day long and make silly statements, but, that won't change the facts I present-

What has Israel done for the average joe? Period. Answer: NOTHING. Period. It does get tax dollars form joe average with NO accountability and threats if questioned and official reprimands for disparaging language- when pointed out joe average gets what you're doing. Defending the INdefensible- why? Because you're jew?
SFW- I'm Irish Indian. BFD- how many Irishmen and Indians were treated atrociously? But, WGAFF? Jews? LOL- yeah, sure- and Az has some Beach Front Propery and big bridge for sale too- by a huckster.
As far as my mentioning the Mossad, you are as transparent as nitrogen and oxygen in your paranoia that the JOOS are running the world.
When a Jew is in a position of authority, it's because the Christians interviewed that Jew for 100 hours before handing over the reign of command.

I have a suggestion...
Go back in time to 1st grade and spend the next 20+ years of your life around school and you'll probably be put in a position of power in a large firm.
Your rant about my education is immaterial to anything I've stated. I spent nearly 10 years in formal education- the rest is self education- educations is merely a passing on of knowledge. Period.
Matter of fact, I know several mulit-millonaires whose formal education is about the same as mine, So just stop with the bullshit. That's not just a suggestion, it's a necessity in being objective.
I know what I know and neither you nor anyone else can prove I'm wrong- you can attack me all day long and make silly statements, but, that won't change the facts I present-

What has Israel done for the average joe? Period. Answer: NOTHING. Period. It does get tax dollars form joe average with NO accountability and threats if questioned and official reprimands for disparaging language- when pointed out joe average gets what you're doing. Defending the INdefensible- why? Because you're jew?
SFW- I'm Irish Indian. BFD- how many Irishmen and Indians were treated atrociously? But, WGAFF? Jews? LOL- yeah, sure- and Az has some Beach Front Propery and big bridge for sale too- by a huckster.
Feel better?
I didn’t think so.
Successful people as successful.
As I have already posted, I agree about the grants.
Why make 3.8B when you can make more?
I got news for you...the Mossad is far superior to the CIA and has much more of an interest in the Eastern Hemisphere than does the US.
If Lyndon B. Johnson minded his own business after the Six Day War, Israel would have dealt with Iraq and Iran and the world would have had fewer wars.
We are constantly getting in the way of wars in the ME. If we would just get the fuck out, the shit would resolve itself.
Feel better?
I didn’t think so.
Successful people as successful.
As I have already posted, I agree about the grants.
Why make 3.8B when you can make more?
You're thinking is skewed- why?

Jewish Control, Zionist Subversion and the “Contradictions” of Anti-Semitism
Because Indeependent is a Jew?

I happen to think Indeependent has a better understanding of this shit than most.

Indeependent thinks like a Texas Jew. He would do well here.

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