Socialized Healthcare. Italy May Not Treat The Elderly--COVID 19.

The outcome depends on flattening the curve. Socialized healthcare has nothing to do with it.


Do you see that "health-care system capacity"?

Are you saying that socialized medicine has nothing to do with the health care system?

Yes, that is what I'm saying. That's also what the experts are saying.

And what experts might those be?

All the medical and health experts I hear and see on CNN and MSNBC - among others. Also, Doctor David Ho.


David Ho - Wikipedia
It's called triage. We have the same thing here only they include ability to pay in the decision. There are only so many resources available in any medical system. After the limits are exceeded doctors and managers start making these terrible decisions of who to treat and who to pray for. Our own system is about to be stressed beyond their limits and people will die from lack of treatment. Deal with it.

Yep, same thing will happen here if we get to the point we have to ration care because ofn limited bed space, equipment or personnel.
I'm specifically thinking about our local rural hospital. It's been hanging by a thread for years. We have a lot of retired people here who routinely have to travel 80 miles for routine appointments with doctors. We limp along with nurse practitioners and part-time doctors. When that shit gets here we are fucked. We are isolated but we are also a vacation destination. There are millions of Americans that are at the mercy of already stressed medical services with no reserve capacity.

Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Many of our major hospitals have heliports for those who cannot wait for the ride through town. You should suggest that to whoever represents you over there.
I'm specifically thinking about our local rural hospital. It's been hanging by a thread for years. We have a lot of retired people here who routinely have to travel 80 miles for routine appointments with doctors. We limp along with nurse practitioners and part-time doctors. When that shit gets here we are fucked. We are isolated but we are also a vacation destination. There are millions of Americans that are at the mercy of already stressed medical services with no reserve capacity.

Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Occupied, sounds like you have found your country.

Now nothing is stopping you from leaving the country for a nation you prefer. Oh but you prefer it here, just like the Belgian dude who prefers it in the US message board over Belgian message board... huh...
I am just saying how it is in Trump country. Living in the sticks is cool and all but as we learned after hurricane Michael, Trump does not care that much about Trump country.

Well just for your information, this is Trump country:

View attachment 312492
They are the ones that get fucked the hardest yet never blame the people they vote for. Quite a racket you republicans have going for you.
They are the ones that get fucked the hardest yet never blame the people they vote for. Quite a racket you republicans have going for you.

The racket is how the Democratic Party keeps minorities down and the lower class dependent all the while talking about how they are protecting them.
It doesn't. Italy has socialist medicine and thet are going to focus on younger people instead of seniors during the coronavirus epidemic.
Italy is having to triage. The rules of triage have absolutely nothing to do with having socialized or for-profit medicine if applied correctly.
You're not gonne win me over, so you might as well move on and sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Never had the slightest illusion I could win you over. Nor do I have the illusion that any of you will ever be able to come up with a rational argument as to why you consider for-profit healthcare superior.
It's superior because we have the better doctors and technology. We don't have to wait for surgery.
And you can, of course, prove this? Your life expectancy is considerably lower, you have a higher mortality rate in most categories of preventable deaths. A notable exception is cancer where you score slightly better. So again why are your supposedly better doctors and technology not reflected in actual statistics?

Because of the fact longevity is not always, and most not always, related to healthcare. We have a huge drug problem in our country that's now taking over 100,000 lives a year. With the drug problem comes the gang violence which also ends up deadly much of the time. Keep in mind many of these victims are younger people.

Many of our women are career gals. They go to college, get out in their mid 20's, and work on repaying their college debts while starting their career. They have babies much later in life than women of other countries, which gives them a much higher risk of birthing a still born or baby with severe birth defects. Younger women with drug addiction problems also face the same situation.

We also have an obesity problem which is out of control of our medical personnel. Sure, they advise us to lose weight and exercise, but many don't. We don't use public transportation as much as other places, so our automobile deaths are extremely high compared to countries that mostly rely on public transportation.

When you examine all these factors, it clearly demonstrates our problem when it comes to "average" lifespan. Most of the people who pass away are on Medicare which is government healthcare.
It's called triage. We have the same thing here only they include ability to pay in the decision. There are only so many resources available in any medical system. After the limits are exceeded doctors and managers start making these terrible decisions of who to treat and who to pray for. Our own system is about to be stressed beyond their limits and people will die from lack of treatment. Deal with it.

