So whats with the bracelet ?


Jul 14, 2009

Robert Gibbs’ and Andy Stern’s Purple Bracelets a Mark of Clintonesque Solidarity?
by Kyle Olson
I thought it was odd that Robert Gibbs was wearing a purple bracelet (and a purple tie) during his appearance on “Fox News Sunday” and CBS’ “Face The Nation.” SEIU president Andy Stern, the top visitor to the White House, wore a similar, if not the same, purple bracelet at one point, too. And in virtually every photo of Stern, he’s wearing SEIU’s purple color.
The bracelet is kind of a signal to tell Stern that the administration has it under control and ObamaCare will be delivered. Just a few more Democrats need to be shown the Chicago way.
Am I making too much out of nothing? Maybe. Who knows.
I do know the presidential administration Gibbs serves is doing whatever it can to deliver health care reform to Andy Stern and SEIU.
After all, that’s pretty much the only lot that wants it at this point. Even members of the president’s own party don’t want it, which is requiring them to twist arms in a way that would make Stern proud.
And this reminded me of another time a signal was being sent by the White House some time back.

SEIU vs. the Stupak 12
By W. James Antle, III on 3.16.10 @ 2:40PM

John Fund has an important column in the Wall Street Journal about threats by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to back primary challengers to anti-Obamacare Democrats. At this late a date, past many primary filing deadlines, such threats may be overblown. But it is still a shot across the bow to pro-labor Democrats in blue-collar districts who are standing with Bart Stupak.

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : SEIU vs. the Stupak 12

[ame=]YouTube - CAMP.wmv[/ame]
Maybe they are sending different messages:

Colored Jelly Bracelets Meanings

Black - the wearer will have regular "missionary" sex
Blue - indicates oral sex performed on a guy
Clear - indicates a willingness to do anything the snapper wants
Green - indicates that oral sex can be performed on a girl
Glittery Blue - is willing to perform anal sex
Glittery Clear - wearer will let the snappee "feel up" or touch any body part
Glittery Green - the wearer is willing to "69"
Glittery Pink - willing to "flash" a body part
Glittery Purple - willing to French kiss
Glittery Yellow - indicates kissing and hugging is acceptable
Yellow - wearer is willing to hug
Pink - wearer is willing to give a hickey
Orange - wearer is willing to kiss
Purple - wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
Red - wearer is willing to perform a lap dance
White - wearer will flash what they have

Meaning of Colored Jelly Bracelets

I guess cancer is a joke to you, that is cool!

These bracelets today have different meaning everywhere, no one is making fun of cancer.

The Purple bracelet means any number of things from those who support Bulimia...

Bulimia support--- meaning they are self-destructive and bulimic

Bracelets Reveal Secret Anorexic Society - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL Home

or purple means you support a

“A complaint free world"
These bracelets today have different meaning everywhere, no one is making fun of cancer.

The Purple bracelet means any number of things from those who support Bulimia...

Bulimia support--- meaning they are self-destructive and bulimic

such unnecessary subtlety.... why can't they simply walk up to, and puke on each other?

I never got the stupid wrist band thing.

If you want to support a cause then do it why do people feel the need to advertise that they support a cause?

Chances are the dopes wearing those stupid bracelets give neither money nor time to the cause they just want to have people think they do.

"OOH look at me I care, see I am a caring person, I'm wearing a rubber bracelet and the more I wear the more caring, loving and good I am"

Makes me want to

$stewie puke.gif
Cancer is usually the big Yellow LIVESTRONG bracelet. There is a pink one for breast cancer.
I think he is wearing the purple one because he is a fag. The only males I see wearing these stupid rubber pieces of craps are usually lite in the loafers to start with.

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