Solutions thread


Baller Deluxe
Jul 2, 2006
Charleston, SC
What are your ideas for making a better America?

I'll go first:

Intensify the search for renewable energy sources. Ethanol does not have a future. The farming of the corn is doing terrible damage to the land, and it's still not that efficient in producing power.
CharlestonChad said:
Intensify the search for renewable energy sources. Ethanol does not have a future. The farming of the corn is doing terrible damage to the land, and it's still not that efficient in producing power.
Ever heard of cellulose ethanol? Or switchgrass? And don't give me that hydrogen BS.
Here is a crazy idea, why dont we just drill for oil, get shale oil, build some refineries and some nuclear plants rather than relying on ruthless dictators for all our energy supplies.

You want to work on some alternative fuel sources while your at it be my guest, in fact, i hope you success. But lets atleast use the resources at our disposal in the meantime. people.

Oh and you want to see alot of these nations problems solved? Cut taxes, cut spending and stop letting the federal government use the commerce clause to pass whatever they want regardless of whether it has anything to do with commerce.
dilloduck said:
Continue to reign in personal injury lawyers and jail Plame and Wilson for being stupid.

While you are at it, reign in judges who make law from the bench
Avatar4321 said:
Here is a crazy idea, why dont we just drill for oil, get shale oil, build some refineries and some nuclear plants rather than relying on ruthless dictators for all our energy supplies.

You want to work on some alternative fuel sources while your at it be my guest, in fact, i hope you success. But lets atleast use the resources at our disposal in the meantime. people.

Oh and you want to see alot of these nations problems solved? Cut taxes, cut spending and stop letting the federal government use the commerce clause to pass whatever they want regardless of whether it has anything to do with commerce.

Simply? Because energy dependance is one of the NWO control mechanisms. Nuclear will only be pursued AFTER the matrix of control is implemented by Z.O.G.
CharlestonChad said:

1.So use our own oil.
2.Look for alternative fuel sources.

Keep em coming guys and girls.

Use our own oil? The enviro wackos block all attempts to drill off the east coat, west coast, the Gulf, and Alaska.

In addition we need to build more and expand existing refineries
1. Nuclear power plants all around.

2. Allow unlimited drilling for oil, to include shale oil.

3. Redo the tax code: 15% flat income tax for all income above 150% of the poverty level, with no itemized deductions.

4. Seal the borders. Deport any illegals that come into contact with the government. Scrap the guest worker program.

5. Repeal all federal laws that intrude on states' rights; in other words, start using the 10th Amendment like it was designed to be used.

6. End affirmative action.

7. Term limits for Congress: 10 terms for the House, 3 terms for the Senate. Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment and allow state governments to elect senators.

8. Pass the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue Right-to-Carry laws in all 50 states. Repeal laws barring the legal ownership of "assault weapons" or other personal firearms.

9. Ban gay marriage.

10. Revoke Roe v. Wade.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any more right now.
5stringJeff said:
1. Nuclear power plants all around.

2. Allow unlimited drilling for oil, to include shale oil.

3. Redo the tax code: 15% flat income tax for all income above 150% of the poverty level, with no itemized deductions.

4. Seal the borders. Deport any illegals that come into contact with the government. Scrap the guest worker program.

5. Repeal all federal laws that intrude on states' rights; in other words, start using the 10th Amendment like it was designed to be used.

6. End affirmative action.

7. Term limits for Congress: 10 terms for the House, 3 terms for the Senate. Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment and allow state governments to elect senators.

8. Pass the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue Right-to-Carry laws in all 50 states. Repeal laws barring the legal ownership of "assault weapons" or other personal firearms.

9. Ban gay marriage.

10. Revoke Roe v. Wade.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any more right now.

You were on a role until 9. Banning gay marriage is ludacris. Why does the government get to decide what a church can and cannot do? If a church wants to allow a gay couple to get married, then good for them. Churches allow sinners to come and get married, so why should gays be any different? If a church doesn't want to marry a gay couple, then so be it. That gay couple can find another church that will marry them.
CharlestonChad said:
You were on a role until 9. Banning gay marriage is ludacris. Why does the government get to decide what a church can and cannot do? If a church wants to allow a gay couple to get married, then good for them. Churches allow sinners to come and get married, so why should gays be any different? If a church doesn't want to marry a gay couple, then so be it. That gay couple can find another church that will marry them.

First off, you've been listening to rappers too long. "Ludacris" is an abomination of a word that has been chosen by some rapper. "Ludicrous" means deserving of ridicule.

Second off, the government has already stepped into the marriage business by granting perks to heterosexual, monogamous marital relationships, since they benefit society. Gay relationships do not benefit society in any way, and, in fact, harm it. If some church wants to go directly against the Bible and marry a couple of gays, whatever, but I don't want the government endorsing it.
5stringJeff said:
1. Nuclear power plants all around.

