Handling Coronavirus: Trump sucks; How should it be handled?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
The left are gravely concerned...about how long they can milk the coronavirus for political gain. Biden has fund raising letters out there trying to raise cash off the crisis. That's why you don't see them proposing solutions.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.

Of course they will tell you anything and everything because ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE on paper, and hindsight is always 20/20.
We are learning that China is now blaming us for the virus, saying it began with the army. It is interesting that the medical supplies we need so desperately and have had trouble getting are all made in China. If there was ever a time the US becomes seriously invested in American manufacturing of medical supplies and medicines. China is not our friend. We need to be totally independent.

As for the virus beginning, we know that is Wahun (sp) is the beginning if the disease and the people in the US became ill much later.

Let's talk about manufacturing our own medical needs. Dependent to no one country.
- Open the border.
- Hug it.

If you play nice with it, it won't kill you. Biden plan, and it can't fail. Love conquers all.
- Open the border.
- Hug it.

If you play nice with it, it won't kill you. Biden plan, and it can't fail. Love conquers all.
If this doesn't convince people to close and manage our borders, nothing will. Love does not conquer all, intelligent planning does.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
When you handle a biological event it is the "spike" that determines if it was handled properly.

Right now Italy is spiking hard. This means their control measures were inadequate and they were not prepared. IF you look at each nations curve you can tell if what they did worked.

They US curve is almost flat at the moment. IF we can avoid a massive spike in cases we win and our population builds a resistance to the new virus. The next infection will be much less and less sever. Reducing the speed of transmission is the key to this. Every thing Trump has done is correct so far.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
When you handle a biological event it is the "spike" that determines if it was handled properly.

Right now Italy is spiking hard. This means their control measures were inadequate and they were not prepared. IF you look at each nations curve you can tell if what they did worked.

They US curve is almost flat at the moment. IF we can avoid a massive spike in cases we win and our population builds a resistance to the new virus. The next infection will be much less and less sever. Reducing the speed of transmission is the key to this. Every thing Trump has done is correct so far.
The one problem that we've had is getting medical supplies and tests. Trump wasn't completely honest about it. He should have told us that these things were made in China and difficult to assure when they would arrive, if at all.
I worked for an executive one time who was an ex-Marine. A fellow manager wrote up a list of everything was wrong with how we were positioning the technology we were developing. The manager passed out copies to everyone at the table including the ex-Marine sitting at the head seat. The manager started to go through the list when the Marine executive ripped up the list, through it in the trash, and told the manager to pack his stuff as he was being fired.

He did not get fired for being the messenger about problems and deficiencies. He was fired because he presented them with no possible solutions or alternatives thought out by himself.

Show some leadership, goddamnit.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

Bullshit. This coming from the side more worried about impeaching presidents and judges.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

Bullshit. This coming from the side more worried about impeaching presidents and judges.
Define "more", 'cause I don't think you understand the term.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
When you handle a biological event it is the "spike" that determines if it was handled properly.

Right now Italy is spiking hard. This means their control measures were inadequate and they were not prepared. IF you look at each nations curve you can tell if what they did worked.

They US curve is almost flat at the moment. IF we can avoid a massive spike in cases we win and our population builds a resistance to the new virus. The next infection will be much less and less sever. Reducing the speed of transmission is the key to this. Every thing Trump has done is correct so far.
The one problem that we've had is getting medical supplies and tests. Trump wasn't completely honest about it. He should have told us that these things were made in China and difficult to assure when they would arrive, if at all.
I agree...

We knew that we were to dependent on the Chinese machine and it happened over the last 50 years little by little. It is a damn hard lesson to learn but I think most get it now.. Trump was already trying to address this with the tariffs and trade deals but this virus made a perfect object lesson as to why you never put all your eggs in one basket.
I worked for an executive one time who was an ex-Marine. A fellow manager wrote up a list of everything was wrong with how we were positioning the technology we were developing. The manager passed out copies to everyone at the table including the ex-Marine sitting at the head seat. The manager started to go through the list when the Marine executive ripped up the list, through it in the trash, and told the manager to pack his stuff as he was being fired.

He did not get fired for being the messenger about problems and deficiencies. He was fired because he presented them with no possible solutions or alternatives thought out by himself.

Show some leadership, goddamnit.
Recognizing the problem is step #1. Get a team together to solve it is next. The manager was right in acknowledging problems.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

What a disingenuous fuck!

Trump instituted the travel ban in an effort to slow the spread and give us time to react. This happened in the first 30 days.. Unlike Obama who waited until 1,000 Americans were dead and 6 months had passed...
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
By not firing your pandemics team.
It's hard to point to an administration who let us down. I would say it wasn't the government's fault at all. Medical companies went for the cheapest labor and this is what we ended up with.

We can't blame businesses but our congress has to give tax breaks for emerging medical companies starting manufacturing here. In turn, the companies have to keep the costs of medicines and supplies at an acceptable level. No price gouging.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

What a disingenuous fuck!

Trump instituted the travel ban in an effort to slow the spread and give us time to react.

And then wasted the time, denying there was a problem.

This happened in the first 30 days.. Unlike Obama who waited until 1,000 Americans were dead and 6 months had passed...
That is a straight up lie.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

What a disingenuous fuck!

Trump instituted the travel ban in an effort to slow the spread and give us time to react.

And then wasted the time, denying there was a problem.

This happened in the first 30 days.. Unlike Obama who waited until 1,000 Americans were dead and 6 months had passed...
That is a straight up lie.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
Let's not point fingers, just hope we are doing all the right things this time.
I keep reading how Trump sucks at handling Coronavirus pandemic and that it could end his Presidency. I am sincerely interested in seeing alternatives as to how this should be handled.

Democrats and Liberals continue to show lack of leadership by bringing nothing to the table but criticism and smear of Trump. Even we are suffering as a nation from a pandemic, the priority remains: GET TRUMP.
Something is finally getting done. It just should have started 2 months ago. And would have with a president who wasn't more concerned about appearances than the health of the American people.

What a disingenuous fuck!

Trump instituted the travel ban in an effort to slow the spread and give us time to react.

And then wasted the time, denying there was a problem.

This happened in the first 30 days.. Unlike Obama who waited until 1,000 Americans were dead and 6 months had passed...
That is a straight up lie.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
Let's not point fingers, just hope we are doing all the right things this time.
Talk to the guy who posted the thread.

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