Yep, same thing will happen here if we get to the point we have to ration care because ofn limited bed space, equipment or personnel.
I'm specifically thinking about our local rural hospital. It's been hanging by a thread for years. We have a lot of retired people here who routinely have to travel 80 miles for routine appointments with doctors. We limp along with nurse practitioners and part-time doctors. When that shit gets here we are fucked. We are isolated but we are also a vacation destination. There are millions of Americans that are at the mercy of already stressed medical services with no reserve capacity.

Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Many of our major hospitals have heliports for those who cannot wait for the ride through town. You should suggest that to whoever represents you over there.
A helicopter ride to the big hospital costs 12 thousand dollars. It's one of the many things that is still losing money and is currently in danger of getting closed down.
Italy is facing serious challenges, with demand for critical care far outstripping supply. Health officials there are having to make very difficult decisions about who to treat – in the knowledge that deciding not to treat will very likely lead to death.

On Thursday the Italian College of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care, issued guidelines advising doctors how to deploy scarce resources when the need for them is outstripped by the demand of critically ill patients. The guidelines state that priority should be given to those who have, first, “greater likelihood of survival and, second, who have more potential years of life”.

As a result, patients with underlying conditions and elderly patients, who are deemed to stand less chance of surviving the virus, may not be treated in favour of healthier and/or younger people who have more chance of recovery.

In the coming months we may face a similar situation in the UK where we do not have the resources necessary to treat all people who will catch Covid-19. So how do healthcare professionals decide who to treat?

Coronavirus may force UK doctors to decide who they’ll save | Jonathan Ives

Very frightening indeed. If you have chronic illnesses or are elderly, what would be going through your mind if you were diagnosed with COVID 19 in Italy, and possibly the entire UK down the road? As a person with both problems, I can tell you I would be scared Shtless.

But I don't have to worry about that, because I'm in the United States, and in the United States, we don't have socialized medical care. If I would unfortunately get the virus, I know I'll be well cared for. If my 88 year old father would get the virus, I know he will be well cared for. Same for my 86 year old mother.

Think again. Italy and the UK have more hospital beds and ventilators per 1000 of population than the United States.

Care isn't being rationed because of socialized medicine. It's being rationed because of a lack of beds, doctors, nurses and equipment, and there are fewer beds and ventilators in the USA than in either GB or Italy, based on population. The only hope you have is to slow the spread of the virus, and Trump blew that when the USA went for 6 weeks without testing.

Believe that if you wish, but I worked in the industry for ten years. Five of those years, I worked as a repairman on medical equipment. One of my jobs was to do a performance check, checklist, and cleaning of ventilators we rented out. When hospitals ran low on ventilators, they simply called us night or day. Our 24 hour service had a ventilator at an ER in two hours or less.

Hospitals could keep their costs down by renting when things got real busy instead of purchasing them where the ventilators would sit in a dark room 3/4 of the time. After every use, ventilators had to be checked out at the manufacturers specifications. Between that and cleaning, it took me about an hour per ventilator--something the hospitals didn't have to worry about. It was my problem.
Because their main factor is we are not socialized, and that means only people with insurance or government plans are actually covered. We do treat all our citizens regardless.
I'm sorry to tell you this but I know for a fact you are lying by omission here. My wife is American and I know for a fact that the level of treatment someone receives differs significantly from person to person. And that beyond basic care, treatment is unavailable to significant portions of your populace by the simple means of it being unaffordable.

Nobody is dying in the street with our system. We have a law that everybody is entitled to emergency care regardless of ability to pay. Furthermore, hospitals and clinics often have charity accounts for those evil rich white people to contribute funds, so that people who have no resources can get care too.
Oh really? So you are claiming that everybody in the US gets all the care they require?

Perhaps not all the care, but enough to keep them going. If you want a sex change operation, or a face lift, and you have no money or coverage, you are shit out of luck. If you have a heart attack, the hospital is not going to refuse you at the emergency room doors because you have no coverage.
No, they won't. What they will refuse is make sure you get a new heart if you can't show you can pay for it.No Cash, No Heart. Transplant Centers Need to Know You Can Pay. If you have diabetes and you can't pay your insulin you are shit out of luck too. Etc. etc. So not just not all care you need but in some cases not even care you need to survive.

