Sodom Redux


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The biblical Sodom was an evil place, populated with evil people who were governed by their worst proclivities of human nature.

Does it exist today?

You betcha’!

1.The short history of evil is that its promises turn out to be lies, and the lies lead to death and destruction. The most persistent lie is their ability to alter, perfect, human nature if their doctrine were put into effect. It can be seen in communism, Nazism, ...and even Hillary Clinton’s college thesis: that same promise.

But no system or set of laws can alter human nature. There are two things that can restrain its harmful urges, and one is the fear of oppressive government, e.g., communist and Nazi regimes, and what we have seen from Democrats, too. But, unless the pressure is maintained, nothing about human nature is altered.

“The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198

2. In the compilation written three millennia ago, the Bible, we find stories that have moment today. The evil of Sodom is reflected in China’s ‘Great Leap Forward,’ evil so ingrained that every level of society from the children to the elderly, cooperate in it.

Noah’s nephew, Lot, lived in the evil city of Sodom….and when travelers were passing though, Lot didn’t want them to sleep there for fear they’d be raped and/or killed…..

Genesis 19:4 They had not yet lain down, when the townspeople, the men of Sodom, young and old—all the people to the last man—gathered about the house.

Sodom was so corrupt even the children and the elderly came—as we shall see in the next verse—to rape the visitors. An evil society breeds evil, including in its children. And although we think of elderly people as relatively harmless, that was not the case in Sodom. Moreover, from whom did the middle-aged and younger people of Sodom learn their behavior?” Prager, “The Rational Bible”

3. “Hospitality was a highly regarded virtue in the ancient Near East, and in this chapter Lot, like his uncle Abraham in the previous chapter, proves hospitable to travelers. Initially, the visitors politely decline his hospitality (19:2), but Lot insists, which was the hospitable thing to do (19:3; cf. Luke 24:28-29). He has undoubtedly lived in Sodom long enough to understand that leaving these visitors in the city square (Gen 19:2) at the mercy of Sodom’s night life would mean their savage treatment and possibly their death.

Lot’s hospitality here offers a stark contrast to the attempt of other residents of Sodom to gang-rape Lot’s guests—guests that Lot must now protect against his fellow citizens..)

For standing against gang-raping guests, Lot is accused of setting himself up as a judge (19:9), not unlike the complaints of some people today that anyone who points out their misbehavior is “judgmental.” No way to treat guests—Genesis 19

The Soviet Union was a modern Sodom. It’s gone….but it gave birth to other such places such as Mao’s China, the pre-eminent threat to America today.
4. The story of Sodom is eons old, but it still reflects human beings who are who are willing to make up whatever morality they find most comfortable. Communism does that, promises to remake human nature, and demands atheism as its religion….the same view we find in Liberalism’s Militant Secularism in contemporary America.

Prager writes:
“A modern-day analogy to the people of Sodom was provided by a Chinese author writing about China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), which led to three million deaths and a hundred million other victims: “The greatest horror of the Cultural Revolution . . . was carried out by the population collectively. Almost everyone, incluing young children, had participated in brutal denunciation meetings. Many had lent a hand in beating the victims” (italics added).

Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China,” Jung Chang An engrossing record of Mao’s impact on China: murder and oppression on a grand scale.
5. In Mao’s China, all of the people obeyed the worst inclinations, just as in the biblical story of Sodom.

“The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.”
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
6. The cautionary tale about Sodom is a warning about how evil can take over and spread throughout an entire population.

What would a modern version of Sodom look like?

“Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide.”
China from Mao to Deng

As a study of history reminds, politicians and academicians are the first to give in to the temptations redolent of Sodom.

Could Communist China impact America?
You betcha’….
7. Could Communist China impact America?
You betcha’….

This, from the recent publication of my alma mater, should give all of us pause:

“Columbia’s Faustian bargain with Beijing

When the FBI asked University President Lee Bollinger to monitor foreign-born Chinese students on campus last fall, he rebuffed the intelligence organization. While he thumbed his nose at the FBI, President Bollinger has allowed the Chinese government to lurk on Columbia’s campus in the form of a slippery institution known as the Confucius Institute. Columbia is the only Ivy League university that hosts this controversial institute today.

Funded and run by the Chinese Communist Party to teach “language and culture,” the institute is part of a network of chapters believed to be quietly undermining academic freedom on campuses across America.

“We should actively carry out international propaganda battles against issues such as Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, human rights, and Falun Gong,” said Liu Yunshan, China’s minister of propaganda, in 2010. “Our strategy is to proactively take our culture abroad. … We should do well in establishing and operating overseas cultural centers and Confucius Institutes.” Columbia’s Faustian bargain with Beijing

And not just Columbia…”Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China: his involvement with China’s program to recruit foreign researchers.”
Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China

Where was the Obama administration on this?
7. Could Communist China impact America?
You betcha’….

This, from the recent publication of my alma mater, should give all of us pause:

“Columbia’s Faustian bargain with Beijing

When the FBI asked University President Lee Bollinger to monitor foreign-born Chinese students on campus last fall, he rebuffed the intelligence organization. While he thumbed his nose at the FBI, President Bollinger has allowed the Chinese government to lurk on Columbia’s campus in the form of a slippery institution known as the Confucius Institute. Columbia is the only Ivy League university that hosts this controversial institute today.

Funded and run by the Chinese Communist Party to teach “language and culture,” the institute is part of a network of chapters believed to be quietly undermining academic freedom on campuses across America.

“We should actively carry out international propaganda battles against issues such as Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, human rights, and Falun Gong,” said Liu Yunshan, China’s minister of propaganda, in 2010. “Our strategy is to proactively take our culture abroad. … We should do well in establishing and operating overseas cultural centers and Confucius Institutes.” Columbia’s Faustian bargain with Beijing

And not just Columbia…”Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China: his involvement with China’s program to recruit foreign researchers.”
Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China

Where was the Obama administration on this?


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