So what will you do with your five months?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
I was just watching a very scholarly video, complete with lots of Bible Scripture and everything, that says May 21 will begin a five-month countdown for the end of life on Earth as we know it. There will be five months of various kinds of torment--fire, floods, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, terrible storms, wars, and chaos--and then. . . .

The World is scheduled to end on October 21, 2011.

So. . . . .

If you decide to believe this is true. . . .

What will you do with your five months?
I won't bother to start stockpiling Christmas gifts this year. I would like to get up to see Yellowstone before it's gone.
If I spend all the money I have saved over my entire life in the next 5 months, and the world does not end, do I get a refund?
If I spend all the money I have saved over my entire life in the next 5 months, and the world does not end, do I get a refund?

That's always a bitch isn't it? I was reading about this bunch that was so convinced the world would end on a specific date back in the 70's, they sold all their belongings, gave the money to the poor to have one last fling, and went to a mountaintop to wait. After about 48 hours they came down, very cold and hungry and broke.

But the folks who put out this video were VERY convincing. . . . so . . . .
the end of the world again? Why can't these people predict something useful, like tomorrows largest percent gaining stock?

But if they predict a stock market gain and it actually gains, they might be indicted for insider trading or something like that.

I never heard of anybody getting in trouble for predicting the end of the world. :)
I would finish my kid's treehouse. With work and family stuff taking up all my time, it's still not finished. It's still a pretty cool treehouse, though. It just needs windows, a door and an air conditioner.
I would finish my kid's treehouse. With work and family stuff taking up all my time, it's still not finished. It's still a pretty cool treehouse, though. It just needs windows, a door and an air conditioner.

That sounds like a good plan. And you won't have to worry about the kid outgrowing it in five months. :)
the end of the world again? Why can't these people predict something useful, like tomorrows largest percent gaining stock?

But if they predict a stock market gain and it actually gains, they might be indicted for insider trading or something like that.

I never heard of anybody getting in trouble for predicting the end of the world. :)

If they predicted the world was going to end, and it actually ended, there would be no one left to indicte them for insider trading. Pretty slick if you ask me.
the end of the world again? Why can't these people predict something useful, like tomorrows largest percent gaining stock?

But if they predict a stock market gain and it actually gains, they might be indicted for insider trading or something like that.

I never heard of anybody getting in trouble for predicting the end of the world. :)

If they predicted the world was going to end, and it actually ended, there would be no one left to indicte them for insider trading. Pretty slick if you ask me.

Well that's true. But the mountaintop looks better than prison for waiting for the big day.
Ah, I found a copy of the video I can post I think. It's pretty unexciting actually:


I vaguely remember that a representative of this group was on with Georgy Noury on Coast to Coast (late night radio) recently. But when asked if they would agree to come back on October 24 if they turned out to be wrong, they declined saying that they weren't wrong. :)
I'll probably work and go to baseball games...until June. After that, I'll just work.
I was talking with a guy who constantly reads the Bible and attends church, pardon the word, "Religiously". Yes, I do have friends like that. He knows I'm a "heathen", but we are still friends.

According to him, Jesus said only his father knows when the world will end.

So do the American Christians also know only what Gawd knows? Hilarious.
I was talking with a guy who constantly reads the Bible and attends church, pardon the word, "Religiously". Yes, I do have friends like that. He knows I'm a "heathen", but we are still friends.

According to him, Jesus said only his father knows when the world will end.

So do the American Christians also know only what Gawd knows? Hilarious.

I wonder if your friend would realize this is not a 'religious' thread?
Ok, I have plans to vacation in July.

I don't have the luxury of living as if there's no tomorrow, lol, even if there is, literally, no tomorrow.
Ok, I have plans to vacation in July.

I don't have the luxury of living as if there's no tomorrow, lol, even if there is, literally, no tomorrow.

Well I can appreciate that. If I had unlimited means, of course I would use the five months touring the world or something with all that I love. But since I don't, and would like to enjoy my existing life as much as possible, it would be tough picking and choosing what I would like to do that I can do and choosing who I do it with. :)
The thing I love the most is my family; I wouldn't go anywhere or do anything...unless they all came with me.
So, the world is going to end on October 21, 2011... I suppose I better get to work on that darned jig saw puzzle I've been working on now and then. I'm still searching for the boarder. Been at it for 3 months. Best step it up a little. It should be pretty when it's done. Got a real pretty modernish picture of a chicken on the box. Some puzzle company named Kellogg's made it. I never knew they made puzzles. I've never had a puzzle before that smelled like corn. Must be something new.

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