The List of Shame


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The list of shame.

Here Are The Names Of 126 Members Of The House Who Refuse To Accept That Biden Won
These 126 House Republicans threw their support behind a Texas attempt to overturn the election results in key battleground states.

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Ralph Abraham of Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Rick W. Allen of Georgia’s 12th Congressional District

Rep. James R. Baird of Indiana’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Gus Bilirakis of Florida’s 12th Congressional District

Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Bost of Illinois’s 12th Congressional District

Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Ted Budd of North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Michael C. Burgess of Texas’s 26th Congressional District

Rep. Bradley Byrne of Alabama’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Ken Calvert of California’s 42nd Congressional District

Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter of Georgia’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Ben Cline of Virginia’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas’s 27th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Conaway of Texas’s 11th Congressional District

Rep. Rick Crawford of Arkansas’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida’s 25th Congressional District

Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Neal P. Dunn of Florida’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Ron Estes of Kansas’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Drew Ferguson of Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee's 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Bill Flores of Texas’s 17th Congressional District

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Russ Fulcher of Idaho’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Greg Gianforte of Montana’s at-large congressional district

Rep. Bob Gibbs of Ohio’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Sam Graves of Missouri’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. Michael Guest of Mississippi’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana’s 9th Congressional District

Rep. Richard Hudson of North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. John Joyce of Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional District

Rep. Fred Keller of Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District

Rep. Trent Kelly of Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Steve King of Iowa’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. David Kustoff of Tennessee’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Darin LaHood of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District

Rep. Doug LaMalfa of California’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Robert E. Latta of Ohio’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Kenny Marchant of Texas’s 24th Congressional District

Rep. Roger Marshall of Kansas’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Tom McClintock of California’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District

Rep. Carol D. Miller of West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. John Moolenaar of Michigan’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Alex X. Mooney of West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Gregory Murphy of North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina’s 5th Congressional District

Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania’s 14th Congressional District

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. John Rose of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. David Rouzer of North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. John Rutherford of Florida’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Adrian Smith of Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Jason Smith of Missouri’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Ross Spano of Florida’s 15th Congressional District

Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York’s 21st Congressional District

Rep. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District

Rep. Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Randy Weber of Texas’s 14th Congressional District

Rep. Daniel Webster of Florida’s 11th Congressional District

Rep. Brad Wenstrup of Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Bruce Westerman of Arkansas’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Roger Williams of Texas’s 25th Congressional District

Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Rob Wittman of Virginia’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Ron Wright of Texas’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Ted S. Yoho of Florida’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California’s 23rd Congressional District

Rep. Robert Aderholt of Alabama’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Jodey Arrington of Texas’s 19th Congressional District

Rep. Brian Babin of Texas’s 36th Congressional District

Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia’s 9th Congressional District

Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Morgan Griffith of Virginia’s 9th Congressional District

Rep. Jim Hagedorn of Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District

Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia’s 10th Congressional District

Rep. Billy Long of Missouri’s 7th Congressional District

Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia’s 11th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Palazzo of Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Greg Pence of Indiana’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Bill Posey of Florida’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama’s 3rd Congressional District

Rep. Pete Stauber of Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District

Rep. W. Gregory Steube of Florida’s 17th Congressional District

Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District

Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina’s 6th Congressional District

Rep. Jackie Walorski of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District

December 11, 2020, at 3:57 p.m.

No, those aren't Patriots. They are traitors.
“Traitor” is a pretty strong word

are you thinking of violence or a reeducation camp for them?
Traitor is what they are. You might be thinking about that other stuff because that's what right wingers do.

They're peaceful protestors.

Maybe they should create an autonomous zone somewhere in the United States.


View attachment 428475

They're peaceful protestors.

Maybe they should create an autonomous zone somewhere in the United States.



Since over 10,000 of the 11,000 protests were peaceful, you are another example of the galactically stupid.


I don't see the people you listed in the OP as anyone that's Burned, Looted, or Murdered, anyone with their peaceful protest.

...No damages...

...No foul...