Sorry, but you have to sign up with the NYT to read their articles, which I'm not about to do, since most of their reporting is highly titled to the left, or otherwise complete bullshit.
Yep, same thing will happen here if we get to the point we have to ration care because ofn limited bed space, equipment or personnel.
I'm specifically thinking about our local rural hospital. It's been hanging by a thread for years. We have a lot of retired people here who routinely have to travel 80 miles for routine appointments with doctors. We limp along with nurse practitioners and part-time doctors. When that shit gets here we are fucked. We are isolated but we are also a vacation destination. There are millions of Americans that are at the mercy of already stressed medical services with no reserve capacity.

Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Many of our major hospitals have heliports for those who cannot wait for the ride through town. You should suggest that to whoever represents you over there.
A helicopter ride to the big hospital costs 12 thousand dollars. It's one of the many things that is still losing money and is currently in danger of getting closed down.

Over here, it's usually billed to the medical insurance companies. It's also supported by taxpayers for those without insurance. But they fly by my house constantly, so somebody is paying for it.
Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Occupied, sounds like you have found your country.

Now nothing is stopping you from leaving the country for a nation you prefer. Oh but you prefer it here, just like the Belgian dude who prefers it in the US message board over Belgian message board... huh...
I am just saying how it is in Trump country. Living in the sticks is cool and all but as we learned after hurricane Michael, Trump does not care that much about Trump country.

Well just for your information, this is Trump country:

View attachment 312492
They are the ones that get fucked the hardest yet never blame the people they vote for. Quite a racket you republicans have going for you.

Fucked the hardest how? The lowest unemployment rate in 50 years? New high in median household income? New record employment in all minority categories? Lower taxes?

If this is getting fucked, then I'm enjoying it.
The outcome depends on flattening the curve. Socialized healthcare has nothing to do with it.


Do you see that "health-care system capacity"?

Are you saying that socialized medicine has nothing to do with the health care system?

Yes, that is what I'm saying. That's also what the experts are saying.

And what experts might those be?

All the medical and health experts I hear and see on CNN and MSNBC - among others. Also, Doctor David Ho.


David Ho - Wikipedia

Oh, CNN and MSNBC? And you don't question their opinions given what stations they decided to be interviewed by?
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

Occupied, sounds like you have found your country.

Now nothing is stopping you from leaving the country for a nation you prefer. Oh but you prefer it here, just like the Belgian dude who prefers it in the US message board over Belgian message board... huh...
I am just saying how it is in Trump country. Living in the sticks is cool and all but as we learned after hurricane Michael, Trump does not care that much about Trump country.

Well just for your information, this is Trump country:

View attachment 312492
They are the ones that get fucked the hardest yet never blame the people they vote for. Quite a racket you republicans have going for you.

Fucked the hardest how? The lowest unemployment rate in 50 years? New high in median household income? New record employment in all minority categories? Lower taxes?

If this is getting fucked, then I'm enjoying it.

Why do you dumb NaziCons keep trying to give Trump credit for President Obama's economy? Trump hasn't done jack shit except artificially juice the economy (which wasn't needed) with massive deregulation and massive tax cuts for the rich.
Occupied, sounds like you have found your country.

Now nothing is stopping you from leaving the country for a nation you prefer. Oh but you prefer it here, just like the Belgian dude who prefers it in the US message board over Belgian message board... huh...
I am just saying how it is in Trump country. Living in the sticks is cool and all but as we learned after hurricane Michael, Trump does not care that much about Trump country.

Well just for your information, this is Trump country:

View attachment 312492
They are the ones that get fucked the hardest yet never blame the people they vote for. Quite a racket you republicans have going for you.

Fucked the hardest how? The lowest unemployment rate in 50 years? New high in median household income? New record employment in all minority categories? Lower taxes?

If this is getting fucked, then I'm enjoying it.

Why do you dumb NaziCons keep trying to give Trump credit for President Obama's economy? Trump hasn't done jack shit except artificially juice the economy (which wasn't needed) with massive deregulation and massive tax cuts for the rich.

They do keep trying.

They do.

Trump instilled faith in business from the day he was elected.
It's called triage. We have the same thing here only they include ability to pay in the decision. There are only so many resources available in any medical system. After the limits are exceeded doctors and managers start making these terrible decisions of who to treat and who to pray for. Our own system is about to be stressed beyond their limits and people will die from lack of treatment. Deal with it.

