So proud of black people now....its about time!!

The end is to promote Black unity and appreciation for Black ideology and economics in our community. Think Chinatown for example. You control your economics and circulate your money in your community. You then take over the politics and law making/enforcing systems. Once thats accomplished you become a force.

Whites will be a minority shortly. The last two elections already proved that someone can be elected without a white majority.

As of 2014 whites made up over 77% of the population. I doubt it will be under 50% in a while. Obama would not have been elected without strong support from the white population.

Chinatown is not all Asian Americans, not even close. How do you begin to take a people that comprise over 13% of our population and create a society within a society?

Obama was elected with less than 50% of the white vote. Whites were the only demographic not over 50%. I thought that was pretty telling.

I dont know what Chinatown you are speaking of but every chinatown I have ever encountered had a large majority population of chinese and a lot of them didnt even speak english.

I think youre confused or naive. The US is comprised of a lot of little societies.

Democrats never get the white vote. Actually, Obama did better than most recently:


1. Carter (1976) - 48%
2. Clinton (1996) - 44
3. Obama (2008) - 43
4. Gore - 42
5. Kerry - 41
6. Dukakis - 40
7. Clinton(1992) – 39
7. Obama (2012) – 39
9. Carter (1980) – 36
10. Mondale – 34

As to "Chinatown", I realize there are enclaves scattered around the US. Chicago has the most Poles(outside of Poland) than anywhere in the world. They also "function" in their own little "Polish Town". However, they realize that is for heritage only. They are fully integrated in American society.

Thats one way to interpret it. The other way is the way I interpreted it. I factored in the time element where more whites should be less racist for the last elections. Its interesting to me that Obama did worse than Clinton on his first election and the same as a white guy that they were trying to impeach on his reelection simply because he voice concern over the race issue.

In regard to the societies, most are integrated into American society in some shape or fashion. That doesnt mean I dont come home from a business meeting and put on my hoody and listen to rap.

Your line of thought has lead me to believe that you wanted a different society than what we have today. Keeping your own heritage shouldn't be a problem.

Slightly different. I could care less what white people do in their society. When we go to work on something they can leave that at home and not whine about my Black society.
Nope, it is just the beginning.
Yes the beginning of your last hooray. As it stands now in my area all the white girls want Black boyfriends and bi racial children. The white boys want to be Black. You cave monkeys are going to be sorely disappointed in probably the next decade if not sooner.

You do realize that if the races mix, "being black" won't exist either.

Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

You do realize that if the races mix, "being black" won't exist either.

Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.

Those genes are recessive and will pop up from time to time but by and large the ability to produce melanin will dominate. Purity doesnt really matter to be honest. As long as there is the tan to Black color range I am good.

Ahh. I see. So, you don't see a world where the lighter black man will look down on the darker black man?


No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.

But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?

According to science, there are really only 3 races on earth. White, Asian, and black.

Are you talking about specific groups in races?


That was debunked decades ago. The Human Genome Project put a stake through the heart of the concept of race once and for all.

What is the definition of race?

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

While all dogs are dogs, I can plainly see differences between breeds. Anyone who can look at the different races and not see the differences is just denying reality.

There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.
George Orwell

You are probably referring to this:

Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.

My guess is that it is the same with dog breeds. If you feel comfortable calling a cocker spainel a poodle, there is really nothing I can do to help you.

You do realize dog breeds were created by man and not nature right? Thats a poor analogy.

Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.
Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.

Those genes are recessive and will pop up from time to time but by and large the ability to produce melanin will dominate. Purity doesnt really matter to be honest. As long as there is the tan to Black color range I am good.

Ahh. I see. So, you don't see a world where the lighter black man will look down on the darker black man?


No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.

But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?


Blacks are not caught up trying to create a master race. Eventually the offspring will breed back in and become darker. There are two things working against a supposedly pure white race. There are way more Blacks on this planet than whites (which begs the question why we are called minorities) and our genes are dominant. Any mixing will lower the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA. Hence the genetic tendency to be a racist will be either subdued or genetically erased.
Last edited:
Yes the beginning of your last hooray. As it stands now in my area all the white girls want Black boyfriends and bi racial children. The white boys want to be Black. You cave monkeys are going to be sorely disappointed in probably the next decade if not sooner.

You do realize that if the races mix, "being black" won't exist either.

Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

That mix will be only slightly less pure since those whites originally came from Blacks in the first place. I dont think the white man is inherently evil and I have never used that word. I said I personally believe the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA is one of the major causes of your genetic racism..
According to science, there are really only 3 races on earth. White, Asian, and black.

Are you talking about specific groups in races?


That was debunked decades ago. The Human Genome Project put a stake through the heart of the concept of race once and for all.

What is the definition of race?

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

While all dogs are dogs, I can plainly see differences between breeds. Anyone who can look at the different races and not see the differences is just denying reality.

There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.
George Orwell

You are probably referring to this:

Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.

My guess is that it is the same with dog breeds. If you feel comfortable calling a cocker spainel a poodle, there is really nothing I can do to help you.

You do realize dog breeds were created by man and not nature right? Thats a poor analogy.

Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

You do realize that if the races mix, "being black" won't exist either.

Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

That mix will be only slightly less pure since those whites originally came from Blacks in the first place. I dont think the white man is inherently evil and I have never used that word. I said I personally believe the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA is one of the major causes of your genetic racism..

But if you believe that our Neanderthal DNA is the cause, breeding with us would cause you to inherit that genetic racism.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.

Those genes are recessive and will pop up from time to time but by and large the ability to produce melanin will dominate. Purity doesnt really matter to be honest. As long as there is the tan to Black color range I am good.

Ahh. I see. So, you don't see a world where the lighter black man will look down on the darker black man?


No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.

But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?


Blacks are not caught up trying to create a master race. Eventually the offspring will breed back in and become darker. There are two things working against a supposedly pure white race. There are way more Blacks on this planet than whites (which begs the question why we are called minorities) and our genes are dominant. Any mixing will lower the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA. Hence the genetic tendency to be a racist will be either subdued or genetically erased.

You only make up 20% of America max
That was debunked decades ago. The Human Genome Project put a stake through the heart of the concept of race once and for all.

What is the definition of race?

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

While all dogs are dogs, I can plainly see differences between breeds. Anyone who can look at the different races and not see the differences is just denying reality.

There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.
George Orwell

You are probably referring to this:

Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.

My guess is that it is the same with dog breeds. If you feel comfortable calling a cocker spainel a poodle, there is really nothing I can do to help you.

You do realize dog breeds were created by man and not nature right? Thats a poor analogy.

Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

Thats not a very scientific or factual stance on the issue. All Black people dont look alike nor do all white people. Using your logic there are about a billion different breeds of humans.

I never claimed whites were pure homo sapiens. Of course they are mostly homo sapiens but they did mix with neanderthals after leaving the African continent like some of the other cultures did. The Aborigines of australia are a good example. They were Blacks that mixed with Denosovians. (I think thats how you spell it) However they never encountered that mutation that produced white people in europe.
Of course being Black will exist. Thats how homo sapiens came about.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

That mix will be only slightly less pure since those whites originally came from Blacks in the first place. I dont think the white man is inherently evil and I have never used that word. I said I personally believe the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA is one of the major causes of your genetic racism..

But if you believe that our Neanderthal DNA is the cause, breeding with us would cause you to inherit that genetic racism.

No. Lets say you are a white guy with 8% neanderthal DNA and the threshold is say 6%. If you mate with a African that cuts down the percentage to 3% if my math is right and you are below the threshold that activates the racist impulses.
Those genes are recessive and will pop up from time to time but by and large the ability to produce melanin will dominate. Purity doesnt really matter to be honest. As long as there is the tan to Black color range I am good.

Ahh. I see. So, you don't see a world where the lighter black man will look down on the darker black man?


No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.

But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?


Blacks are not caught up trying to create a master race. Eventually the offspring will breed back in and become darker. There are two things working against a supposedly pure white race. There are way more Blacks on this planet than whites (which begs the question why we are called minorities) and our genes are dominant. Any mixing will lower the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA. Hence the genetic tendency to be a racist will be either subdued or genetically erased.

You only make up 20% of America max

There are way more of us in India, the south american and African continents. Thats not even counting the Melanesian people and the south asian Black cultures.
What is the definition of race?

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

While all dogs are dogs, I can plainly see differences between breeds. Anyone who can look at the different races and not see the differences is just denying reality.

There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.
George Orwell

You are probably referring to this:

Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.