Therefore no charges to be brought against them.


Lot's of list-making going on about now.....

Raconteur Report: PSA: UFN
From the link;


Some people today will be playing this on an endless loop for the next couple of months:

They should have been listening to a few other tracks instead.

" He who has ears, let him hear."

For some reason, the following historical tidbit comes to mind:
In WWII, on Dec. 8th, 1941, Admiral Stark issued the following directive to all commands:
"Execute unrestricted warfare..."

QOTD from Big Country Expat @ The Intrepid Reporter:

"No fun graphics tonight
No humor
Black as coal, like my soul
Spent the night doing things
Getting Ready
Reaching out
Getting ready
If I go dark, y'all will know why. Especially since I've been
on a tear lately.

If I 'go dark' for over 5 days solid w/out anyone hitting this,
it means "watch the news, film at eleven"
Cos I'm That pissed now.
30 years service in defense of fuckwits and traitors

Time to get that time back by pounds of flesh."
Truer words...
Some people have too many years under their belts to get into things. I'm sincerely sorry for their predicament, and no blame attaches to those who cannot do what they would if they could. Praise a merciful God I'm not so old and brokedick as to be reduced to spectator status in what's coming.
But mark my words, it's coming. It's coming. That vague feling of unease you've been feeling, probably for months, has been telling you and warning you. The hairs standing up on the back of your neck tell you it's coming hard and fast. Like a runaway express freight train. Like a flaming meteor about to graduate to being a meteorite.
It doens't matter what we'd druther, it doesn't matter what we would have wished, we've gotten what we didn't want, what we didn't wish for, contrary to all common sense, logic, wisdom, and anything that's good and right and holy.
We won't be writing of these things any more. You're going to be living them.
For those still slow on the uptake, we'll probably be linking to some useful pdfs going forward.
"He who has ears, let him hear."
We expect we're already on a list or twelve, and won't be making a present of our darkest thoughts for future reference from here on out. The archives here are already a treasure trove of that.
There won't be any relocations coming from us. We were born here, and sooner or later, we'll die here, of our own free choice. Whether of old age, or in a pile of hot brass, it makes no nevermind, when it's time, it's time.
So if you want some historical observations, useful information, and some interesting choices of tunes, this is the place. At least for any time soon.
Trenchant and acerbic commentary? Not so much.
Free speech in this country, along with the rest of the Constitution, died yesterday. Because TPTB, and half the country, thinks that's a good idea, whose time has come.
We'll just see about that, won't we all?

"John has a long moustache. John has a long moustache."

Raconteur Report: This Means War
From the link;
"This Means War

h/t 100% F***ed Up

America. Great while it lasted.



The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of
complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of
the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially
cognizable interest in the manner in which another State
conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

The last time SCOTUS so short-sightedly and utterly foolishly decided a case was Dred Scot.We know how that turned out.

With this dismissal, the Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled that the Constitution of the United States no longer has jurisdiction over the United States. In so doing, they have also self-deligitimized any jurisdiction they formerly possessed.
The only answer to that has to start with gunfire, and end with nooses.

Conduct yourselves appropriately. The entire social contract is therefore dissolved.

If you swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that bill has just come due. The government of the United States has now entered into a state of war with its own people.
If there is no Constitution, there is no law, no republic, and no allegiance due to any authority constituted under it and subservient to it. That includes the national government, and every former US state and territory. At the stroke of a pen, they have all become pretenders.
The time for talking has ended. Come as you are.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall have none.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is now in session.

Devil take the hindmost."
View attachment 428475

They're peaceful protestors.

Maybe they should create an autonomous zone somewhere in the United States.



Since over 10,000 of the 11,000 protests were peaceful, you are another example of the galactically stupid.

View attachment 428477

I don't see the people you listed in the OP as anyone that's Burned, Looted, or Murdered, anyone with their peaceful protest.

...No damages...

...No foul...

Therefore no charges to be brought against them.



