Solar scientists say the "Grand Minimum" will cause a mini ice age next few years..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum

Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014




Well it is what they wanted, a colder climate. Maybe when we all freeze to death they will finally be happy.
I'd be glad to wear an extra sweater, if it would shut Al Gore and his army of loony assholes up for a few years.

But, if its hot, they claim its Global Warming; and if its cold, they claim its Climate Change...which they say is just as bad as Global Warming...and caused by the same bunch---Republicans.
Our group will be releasing it's annual winter outlook late Septembers as always. Look for it in Washington Post online, and other resources. It's Not going to be like last winter in midatlantic which was exceptionally mild and well predicted
Been hearing this nonsense for years now. And it has not happened yet. Instead, we have had ever increasing temperatures, both in the atmosphere and ocean.


Well it is what they wanted, a colder climate. Maybe when we all freeze to death they will finally be happy.

Maybe when we all freeze to death

i wont freeze to death i have plenty of means through fossil fuels and such to keep warm for years upon end

better to say when they all freeze to death will they be happy

no they will be dead

i will be happy not to hear from these stupid leftists anymore


Been hearing this nonsense for years now. And it has not happened yet. Instead, we have had ever increasing temperatures, both in the atmosphere and ocean.

What we have rocks is ever increasing data manipulation in an attempt to maintain a narrative..and even with all the manipulation, they can only manage record hot years by hundredths of a you never tire of all the lying and dishonesty required to maintain your position?
what solar minimum?

And also sure, the solar output is down but where's the cooling? lol. Solar minimum my ass!

I guess you don't realize how much energy is stored within the system...and how long the lag is between a reduction in incoming energy and a measurable effect. The southern oceans are rapidly long do you think that can go on, without being replaced before it starts to show up in air temperatures?
Been hearing this nonsense for years now. And it has not happened yet. Instead, we have had ever increasing temperatures, both in the atmosphere and ocean.

You HAD to add in the ocean temperatures to make your numbers work. No sane, cult free person believes we have a massive data set of ocean temperatures accurate to a tenth of a degree going back over 100 years
what solar minimum?

And also sure, the solar output is down but where's the cooling? lol. Solar minimum my ass!

"RocksforBrains"...You remind me of a character on Saturday Night Live.. Emily Litella... a Gilda Radner character.
"What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!"
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death penalty, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death."
Litella would wrinkle her nose, say, "Oh, that's very different...." then meekly turn to the camera and say, "Never mind."

"RocksforBrains": It is "Grand Minimum" not "solar minimum"!

Sun Flatlining Into Grand Minimum, Says Solar Physicist
With each passing season, the weather seems stranger and more extreme.
Who can argue with a sudden outbreak of the “polar vortex” phenomenon; unprecedented winter drought in California; and summer temperatures so torrid Down Under that even play at the Australian Open was briefly halted?
Is any of this connected to the sun’s drastically diminished recent sunspot cycles?
Weather isn’t climate, but circumstantial evidence indicates our sun may be entering a grand minimum of sunspot activity, not unlike the Maunder Minimum that some climatologists think caused record low winter temperatures in Northern Europe during the latter half of the 17th century.
Sun Flatlining Into Grand Minimum, Says Solar Physicist
Been hearing this nonsense for years now. And it has not happened yet. Instead, we have had ever increasing temperatures, both in the atmosphere and ocean.

You HAD to add in the ocean temperatures to make your numbers work. No sane, cult free person believes we have a massive data set of ocean temperatures accurate to a tenth of a degree going back over 100 years

Good point as well as when you read this!
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288
The only thing I can say is, "Pictures from 1400 to 1800"? There are no pictures from then. We didn't even have a workable camera until the early mid 1800's.
Well the warmist contingent says the sun has no effect on the climate so.............

Oh....and we've been hearing for 30 years about this and that from the alarmists/warmists......hurricanes would be frequent and catastrophic......tornado's would be making people in the mid-west live underground.....Miami would be well under water by now....all the ice in the artic would be gone and people would be waterskiing up there.....drought would be the norm all over the world........

So many more k00k predictions from the Buffalo heads......all laughable fAiLs.

The fact is, nobody knows dick....NOBODY.....about what the climate will be like in 20 years, 50 years or 500 years.:2up:
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what solar minimum?

And also sure, the solar output is down but where's the cooling? lol. Solar minimum my ass!
So says the scientifically illiterate fool who puts "science" in his name to make up for the fact that he is too mentally challenged to understand science.
Been hearing this nonsense for years now. And it has not happened yet. Instead, we have had ever increasing temperatures, both in the atmosphere and ocean.

We do have increasing temperatures?
Can you explain to me why this is going on in the Arctic ?
The territory contained 10bn tonnes of gas and oil deposits, the scientists said. In the early 2012 Russia plans to start the first commercial offshore oil drilling in the Arctic, on Prirazlomnaya platform in the Pechora Sea. The platform will be the first Arctic-class ice-resistant oil rig in the world.
Now if you say "well that's because there are oil deposits!"
RIGHT... How are OIL deposits formed?
OK OLDOLDRocks you should know this:
Over millions of years, layer after layer of sediment and other plants and bacteria were formed. Stage 2 - As they became buried ever deeper, heat and pressure began to rise. The amount of pressure and the degree of heat, along with the type of biomass, determined if the material became oil or natural gas.

The last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago
We'll have to wait and see. It is possible that man's contribution will compensate for the lack of sunspot activity. Temperatures haven't dropped during the end of cycle 23. Cycle 24 has seen about half the activity of 23 and it's dropping off fast too. So where is the corresponding drop in temperatures?

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