My guess is that it is the same with dog breeds. If you feel comfortable calling a cocker spainel a poodle, there is really nothing I can do to help you.

You do realize dog breeds were created by man and not nature right? Thats a poor analogy.

Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

Thats not a very scientific or factual stance on the issue. All Black people dont look alike nor do all white people. Using your logic there are about a billion different breeds of humans.

I never claimed whites were pure homo sapiens. Of course they are mostly homo sapiens but they did mix with neanderthals after leaving the African continent like some of the other cultures did. The Aborigines of australia are a good example. They were Blacks that mixed with Denosovians. (I think thats how you spell it) However they never encountered that mutation that produced white people in europe.
It is positively scientific. Forensic anthropologists can tell many things about the bones from a person, even his race. Read "Deaths Acre", race is as much a part of us as gender and other physical characteristics.

Not if the white women mix with the black men. The race will not be pure.


Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

That mix will be only slightly less pure since those whites originally came from Blacks in the first place. I dont think the white man is inherently evil and I have never used that word. I said I personally believe the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA is one of the major causes of your genetic racism..

But if you believe that our Neanderthal DNA is the cause, breeding with us would cause you to inherit that genetic racism.

No. Lets say you are a white guy with 8% neanderthal DNA and the threshold is say 6%. If you mate with a African that cuts down the percentage to 3% if my math is right and you are below the threshold that activates the racist impulses.

Many things would come into play would be my guess. If a gene is dominant or recessive?

You do realize dog breeds were created by man and not nature right? Thats a poor analogy.

Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

Thats not a very scientific or factual stance on the issue. All Black people dont look alike nor do all white people. Using your logic there are about a billion different breeds of humans.

I never claimed whites were pure homo sapiens. Of course they are mostly homo sapiens but they did mix with neanderthals after leaving the African continent like some of the other cultures did. The Aborigines of australia are a good example. They were Blacks that mixed with Denosovians. (I think thats how you spell it) However they never encountered that mutation that produced white people in europe.
It is positively scientific. Forensic anthropologists can tell many things about the bones from a person, even his race. Read "Deaths Acre", race is as much a part of us as gender and other physical characteristics.

No its not scientific. Thats why DNA is the defacto standard for ID on race. Everything else is just a guess. Especially if it is relying on white people to create the standards. Now they are trying to claim that Ethiopians are white just as an example of the silliness of trusting white people to define race.
Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "pure" race is an idiot. Anyone worried about such nonsense is a hopeless fool.

Where did I say that? What I am saying, is that if the blacks truly do assimilate the whites, then it is logical to assume that those genes will mix and create a "less pure" black man.

Since the "drift" of this discussion has been the white mans inherent evil, it is rational to believe this "inherent evil" would also be passed to the offspring of a black/white mating maintaining the very world the mixing of races was trying to destroy.

That mix will be only slightly less pure since those whites originally came from Blacks in the first place. I dont think the white man is inherently evil and I have never used that word. I said I personally believe the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA is one of the major causes of your genetic racism..

But if you believe that our Neanderthal DNA is the cause, breeding with us would cause you to inherit that genetic racism.

No. Lets say you are a white guy with 8% neanderthal DNA and the threshold is say 6%. If you mate with a African that cuts down the percentage to 3% if my math is right and you are below the threshold that activates the racist impulses.

Many things would come into play would be my guess. If a gene is dominant or recessive?

One would assume the gene is recessive. Neanderthals were a failed species.
Cannot nature create breeds? There are different breeds of many animals that weren't created by man. I find it beyond silly that people who believe that we are all animals and were formed by evolution also believe that man is somehow special and did not evolve into "breeds".

All dog breeds came from the wolf, and we consider them different. All human breeds came from a common ancestor, and yet we consider them the same.

That is not logical.

There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

Thats not a very scientific or factual stance on the issue. All Black people dont look alike nor do all white people. Using your logic there are about a billion different breeds of humans.

I never claimed whites were pure homo sapiens. Of course they are mostly homo sapiens but they did mix with neanderthals after leaving the African continent like some of the other cultures did. The Aborigines of australia are a good example. They were Blacks that mixed with Denosovians. (I think thats how you spell it) However they never encountered that mutation that produced white people in europe.
It is positively scientific. Forensic anthropologists can tell many things about the bones from a person, even his race. Read "Deaths Acre", race is as much a part of us as gender and other physical characteristics.