Yep, same thing will happen here if we get to the point we have to ration care because ofn limited bed space, equipment or personnel.
I'm specifically thinking about our local rural hospital. It's been hanging by a thread for years. We have a lot of retired people here who routinely have to travel 80 miles for routine appointments with doctors. We limp along with nurse practitioners and part-time doctors. When that shit gets here we are fucked. We are isolated but we are also a vacation destination. There are millions of Americans that are at the mercy of already stressed medical services with no reserve capacity.

Yeah, this would obviously exasperate the problem. Also, federal help (which isn't a given anymore) is going to arrive at population centers first which is a form of rationing.
Yes, I didn't even mention that we have four ambulances for the whole county and takes a minimum of 2 1/2 - 3 hours to transport someone to a real hospital. Also our closest big hospital is still at diminished capacity due to being fucked up in hurricane Michael.

I'm wondering if we may end up building pop-up hospitals like they did in China. Of course those would most likely be near population centers however at least people could be transported to them. The one in China had 1k beds, if we had a couple per state that could be beneficial. Not sure about enough personnel and medical equipment though.
Why do you dumb NaziCons keep trying to give Trump credit for President Obama's economy? Trump hasn't done jack shit except artificially juice the economy (which wasn't needed) with massive deregulation and massive tax cuts for the rich.

Quite simple really. DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. It was all the federal reserve and their injection of trillions of dollars into the market that saved him. Down the road, fracking (which DumBama and the commies are strictly against) lowered fuel bills for everybody. That gave Americans extra residual income which they used. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. How one can say the most anti-business President we've ever had was responsible for job growth is beyond my ability to understand. It's the reason DumBama presided over the slowest recovery since WWII. The economy didn't grow because of anything he did, it grew in spite of everything he did.

President Trump got rid of Commie Care fines. He lowered taxes on businesses and blue-collar workers alike. He removed DumBama's job killing regulations, and created a policy that for every new business regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place.
Why do you dumb NaziCons keep trying to give Trump credit for President Obama's economy? Trump hasn't done jack shit except artificially juice the economy (which wasn't needed) with massive deregulation and massive tax cuts for the rich.

Quite simple really. DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. It was all the federal reserve and their injection of trillions of dollars into the market that saved him. Down the road, fracking (which DumBama and the commies are strictly against) lowered fuel bills for everybody. That gave Americans extra residual income which they used. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. How one can say the most anti-business President we've ever had was responsible for job growth is beyond my ability to understand. It's the reason DumBama presided over the slowest recovery since WWII. The economy didn't grow because of anything he did, it grew in spite of everything he did.

President Trump got rid of Commie Care fines. He lowered taxes on businesses and blue-collar workers alike. He removed DumBama's job killing regulations, and created a policy that for every new business regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place.
Italy is facing serious challenges, with demand for critical care far outstripping supply. Health officials there are having to make very difficult decisions about who to treat – in the knowledge that deciding not to treat will very likely lead to death.

On Thursday the Italian College of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care, issued guidelines advising doctors how to deploy scarce resources when the need for them is outstripped by the demand of critically ill patients. The guidelines state that priority should be given to those who have, first, “greater likelihood of survival and, second, who have more potential years of life”.

As a result, patients with underlying conditions and elderly patients, who are deemed to stand less chance of surviving the virus, may not be treated in favour of healthier and/or younger people who have more chance of recovery.

In the coming months we may face a similar situation in the UK where we do not have the resources necessary to treat all people who will catch Covid-19. So how do healthcare professionals decide who to treat?

Coronavirus may force UK doctors to decide who they’ll save | Jonathan Ives

Very frightening indeed. If you have chronic illnesses or are elderly, what would be going through your mind if you were diagnosed with COVID 19 in Italy, and possibly the entire UK down the road? As a person with both problems, I can tell you I would be scared Shtless.

But I don't have to worry about that, because I'm in the United States, and in the United States, we don't have socialized medical care. If I would unfortunately get the virus, I know I'll be well cared for. If my 88 year old father would get the virus, I know he will be well cared for. Same for my 86 year old mother.
Sweet heart when it comes to health care, compassion and solidarity italy can teach you many lessons. I have family and friends that live in italy and the stories are coming out of there should be taught in American schools to teach real human values.

Having said that millions of america are not insured, millions go bankrupt after s procedure.

I just did a procedure that costs nothing to italians , my inssurance paid 110k for it.

Stop your bullshit.

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