Like I said, 93 percent of the protests were peaceful. This act of trying to overturn an election is unconstitutional. They violated the 14th Amendment , therefore they can be sanctioned.
List of Patriots.

No, those aren't Patriots. They are traitors.
If they don't agree with you they are traitors? It that sort of bullsit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No, these guys actually violated the constitution. Supporting that is the type of bullshit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No they didn't, they attempted to go through the courts, a lawful action. You folks are just getting dangerously ridiculous now.
Raconteur Report: This Means War
From the link;
"This Means War

h/t 100% F***ed Up

America. Great while it lasted.



The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of
complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of
the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially
cognizable interest in the manner in which another State
conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

The last time SCOTUS so short-sightedly and utterly foolishly decided a case was Dred Scot.We know how that turned out.

With this dismissal, the Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled that the Constitution of the United States no longer has jurisdiction over the United States. In so doing, they have also self-deligitimized any jurisdiction they formerly possessed.
The only answer to that has to start with gunfire, and end with nooses.

Conduct yourselves appropriately. The entire social contract is therefore dissolved.

If you swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that bill has just come due. The government of the United States has now entered into a state of war with its own people.
If there is no Constitution, there is no law, no republic, and no allegiance due to any authority constituted under it and subservient to it. That includes the national government, and every former US state and territory. At the stroke of a pen, they have all become pretenders.
The time for talking has ended. Come as you are.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall have none.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is now in session.

Devil take the hindmost."
This has no comparison to Dred Scott. The SC upheld the constitution with this ruling.
List of Patriots.

No, those aren't Patriots. They are traitors.
If they don't agree with you they are traitors? It that sort of bullsit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No, these guys actually violated the constitution. Supporting that is the type of bullshit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No they didn't, they attempted to go through the courts, a lawful action. You folks are just getting dangerously ridiculous now.
Yes they did. 18 republican State AG's tried to sue 4 states to force them to overturn their votes so the result would be in favor of trump. Had 18 democratic attorneys tried this to 4 states that voted for trump, you bitches would be loading your guns looking to string up those AG'S. So drop your disingenuous bullshit. These motherfuckers tried to overturn an election and bring an end to this democracy. So fuck those traitors.
Raconteur Report: This Means War
From the link;
"This Means War

h/t 100% F***ed Up

America. Great while it lasted.



The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of
complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of
the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially
cognizable interest in the manner in which another State
conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

The last time SCOTUS so short-sightedly and utterly foolishly decided a case was Dred Scot.We know how that turned out.

With this dismissal, the Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled that the Constitution of the United States no longer has jurisdiction over the United States. In so doing, they have also self-deligitimized any jurisdiction they formerly possessed.
The only answer to that has to start with gunfire, and end with nooses.

Conduct yourselves appropriately. The entire social contract is therefore dissolved.

If you swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that bill has just come due. The government of the United States has now entered into a state of war with its own people.
If there is no Constitution, there is no law, no republic, and no allegiance due to any authority constituted under it and subservient to it. That includes the national government, and every former US state and territory. At the stroke of a pen, they have all become pretenders.
The time for talking has ended. Come as you are.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall have none.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is now in session.

Devil take the hindmost."
This has no comparison to Dred Scott. The SC upheld the constitution with this ruling.
I don't care what you have to say, about anything......

Talking time is over.
List of Patriots.

No, those aren't Patriots. They are traitors.
If they don't agree with you they are traitors? It that sort of bullsit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No, these guys actually violated the constitution. Supporting that is the type of bullshit that will take this beyond words and rallies.
No they didn't, they attempted to go through the courts, a lawful action. You folks are just getting dangerously ridiculous now.
Yes they did. 18 republican State AG's tried to sue 4 states to force them to overturn their votes so the result would be in favor of trump. Had 18 democratic attorneys tried this to 4 states that voted for trump, you bitches would be loading your guns looking to string up those AG'S. So drop your disingenuous bullshit. These motherfuckers tried to overturn an election and bring an end to this democracy. So fuck those traitors.
Such childish tripe. 2000 is proof of you lies.

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