2. Allow unlimited drilling for oil, to include shale oil.

3. Redo the tax code: 15% flat income tax for all income above 150% of the poverty level, with no itemized deductions.

4. Seal the borders. Deport any illegals that come into contact with the government. Scrap the guest worker program.

5. Repeal all federal laws that intrude on states' rights; in other words, start using the 10th Amendment like it was designed to be used.

6. End affirmative action.

7. Term limits for Congress: 10 terms for the House, 3 terms for the Senate. Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment and allow state governments to elect senators.

8. Pass the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue Right-to-Carry laws in all 50 states. Repeal laws barring the legal ownership of "assault weapons" or other personal firearms.

9. Ban gay marriage.

10. Revoke Roe v. Wade.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any more right now.

Oh, and I forgot one thing. Screw #3. Income tax is unconstitutional except for that sham of an ammendment that got passed through class warfare. Eliminate income tax altogether.
To make a better America (in no particular order):

1. Allow gay marriage - it's time to realize these people have been a part of this country since its inception. We've even had a gay president (James Buchanan who had a 25 year relationship with Sen. Rufus DeVane King that lasted until King passed away).

2. Health care for every child in America. There is no way, in the richest country in the world, than any child should be denied health care because their parents are poor.

3. Strengthen protection for our National Parks and monuments that are being hemmed in by greedy land developers.

4. Strengthen clean air and clean water measures (which means undoing all the damage the Bush administration has done).

5. Really leave no child behind in education. This means giving teachers the training and the means to achieve. This means fixing crumbling buildings and improving security. This means increasing pay and benefits for school teachers.

6. Eliminate capital punishment, or at the very least, make DNA testing mandatory in capital cases, and mandatory stays of execution in cases where new evidence is available.

7. Strengthen protection for civil liberties from activist judges like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito who want to turn this country into a police state.

8. Fully restore the separation of church and state. This means "under God" out of the pledge of allegience, and the sacriligious "In God We Trust" off of money. God has a place in our government, that place is in the hearts of those who believe in whatever version of Him they believe in.

That's all I can think of for now.
acludem said:
To make a better America (in no particular order):

1. Allow gay marriage - it's time to realize these people have been a part of this country since its inception. We've even had a gay president (James Buchanan who had a 25 year relationship with Sen. Rufus DeVane King that lasted until King passed away).

And? Did that relationship produce a child? So then it provided nothing to society. I don't think government should be in the marriage business, period. Churches should decide who gets married. Its handout programs like Social Security and the like that even make this an issue.

2. Health care for every child in America. There is no way, in the richest country in the world, than any child should be denied health care because their parents are poor.

No emergency room in America will turn away a person in need. Then after the fact its often paid for through welfare insurance anyway so we basically do have universal healthcare and it still sucks. The people with money have to pay for their own insurance as well as everyone elses through taxes.

3. Strengthen protection for our National Parks and monuments that are being hemmed in by greedy land developers.

Land developers? Maybe loggers at one point but National PArks are protected by the constitution. However, if natural resources are needed, like oil, then i think we need to pursue these resources for the sake of the country.

4. Strengthen clean air and clean water measures (which means undoing all the damage the Bush administration has done).

So in 6 years, all the clean air is now gone in America? I'm all for environmental concerns like the obvious, not dumping polution into water supplies and limiting the toxins in smoke stacks, but environmentalists need to be realistic. 100% clean air is not a possibility ever again.

5. Really leave no child behind in education. This means giving teachers the training and the means to achieve. This means fixing crumbling buildings and improving security. This means increasing pay and benefits for school teachers.

I agree with the means to achieve and the security. Pay and benefits are NOT needed. The average salary for teachers here in PA is $55,000 and that comes in most towns with full benefits. Getting a job in PA as a teacher is almost impossible.

6. Eliminate capital punishment, or at the very least, make DNA testing mandatory in capital cases, and mandatory stays of execution in cases where new evidence is available.

I go back and forth. Capital punishment should be left to God in my mind but on the other hand, some people need to be removed from society, period. Some people can't even coeexist with prisoners and those people need to be removed if the crime suits the punishment (1st degree murder, REAL child rape, etc)

7. Strengthen protection for civil liberties from activist judges like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito who want to turn this country into a police state.

:rotflmao: Ok. Yes lets stop the 1 judge thats been trying to keep the activists in check and the newest judge on the court who has yet to prove himself. Im sure you have proof of the activism right?

8. Fully restore the separation of church and state. This means "under God" out of the pledge of allegience, and the sacriligious "In God We Trust" off of money. God has a place in our government, that place is in the hearts of those who believe in whatever version of Him they believe in.