No its not scientific. Thats why DNA is the defacto standard for ID on race. Everything else is just a guess. Especially if it is relying on white people to create the standards. Now they are trying to claim that Ethiopians are white just as an example of the silliness of trusting white people to define race.

all dogs are dogs. They share DNA, since they all came from wolves.

Do you believe all dogs are the same?

Do something about it. Why don't 20 or 50 black former atheletes all take over a section of Detroit. Get a black federal credit union to give small business loans. Manufacture things. Attract corporations to come invest in your community. Don't elect a gangster. Partner with the white suburbs and police. Lower your number of kids you have in poverty.

Do for yourselves what whites refuse to do.

You keep saying you should have stayed separate but equal. Well pick a town, any town, and show us what ya got.
You just said to create a Black federal credit union. Whites make the rules that govern that and we have already seen what they do to successful Black communities time and time again.
What successful black communities?

And who ruined those neighborhoods?

And why don't you guys fix them back up? Have you people given up trying?
You'd have to research all the successful Black communities. They dont normally list them in the white history books.

Envious whites ruined those communities by being violent like they claim Blacks do now.

Fixing those communities back up requires a collective effort. It occurs all the time but the media doesnt like to cover that stuff.

White bigotry and fear is what creates dysfunctional black communities. It starts off with white fear, then white flight with a combination factors to follow..... from homeowners doing desperate sells to turning their homes over to section 8 officials. Top that with tax resources leaving, surrounding business's following and all the wrong elements moving in. And business catering to what is here, poor minorities, which spark liquor stores and hole in the walls pop up shit. I've seen it first hand happen all around me in home town. Now the cops dominate our streets because the crime is so high

Another example are city officials wanting rid the city of public housing and tearing down these dwellings and dumping all their residents onto working communities with section 8 vouchers...another element that contributes to bad communities. When people don't work, chaos ensues.
So when we white flight why didn't you guys take it over and make it your own? I understand things aren't fair but no ones making you stay in those impoverished neighborhoods and no one is making you have kids while you are still poor.

Here's what white people do. Try it.

A. Graduate highschool
B. Go to college
C. Find job
D. Find girl to marry
E. Then get her pregnant

F. Have kids and wife chained to your wallet for 18 years or longer
G. Your wife fucks a man on the side while you at work
There is only one breed of man. Thats homo sapiens. The other breeds died out. You should research the genome project so you can understand this better and you wont think its silly.

My viewpoints on this subject are based on years of research. Claiming that "the other breeds died out" is a non sequitur. Since all dog breeds are decedents of the wolf, would you now claim that all dogs are the same?

Thats nonsensical.

The scientific name for dogs is Canis lupus. While they are scientifically all one genus(like we are homo sapiens), no one who has eyes and common sense will insist all dogs are alike.

Oh, as far as "dying out" genetics has shown us that only the black man is a "pure" homo sapien because his genetic code doesn't contain any neanderthal DNA.

Logic tells me that if a homo sapien mates with a neanderthal and produces a "mutt", that those people cannot be the same race as a pure homo sapien.

Logic doesn't lie. My guess is that science is lying(through governments) because the ramifications of admitting to different races would break down our society.

Thats not a very scientific or factual stance on the issue. All Black people dont look alike nor do all white people. Using your logic there are about a billion different breeds of humans.

I never claimed whites were pure homo sapiens. Of course they are mostly homo sapiens but they did mix with neanderthals after leaving the African continent like some of the other cultures did. The Aborigines of australia are a good example. They were Blacks that mixed with Denosovians. (I think thats how you spell it) However they never encountered that mutation that produced white people in europe.
It is positively scientific. Forensic anthropologists can tell many things about the bones from a person, even his race. Read "Deaths Acre", race is as much a part of us as gender and other physical characteristics.

No its not scientific. Thats why DNA is the defacto standard for ID on race. Everything else is just a guess. Especially if it is relying on white people to create the standards. Now they are trying to claim that Ethiopians are white just as an example of the silliness of trusting white people to define race.

all dogs are dogs. They share DNA, since they all came from wolves.

Do you believe all dogs are the same?

Genetically? Yes. BTW dogs did not all come from wolves. They had a common ancestor that died out.
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.

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