Church and state were never meant to be separated in your ideal. Separation of church and state is an idea that was fabricated long after the constitution was created. The original intent of the constitution is to not create any laws that restrict the practice of any religion. That was purposely worded to not allow a state run religion but still be able to allow government officials the right to practice their faith without discrimination from the government to do so. The only thing thats been wrong lately has been the judicial branches unconstitutional measures to discriminate against christian ideals by individuals within the government. These government officials and state run buildings have a right to display all materials that they deem fit. They do not restrict the fair practice of any other religion when a display of the 10 commandments are on the wall of a courthouse. They do not restrict the fair practice of any religion when a giant cross is on the hill of a city founded by christian missionaries in California. These objects of historical significance are being removed in the name of "separation of church and state" when they violate the fair practice of religion without discrimination from the government. The ACLU and those like them seek to create a theocracy of Atheism where worship of God is punished by the government in schools, government buildings, courthouses and any other place of government. This is the most unconstitutional thing to occur in the 230 year history of this country. The founding fathers would be disgusted at the current state of the judicial branch in this country.
First off, you've been listening to rappers too long. "Ludacris" is an abomination of a word that has been chosen by some rapper. "Ludicrous" means deserving of ridicule.

Straight up

Second off, the government has already stepped into the marriage business by granting perks to heterosexual, monogamous marital relationships, since they benefit society. Gay relationships do not benefit society in any way, and, in fact, harm it. If some church wants to go directly against the Bible and marry a couple of gays, whatever, but I don't want the government endorsing it.

Whoa now, let's not be ignorant. We are already overpopulated. If anything, we should give perks to gay marriages and take away from hetero marriages. In no way, shape, or form do gay marriages harm you or society. The only reason someone would believe this is out of pure bigotry.
And? Did that relationship produce a child? So then it provided nothing to society. I don't think government should be in the marriage business, period. Churches should decide who gets married. Its handout programs like Social Security and the like that even make this an issue.

That relationship could have produced a child (figuratively speaking) by adopting an orphan. Allowing gay marriage opens more doors for couples looking to adopt, which gives more orphans parents.

No emergency room in America will turn away a person in need. Then after the fact its often paid for through welfare insurance anyway so we basically do have universal healthcare and it still sucks. The people with money have to pay for their own insurance as well as everyone else through taxes.
A big problem is that those kids parents take them to the ER instead of a family practice. That clogs up the ER and makes everything cost more.

Land developers? Maybe loggers at one point but National PArks are protected by the constitution. However, if natural resources are needed, like oil, then i think we need to pursue these resources for the sake of the country.
We can pursue them as long as extreme caution is used to not destroy the environment.

So in 6 years, all the clean air is now gone in America? I'm all for environmental concerns like the obvious, not dumping pollution into water supplies and limiting the toxins in smoke stacks, but environmentalists need to be realistic. 100% clean air is not a possibility ever again.
Clean is still there, but pollution is getting worse. Google search the results of corn farming pressure from the government.

I agree with the means to achieve and the security. Pay and benefits are NOT needed. The average salary for teachers here in PA is $55,000 and that comes in most towns with full benefits. Getting a job in PA as a teacher is almost impossible.
There is little competition for teachers b/c it's almost impossible to fire a teacher. They get paid flat rate salaries according to their experience. The No child left behind forces the classes to slow down for the lesser student, which hurts the brighter student.

:rotflmao: Ok. Yes lets stop the 1 judge thats been trying to keep the activists in check and the newest judge on the court who has yet to prove himself. Im sure you have proof of the activism right?


Church and state were never meant to be separated in your ideal. Separation of church and state is an idea that was fabricated long after the constitution was created. The original intent of the constitution is to not create any laws that restrict the practice of any religion. That was purposely worded to not allow a state run religion but still be able to allow government officials the right to practice their faith without discrimination from the government to do so. The only thing thats been wrong lately has been the judicial branches unconstitutional measures to discriminate against Christian ideals by individuals within the government. These government officials and state run buildings have a right to display all materials that they deem fit. They do not restrict the fair practice of any other religion when a display of the 10 commandments are on the wall of a courthouse. They do not restrict the fair practice of any religion when a giant cross is on the hill of a city founded by christian missionaries in California. These objects of historical significance are being removed in the name of "separation of church and state" when they violate the fair practice of religion without discrimination from the government. The ACLU and those like them seek to create a theocracy of Atheism where worship of God is punished by the government in schools, government buildings, courthouses and any other place of government. This is the most unconstitutional thing to occur in the 230 year history of this country. The founding fathers would be disgusted at the current state of the judicial branch in this country.

As an atheist, I'm okay w/ Christianity being displayed in gov. facilities as long as those ideals do not have any reflection on actions that take place in said facility.
acludem said:
2. Health care for every child in America. There is no way, in the richest country in the world, than any child should be denied health care because their parents are poor.

Excellent - you reminded me of one of my other points, which is to deregulate the health care industry, allowing people to buy health insurance or abstain, allowing insurance companies to determine what they'll cover and what they won't, etc. Turn the health care industry over to the free market, and in 10 years no American will fret about health care.

Also, I would make it legal to not have auto insurance if you didn't want it, with the understanding that you would be financially liable for wrecks you were at fault for (read: debtor's prison).

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